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FAQ: Extensions

bwmarkle edited this page Dec 16, 2019 · 2 revisions

Genesis Framework

What is required for the Genesis Extension to work?

You need to enable Fragment Caching and use a theme based on Genesis.

When I enabled Genesis Extension with EDD, WooCommerce or other similar plugins, my cart, checkout and/or other dynamic elements no longer get updated. How do I fix that?

You need to go the Genesis Extension settings page. There you will a textbox called "Excluded single pages / posts:" there you need to enter the pages that should not be cached by the fragment caching. The exclude textareas support regular expressions so if the pages that are to be excluded are similar you can most likely enter one expression that covers all your pages. For information on regular expression you need to search.

If you have anything dynamic in your widgets area, the sidebar, then you'll need to disable the sidebar caching, or enter pages that should not have their sidedar cached.