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TYPO3 SUMM AI Backend Extension

This is a SUMM AI backend module created as a part of bachelor thesis supervised by S. Kreideweiß. API token provided by SUMM AI GmbH is used for HTTP requests.



  • composer require thb/summ-ai-translate
  • As the extension isn't published you will have to update composer.json file of your TYPO3 installation.
    • "repositories": [{"type": "path","url": "packages/*"}],"minimum-stability": "dev","prefer-stable": true


Dashboard widgets

Configuration for widgets is located in Services.yaml file.

  1. Widget showing amount of available characters to translate as a text. Source file located under Classes\Widgets\UsageWidget.php
  2. Widget showing amount of available characters to translate as a doughnut chart. Data provider for graph located under Classes\Widgets\Provider\UsageDataProvider.php
  3. Widget showing a list of translations in Easy German in state 'hidden' (unpublished). Data provider for list located under Classes\Widgets\Provider\UnpublishedDataProvider.php image

Translation Workflow

  1. Extension configuration required in Site Configuration:

    1. Easy Language is set up manually
    2. All fields defined in Configuration\SiteConfiguration\Overrides\sites.php are filled out in backend. image
  2. DataHandler.php hook is responsible for triggering translation upon action new and update on a tt_content with sys_lanuage_id of standard German setup in previous step.

    1. Utility class SummAiTranslator.php class is responsible for either creating new translation via POST request to Summ Ai API or updating existing one (depends on action on tt_content).
    2. Created / updated translation has a sys_language_id of Easy German defined in step 1.
    3. Utility class RecordHelper.php is responsible for database queries (creating and updating translation records for tt_content).
    4. Utility class RequestHelper.php is responsible for API request processing.
    5. Utility class TranslationHelper.php provides various support functions for SummAiTranslator.php class and widgets. image
  3. As of now translation is done automatically on tt_content level, meaning that for translation of already existing entries it needs to be enabled and disabled to trigger the hook.


  • GPL-2.0 or later
  • SVG-files located under Resources\Public\Icons are property of SUMM AI GmbH and used exclusively for educational purposes / this university work.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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