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ShiveWorks - a dynamic material research project at WPI


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ShiveWorks - a dynamic material research project at WPI

  • The purpose of this project is to create a device that demonstrates several concepts from the theory of dynamic materials.
  • ShiveWorks, the whole device, consists of a series of segments that can be actuated individually or in groups to create a variety of static or dynamic shapes.
  • The segments are connected to a central controller script that can be used to control the segments individually or in groups.
  • The controller can also be used to upload experiment parameters to the segments and to collect data from the segments during experiments.
  • ShiveWorks is intended to be used as a research tool to study the behavior and the potential applications of dynamic materials.


License: MIT

Running an Experiment

  • Generate actuation data by running with appropriate parameters
    • Needs to be run under Linux
    • The script will generate many .csv files with the actuation data for each individual segment
    • The script should also plot of the actuation pattern
  • Power on the router (has to have access to the internet)
    • Connect your PC
    • Start the MQTT broker server
  • Run the python script - issue commands by typing a command into the terminal
    • If first run, run the clear_pairing command for good measure
    • Pair all the modules, and upload the experiment parameters to the ESP32 modules/segments
      • Reference table below for light indicating segment status
    • Keep in mind that maximum payload size is 64kBytes and the maximum timestamp is 65 535 milliseconds
      • [This is because time is stored as a 16-bit unsigned integer in milliseconds]
    • After running the experiment the data will loop forever
  • Segment should start to light up and the indicator light should blink green indicating it is ready
  • Issue a "start" command that will begin a countdown sequence, the indicator light will become solid green for the duration of the experiment
  • In case of an E-stop ("stop" command) or other fault, the indicator light will blink red

How to get started:

MQTT Broker Installation and Startup

  • Download and install the latest mosquitto MQTT broker
  • Linux
    • Run mosquitto -v --config-file {{path/to/mosquitto.conf}} to start the broker
  • Windows
    • Go to the mosquitto installation directory (cd C:\Program Files\mosquitto), open terminal and run mosquitto -v --config-file {{path/to/mosquitto.conf}} to start the broker
    • Make sure the network is set to "Private" in the Windows Firewall settings
    • An MQTT Explorer is recommended to monitor the MQTT messages

Network Configuration

  • Connect your computer to the same WiFi network as the ESP32 modules, the network should have access to the outside internet for NTP synchronization
  • Configure your machine to have a static IP address on the same network as the ESP32 modules (using Windows Network and Sharing Center)
    • Set the network type as private
    • Edit the IP address manually, use IPv4
    • The default IP address your PC (= MQTT server) is; this should be outside the dynamic DHCP range of the router
      • Subnet mask is, gateway is, primary DNS is
  • The script will automatically connect to the MQTT broker, as they are usually running on the same machine Main Control Script

  • Download and install paho python library
  • The overseer script is used as a main translator between the simulation and the segments
  • It is command line based, and any command that is typed in will be sent to the segments accordingly
Command Action
start Starts the countdown of 3 seconds
stop Halts the experiment immediately
reset Resets all segments to pre-experiment stage
restart Restarts all segments, same as holding down the physical button
upload Uploads the experiment parameters to all segments individually
timesync Syncs the time of the segments with NTP, syncs overseer with NTP
clear_pairing Clears the pairing of segments
debug Writes script debug info
move -p 127 Move all segments to position the middle (127)
exit Exits the script
assign -s 42 Assigns any currently available segments to position 42
restart -s 42 Restarts segment 42, same as holding down the physical button
upload -s 42 Uploads the experiment parameters to segment 42
timesync -s 42 Syncs the time of segment 42 with NTP
clear_pairing -s 42 Clears the pairing of segment 42
debug -s 42 Writes script debug info for segment number 42
move -s 42 -p 255 Move segment 42 to position max position (255)
  • General MQTT command string message format is {{command}}::{{data}}

