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In this repository you can find solutions to CodeSignal Coding questions.

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🔷 CodeSignal Solutions:

In this repo you can find solutions to CodeSignal Coding questions from the Arcade Universe Section.

Repository structure

There are a directory for each coding question, with its description in a markdown file, ilustrative images and the source code. In this document you can also find a list containing the links to all the coding questions.

Coding questions solutions

  1. Add
  2. Century from year
  3. Check palindrome
  4. Adjacent elements product
  5. Shape area
  6. Make array consecutive 2
  7. Almost increasing sequence
  8. Matrix elements sum
  9. All longest Strings
  10. Common Character Count
  11. Is Lucky
  12. Sort By Height
  13. Reverse in Parenthesis
  14. Alternating Sums
  15. Add Border
  16. Are Similar?
  17. Array Change
  18. Palindrome Rearranging
  19. Are Equally Strong
  20. Array Maximal Adjacement Difference
  21. Is IPV4 Address
  22. Avoid Obstacles
  23. Box Blur
  24. Minesweeper
  25. Array Replace
  26. Event Digits Only
  27. Variable name
  28. Alphabetic Shift
  29. Chessboard Cell Color
  30. Circle of Numbers
The core
  • Add two digits
  • Project list
  • New Road System


In this repository you can find solutions to CodeSignal Coding questions.




