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Releases: BelugaHaechi/US-International-Scientific-Keyboard

Stable release KBDUSS7

07 Nov 19:54
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This version brings a significant key map change, and also major deadkey extensions. New features include: overdot diacritics, typographical quotation marks (solving Issue #21), vulgar fractions, and the long s.

  • [major] Change key * to dead key with root character ◌̇ (U+0307 COMBINING DOT ABOVE). This key is now for the overdot diacritic, which is an important diacritic that wasn't included in previous versions. Mappings are exhaustively included.
  • Added dead key . mappings: * → ⋅ (U+22C5 DOT OPERATOR), which was originally directly mapped to key *. This actually makes it easier to type, better than originally pressing AltGrShift8 simultaneously which stretches the hand a lot.
  • Added dead key ' mappings: []{} → ‘’‚‛. Typographical quotation marks, which have direction. The second set is usually used in other European languages.
  • Added dead key " mappings: []{} → “”„‟. Typographical double quotation marks, same as above.
  • Added dead key / mappings: 1234567 → ⅛¼⅜½⅝¾⅞, 890 → ⅔⅓↉, !@#$ → ⅕⅖⅗⅘, % → ⅚, ^&() → ⅙⅐⅑⅒, * → ⅟ . All vulgar fractions provided in Unicode, perfectly mapped to the number row keys. Third fractions are in reverse order, considering fraction ↉ as 0, and to accommodate the remaining two, 8 is two thirds by having two circles in its shape, and 9 is one third by having one circle only. Other vulgar fractions can be composed by superscript numbers, the fraction slash (provided as default case of this dead key), and subscript numbers (e.g. ¹¹³⁄₃₅₅)
  • Added dead key & mappings: s → ſ (long s in archaic texts).

Stable release KBDUSS6

11 Aug 06:43
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Significant version update featuring major deadkey extensions. This version includes changes to dead key base-composite mappings.

Milestone update: After this point, all current diacritics have been checked to include all single-diacritic common Latin characters available in the BMP. In other words, the diacritics section is complete!

  • Added dead key ` mappings: Nn → Ǹǹ
  • Added dead key 6 mappings: Hh → Ȟȟ
  • Added dead key ^ mappings: Zz → Ẑẑ
  • Changed dead key & mapping: E → Ð. Correct capital form, instead of small caps character ᴆ, solves Issue #20.
  • Added dead key & mappings: 1234567 → fffiflffifflſtst, 890*() → ȣƣŋȢƢŊ (Latin digraph/ligature, excludes phonetic extensions. Ƣƣ isn't really a digraph, but in Unicode it is encoded as "oi".)
  • Changed dead key 0 mapping: - → ⦵. Correct symbol intended for chemical standard state, instead of ᶱ (though convenient, it is only a modifier letter for phonetics). For raw-text editing, by IUPAC the degrees sign is accepted as a substitute, also this form is used extensively in the US.
  • Added dead key 0 mappings: wy → ẘẙ, |Bx → ◍⬤⦻ (first two completes a series of circles; last char is in the format of "circle with <feature>", along with ⦵)
  • Added dead key o mappings: |\<> → ⦶⦸⧀⧁ (in the format of "circled <operator>")
  • Added dead key " mappings: '" → combining and modifier double acute accent, ` → combining double grave accent (no modifier in Unicode)
  • Added dead key b mappings: Yy → Ȳȳ
  • Added dead key B mappings: ^ → ◌̑ (combining inverted breve, no modifier in Unicode)

Note: one pair of letters is intentionally not included, Ee with cedilla, since its usage is rare and the more common Ee with ogonek is already included.

  • Added version number to description of keyboard layout (1.6.0). From now on, you can view the current version of the layout conveniently, just by checking the layout name on the taskbar.

Stable release KBDUSS5a

25 Jul 04:04
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This update also includes previous unstable test versions 1.4.4 and 1.5.0.
This version introduces changes in key mappings, changing the layout more significantly than simple feature additions. Thus the minor version number is bumped to 5.

List of changes:

  • [Key map change] Key p remapped to ℗, key P remapped to ¶, which effectively solves Issue #16 (at last!)
  • [Key map change] Key W changed to dead key for n-ary math operators, which included the product operators originally mapped to keys p and P; root char is now LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ESH (Ʃ)
  • [Key map change] Dead key . remapped to COMBINING DOT BELOW to include letters with underdot
  • Added entire series of letters with underdot to dead key ., and also COMBINING TWO DOTS BELOW
  • Added extra letters with stroke to dead key /

Also, there are major updates to documentation:

  • Revised update/uninstallation section
  • Revised terminology of dead keys (according to MSKLC docs)
  • Made tables more concise and consistent
  • Included PDF version of documentation

There are also plans to include this layout on :)

Stable release KBDUSS4c

08 Jul 18:59
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New compatible updates:

  • Added subscript j and superscripts VCFQcfz (dead keys =+)
  • Correctly implemented new mappings for ogonek in v1.4.2 (dead key ,)
  • Changed mapping for ellipsis from key _ to key . and deleted mapping middle dot to key ., to make typing the ellipsis more convenient (dead key .)
  • Removed duplicate entries in some dead keys

Improvements made while updating documentation (again)

Stable release KBDUSS4b

08 Jul 05:29
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New compatible upgrades to the keyboard layout:

  • Added North European letter Eth and ligature LJ, changed mapping of n from ligature Nj to nj (dead key &)
  • Added new letters with diaeresis mostly at U+1Exx (dead key ")

Improvements made while updating documentation :)

First stable release

02 Jul 03:06
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  • Introduced semantic version control to this project

  • Updated key map overview

  • Added character mappings related to the macron diacritic to dead key b

  • Added circle-related characters to dead key 0

  • Relocated U+2218 RING OPERATOR from dead key 0 to dead key o