Experiment Setup

Segment Power Up and Pairing

  • Power up the segment - upon initialization the indicator light should light up blue
  • ESP32 will connect to the local MQTT broker - upon connection the indicator light should blink blue
    • If the segment is unable to connect to the MQTT broker, the indicator light will turn blinking red indicating a fault
  • Once connected to the MQTT broker, the segment will automatically subscribe to the topic ShiveWorks/overseer/command
    • This is an equivalent to a command line that all segments will listen to
    • Servo is limited in main.cpp to min and max angle in degrees
    • The input movement range for the segment is then 0 to 255 (an 8-bit unsigned integer number)
      • Ex.: if limited to 45 to 135 degrees of movement, a command of '0' will move the servo to 45 degrees, and a command of '255' will move the servo to 135 degrees
  • For newly flashed segments, the sequence number will have to be assigned
    • Press the button on the segment to initiate the segment number assignment - the indicator light should start blink purple
    • By typing assign -s 42 into the python script command line and sending that to the overseer topic, the segment will be assigned to position 42
    • Indicator light will turn purple solid to indicate the segment number has been received and saved
  • Each segment will then subscribe to the topic ShiveWorks/segment/ID where ID represents a unique ID for each segment is the sequence number of the segment
    • This is topic with transmit (/return), command (/command), obtain actuation data (/data) and status (/status) channels for to the specific segment
    • Longest command shall be 128 bytes long
    • Experiment data is stored separately from the message, maximum size is 64kB
      • Timestamps are stored as 16-bit unsigned integers, so the number shall be between 0 and 65535 only
      • Actuation value is an 8-bit unsigned integer, so the number shall be between 0 and 255 only
        • with the exception that a .csv value of -100 means skip this actuation line
      • The csv file generated for the first segment shall be named 1.csv and formatted with timestamp, value format - e.g. 1000,255 on each line, other segments shall follow this format
Segment Status LED Indicator Light
Initializing Hardware White Solid
Connected to Wifi Blue Solid
Connected to MQTT Broker Blue Blinking
Segment Position Pairing Purple Blinking
Segment Position Paired Purple Solid
Downloading Experiment Yellow Blinking
Ready for Experiment Green Blinking
Experiment Running Green Solid
E-Stop Red Solid
Fault Dark Red Blinking
Button Press Action
Button Tap Initiate Segment Position Assignment
Button Double Tap Segment Self-Test
Button 2s+ hold Restart Segment (until white light)

ESP32 Segment Code Upload

  • Use VSCode with extension to open the platformio.ini file in the WaveSegment folder
    • This file might require the installation of ESP32 board from the board menu
  • Segments are numbered starting from 1 to 100
  • All source files are in WaveSegment folder, in the 'src' directory
  • Enter correct local WiFi credential and MQTT broker IP address in credentials.h (rename and fill out sample_credentials.h)
  • If the wifi credentials have been changed, the firmware needs to be recompiled before uploading
  • Might require installation of ESP32 drivers CP210x
  • The latest version of the pre-compiled firmware binary can be found under releases
    • The required binaries can be found after building in .pio/build/esp32dev/ {bootloader.bin, partitions.bin, and/or firmware.bin}
    • Use the ESPRESSIF Flash Tool to flash the .bin file to the ESP32
      1. Select the chip type as "ESP32", and WorkMode as "Develop", then click OK
      2. Click the three dots button and select the bootloader.bin, partitions.bin, and firmware.bin file (can be found under releases)
      3. Connect the ESP32 with disconnected battery power to your PC using a micro-USB cable one at a time
      4. Set memory offsets and check the checkboxes next to the files
        1. Set to 0x1000 for the bootloader
        2. Set to 0x8000 for the partitions
        3. Set to 0x10000 for the firmware
      5. Select a COM port (try different ones if it does not upload), SPI speed of 20MHz, DIO mode, and a BAUD rate of 115200
      6. click START to start the upload test
  • Code can be compiled from scrath
    • Compile main.c to the ESP32 platform (recommend use of PlatformIO extension in VSCode)
    • Connect the ESP32 with disconnected battery power to your PC using a micro-USB cable one at a time
    • If we want to see diagnostic information at segment runtime (once the segment code is uploaded), use the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE with a baud rate of 115200

ESP32 Segment Circuit

Segment Circuit

Component List

  • ESP32 DevKitV1
  • MPU6050 Accelerometer/Gyroscope
  • WS2812B RGB LED 2x
  • MG90D Servo 2x
  • Logic Level Converter 3.3V to 5V
  • Voltage Regulator to 5V
  • Push Button
  • LiPo Battery 3.7V 800mAh 2x


ShiveWorks - a dynamic material research project at WPI







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