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Bogdan Tudorache edited this page Apr 11, 2022 · 78 revisions

The complete Raspberry Pi Handbook 💻


A. Hardware specifications

Raspberry Pi 4

B. Prerequisites - OS Install

a. Raspberry Pi Imager

b. Balena Etcher

c. Overclocking (optional)

d. Headless (WIP)

C. Booting from USB

D. Install Ubuntu Desktop (with Desktopify)

a. Booting from SD

b. Desktopify

c. WAIT!

E. Prerequisites - Software Install

F. Install MySQL

a. Installing MySQL

b. Configuring MySQL

c. User creation

d. Connecting

G. Install phpMyAdmin

a. Installing phpMyAdmin

b. Logging in

c. Securing (WIP)

H. Testing our configuration

a. Internet

b. Storage Drive

c. CPU

I. Swap Memory

a. Add Swap file
b. Adjust swapiness value
c. Remove Swap file

J. Web Server

a. Installing Apache

b. Configuration

C. Testing

K. Passwordless

a. Generate

b. Copy

c. Remove

L. Public Web Server

a. Port forwarding

b. Public Domain

M. Selenium, Chromium and Web Scraping II

a. Selenium

b. Chromium web driver

N. Back up to Google Drive

a. Necessity or mandatory?

b. Link to your Google Drive account

c. PyDrive

d. Configure and schedule Backup Tool

O. CPU Temperature

P. Web scraping I

a. What is web scraping?

b. Requests

c. Beautifulsoup4

d. Web crawler code breakdown

Q. Log analysis and cybersecurity threats

a. Log analysis

b. Cybersecurity threats

c. Aftermath 

R. Cybersecurity - best practices and reinforcement

a. Web server best practices

b. Antivirus 

c. Firewall

d. Intrusion prevention software

S.Cron and Process clean up

 a. Cron
 b. Process clean up

T. Email notification

U. Setting up a subdomain