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MongoDB NPM Fuck It Prrrr



Run the app with easymode

This will use a database from mlab instead of local database where you have to use mongodb and pokescraper, making life much easier for you <3

git clone
cd it2810-webutvikling-h17-prosjekt-4-squadteam-45
npm i
npm run easy

Run the app w/ local DB

Install mongoDb

To run the app, clone the repository to a desired location, navigate to the root, install requirements, and run the app as such:

git clone
cd it2810-webutvikling-h17-prosjekt-4-squadteam-45
npm i
npm run dev

To import data about pokemon into local mongoDB

cd pokescraper
mongoimport --jsonArray --db pokemon --collection pokeweebs --file pokemon.json

PS. Dette kan være et hælvete. Det er letter å kjøre: "npm run easy" for å kjøre med en database fra AWS ;)

The app runs on localhost:4200

The api runs on localhost:3000/api


Run backend tests

To run the tests, navigate to the root folder, and run the following:

npm run testbe

Results in (as of 22.11.17):

    Backend tests for Pokemen
Connected to MongoDB on localhost:27017
      ✓ should get all the pokemen
      ✓ should get ten pokemen
      ✓ should get pokemon count
      ✓ should get a pokemon by its id
      ✓ should get all pokemon by type

    Backend tests for users
      ✓ should get all the users
      ✓ should get users count
      ✓ should create new user
      ✓ should get a user by its id
      ✓ should update a user by its id
      ✓ should delete a user by its id

  11 passing (220ms)

File                |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
All files           |     85.3 |       45 |    83.78 |    89.96 |                |
 server             |    88.68 |       50 |       50 |    88.68 |                |
  app.ts            |    79.31 |       50 |       25 |    79.31 |... 37,41,42,48 |
  routes.ts         |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
 server/controllers |    75.27 |       50 |    82.14 |    85.71 |                |
  base.ts           |    72.22 |    43.75 |    84.62 |    83.87 | 27,30,38,39,40 |
  pokemon.ts        |    88.57 |    56.52 |      100 |      100 |... 32,33,42,59 |
  user.ts           |    59.09 |    44.44 |       50 |    64.71 |... 13,14,15,16 |
 server/models      |    61.29 |     12.5 |    33.33 |    66.67 |                |
  pokemon.ts        |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  user.ts           |       52 |     12.5 |    33.33 |    57.14 |... 21,27,28,29 |
 server/test        |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  pokemon.spec.ts   |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  testpokemon.ts    |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  users.spec.ts     |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |

Run frontend tests

To run the tests do:

ng test --sourcemap=false

To check test coverage do:

ng test --single-run --code-coverage --sourcemap=false

This should create a coverage folder inside the client directory

cd coverage

Then open the index.html file. This will result to this picture:

alt text

Specifications for this task:

  • The web app
    1. Runs on our virtual machine
    2. Uses node.js
    3. Uses angular
  • The server runs on our virtual machine and uses REST
  • It is possible to
    1. Read and write to the database
    2. Search
    3. Apply filters
  • The interface has
    1. a list based view detailing the result of a search
    2. expandable list elements
  • The list can be sorted by multiple values (e.g. id or name)
    1. Users can sort Paokimåns based on id, name, weight, and height, in both ascending and descending order
  • The list can be filtered on multiple values
    1. Users can filter Paokimåns based on their names, types, and weight (setting minWeight and maxWeight)
  • The list has dynamic loading of data
    1. List renders 10 Paokimåns at a time, as limit is set to 10. Search/Filtering filters based on all Paokimåns, yet still renders 10 per page
  • The app has my page functionality
    1. The user can register, and subsequently log in and log out
    2. The "Account" page lists the Paokimåns the user chose to add to their team (i.e. after searching and filtering to find the desired Paokimåns)
  • The app has session handling
    1. The app uses tokens for session handling; a user is given a new token upon login
  • The app has "fancy" display of data
    1. Pie chart at the "PokeChart" page, displaying amounts of Paokimåns belonging to the specified types
    2. Stats of a Paokimån is displayed in the expanded view of the Paokimån in the form of a bar chart
  • The code is tested
    1. Code is tested - As stated above, 'npm run testbe' runs our tests
  • The project is well documented

Ikke fuck databasen vår plz takk