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Naxos Reconciliation

A command line tool to help review and reconcile Naxos records


All commands can be run

naxos prep

Process .xml files from Naxos and/or .csv file from Sierra export


-s --sierra: path to .csv file exported from Sierra -n --naxos: path to MARC/XML file(s) from Naxos



  1. File is read and rows with more than one URL are be split into multiple rows
  2. Comma separated output file (sierra_prepped.csv) is written to /data/files/{date} directory. File contains:
    • OCLC Number
    • Bib ID
    • URL
    • CID (unique ID from Naxos URL)


  1. File(s) in the given directory are be read and combined into a single XML file (naxos_combined.xml)
  2. The combined .xml file is edited to remove all 505 and 511 fields (to create a record that can be read with pymarc) and replace strings in URLs ("" is replaced with "" in 856$u). Edited records are written to naxos_edited.xml.
  3. The edited .xml file is converted to MARC21 and written to naxos_edited.mrc.
  4. The edited .xml file is read and data is output to a naxos_prepped.csv file containing:
    • URL
    • CID (from URL)
    • Title
    • Publisher
    • Series title

naxos compare

Compare prepped Naxos and Sierra files


-s --sierra: Prepped Sierra data (.csv file) to use in comparison -n --naxos: Prepped Naxos data (.csv file) to use in comparison


  1. Read prepped .csv files for Sierra and Naxos into DataFrames
  2. Drop duplicate rows from DataFrames
  3. Merge dataframes with inner join using "CID" as key. Output results of join to records_to_check.csv
  4. Merge dataframes with outer join using "CID" as key
  5. Using data from outer join, create dataframe for all resources only present in Sierra data. Export results to records_to_delete.csv
  6. Using data from outer join, create dataframe for all resources only present in Naxos data. Export results to records_to_import.csv

naxos reconcile

Prep files from Sierra and Naxos and then compare them


-s --sierra: Prepped Sierra data (.csv file) to use in comparison -n --naxos: Prepped Naxos data (.csv file) to use in comparison


  1. Prepares files using process outlined above in prep
  2. Compares files using process outlined above in compare
  3. Creates sample files sample_records_to_import.csv with 5% of the records from records_to_check.csv and records_to_import.csv.

naxos search

Use data from prepped .csv files to query WorldCat Metadata API and check if the URL from the record is live.


-f, --file: File to check for WorldCat records and dead links. -r, --row: Row to start the search on. Default is 0. To restart a timed-out search, enter the last completed row.


  1. Queries WorldCat Metadata API for brief bibs using /brief-bibs/search/ endpoint. Starts search after row number provided with --row arg. Query uses mn (Music/Publisher Number) and am (Access Method) indexes.
  2. Checks if URL is live. Possible URL statuses:
    • Dead: URL check resulted in 404 error from Naxos website
    • Unavailable: Naxos website lists that item is restricted within US due to copyright
    • Live: item is still accessible and playable online
    • Blocked: Naxos blocked access when the URL was crawled the URl should be rechecked
    • Unknown: An unknown issue arose during URL check
  3. The results of the query will be output to .csv file with:
    • rows from input .csv,
    • number of records returned by Metadata API
    • oclc number(s)
    • cataloging agency (for records from oclc number)
    • whether or not the OCLC number identified by the API query matches the number in the Sierra record (only included if the input file contains data from Sierra, ie. records_to_check.csv or sample_to_check.csv)
    • status of URL

naxos url-check

Read data from prepped .csv file and check if the URLs are live.


-f, --file: File with URLs to check -r, --row: Row to start the search on. Default is 0. To restart a timed-out search, enter the last completed row.


  1. Checks if URL is live. Possible URL statuses:
    • Dead: URL check resulted in 404 error from Naxos website
    • Unavailable: Naxos website lists that item is restricted within US due to copyright
    • Live: item is still accessible and playable online
    • Blocked: Naxos blocked access when the URL was crawled the URl should be rechecked
    • Unknown: An unknown issue arose during URL check
  2. The results of the query will be output to .csv file with:
    • rows from input .csv,
    • status of URL

naxos search-only

Read data from prepped .csv file and query WorldCat Metadata API for brief bib records.


-f, --file: File to get WorldCat results for. -r, --row: Row to start the search on. Default is 0. To restart a timed-out search, enter the last completed row.


  1. Queries WorldCat Metadata API for brief bibs using /brief-bibs/search/ endpoint. Starts search after row number provided with --row arg. Query uses mn (Music/Publisher Number) and am (Access Method) indexes.
  2. The results of the query will be output to .csv file with:
    • rows from input .csv,
    • number of records returned by Metadata API
    • oclc number(s)
    • cataloging agency (for records from oclc number)
    • whether or not the OCLC number identified by the API query matches the number in the Sierra record (only included if the input file contains data from Sierra, ie. records_to_check.csv or sample_to_check.csv)

naxos review

Reviews output of record searches and URL checks and prints review.


-f, --file: File to review


  1. Review results of API queries and url checks for file. Prints a total count and percentage of records with:
    • At least one match on CID in OCLC
    • Match on CID to same OCLC record in Sierra (if the input file contains data from Sierra, ie. records_to_check.csv or sample_to_check.csv)
    • Live URLs
    • Dead URLs
    • URLs that are unavailable in US due to copyright restrictions
    • URLs that could not be checked
    • URLs with unknown status
  2. Records without matches in WorldCat are written to a .csv ending with no_oclc_record.csv.
  3. Records without live URLs are written to a .csv ending with problem_urls.csv


A set of scripts used to evaluate Naxos MARC records






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