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A free antivirus aggregation software like VirusTotal.


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Virus Checker

This repository contains a standalone virus checker application stack similar to VirusTotal.

It contains several executable modules:

  • driver program provides a REST API for communication with the supported antivirus solutions.
  • gateway serves to upload files to several drivers in parallel.
  • client-cli is a simple console REST client for uploading files to the gateway and exporting reports to CSV files.
  • client-web is a simple graphical web frontend with the similar purpose as client-cli.

There are also some helper modules that contain common dependencies or classes:

  • common
  • cli-common

The architecture of this software solution is visualized below.

client-cli ---:               :--- driver (Avast, Eset, Kaspersky, Microsoft, VirusTotal)
              :--- gateway ---:
client-web ---:               :--- driver (Comodo, VirusTotal)                               

Before diving further we denote the following terms:

  • AV = Antivirus software
  • JDK = Java Development Kit
  • JRE = Java Runtime Environment
  • VM = Virtual Machine
  • VM/C = Virtual Machine or Container
  • host = The native OS of your machine


First of all, we do not currently provide a one-click installer. Also, this software does not include ready-to-use VM/Cs with deployed AVs.

These steps describe how to build and deploy this program from scratch

  1. Compile the source code
  2. Deploy the driver/s
    • Create a VMs with supported antivirus programs.
    • Install and configure each antivirus - i.e. disable the automatic protections.
    • Run the driver.
  3. Deploy gateway.
  4. Deploy web client.
  5. (Optional) Run console client.

The following subsections thoroughly describe each of the five steps.

1 Compiling the source code

Building this software requires JDK 1.8 or later (OpenJDK is sufficient).

Open a terminal in the project directory and

  • on a Windows machine run
    gradlew.bat clean shadowJar
  • on a Linux machine run
    ./gradlew clean shadowJar

On Linux, running the gradlew may result in Permission denied error. In this case grant executable permission to the gradlew (Debian and Ubuntu based distros may use sudo chmod 775 gradlew) and re-run gradlew.

2 Deploy antivirus driver program

The location of the compiled Java executable is driver/build/libs/driver-[VERSION]-all.jar.

A running driver performs these tasks in the following order:

  1. Receive a file from the gateway.
  2. Invoke the AV command line tool to scan the received file.
  3. Read and process the scan reports.
  4. Send back the scan result.

As of this moment the supported antivirus software includes

  • Avast
  • Comodo
  • Eset
  • Kaspersky
  • Windows defender

In addition to these AVs, the driver also supports querying VirusTotal online virus database with SHA-256 hashes computed automatically from the scanned file. Please note that the driver uploads only hash of the file to VirusTotal, not the file itself.

2.1 Prepare a virtual machine

The recommended setup for the entire VirusChecker is to have all AVs and their driver installed on one or more VMs with their local port 8080 forwarded to the host.

We provide documentation for two ways to deploy the drivers - on Windows based virtual machines or on Linux based virtual machines. We assume that VirtualBox is used as a virtualization platform.


Currently, commercial AVs are supported only on Windows, and the free one(s) are supported only on Linux. If you want to run some commercial AV, for example Eset, on Linux or implement your own driver for a currently unsupported AV you may visit this guide.

2.2 Run the deployed driver

The location of the compiled Java executable is driver/build/libs/driver-[VERSION]-all.jar. Copy this file to some reasonable place on the VM, for example ~/virus-checker (on Linux VM) or C:\virus-checker (on Windows VM).

If the guest VM add-ons work properly, you may simply drag & drop the file from your system's file manager to the VM.

  • On the VM, open a terminal in the folder with the driver executable.

  • Type java -jar driver-[VERSION]-all.jar [ANTIVIRUSES] and press enter.

    • [ANTIVIRUSES] must be one or more of the following: AVAST, COMODO, ESET, KASPERSKY, MICROSOFT, VIRUS_TOTAL.
    • Instead of [ANTIVIRUSES] you may use the -a option to auto-detect all installed AVs that have their command line scanners in the Path variable. This includes VirusTotal if there is an API key specified in
  • Examples:

    • java -jar driver-1.0.0-all.jar -a if you want load all AVs in Path and enable VirusTotal if there is an API key specified in
    • java -jar driver-1.0.0-all.jar KASPERSKY if you only want the Kaspersky Antivirus installed on the VM.
    • java -jar driver-1.0.0-all.jar ESET KASPESRY VIRUS_TOTAL if you have both Eset and Kaspersky installed on the VM and also want to use the VirusTotal service.

If Windows firewall popup window asks for permission, then allow it at least for private networks.

To verify the successful launch of the driver program, open a web browser on the VM and visit The driver should respond with JSON containing some basic info about itself.

If the network adapter of your running VMs had been attached to a NAT with a guest port 8080 forwarded to host's 8081, then you may visit on the host to get the same respond.

Different port

You can specify the listening port other than 8080 using the -port= parameter, e.g. java -jar driver-1.0.0-all.jar AVAST ESET -port=9595 will set the listening port to 9595. Please be aware, that ports 7978 and 7979 are reserved by default for other modules of the VirusChecker. You will also need to reset port forwarding for the new port instead of 8080.

2.3 Driver REST API

If you are a developer and want to use the driver programmatically, you can explore its REST web API. The API endpoints are documented here.

For most users, however, this API is not important.

Note: If you wish to use the REST API directly, consider using the gateway REST API instead.

2.4 Extend driver

If you and want to configure the driver our you are a developer wanting to add support for a new antivirus by yourself, this guide is the place to go.

3 Deploy gateway

The purpose of the gateway is to simplify the implementation of client applications. It receives data from the client and then sends it to all deployed drivers in parallel and then store all scan reports in its embedded database. Third party clients can either use the unified gateway API or upload files directly to the drivers.

The location of the compiled JAR executable is gateway/build/libs/gateway-[VERSION]-all.jar.

Gateway can be run from host or from the its own VM as well. Theoretically it can be deployed on any machine with JRE 1.8, however, it was tested only on Ubuntu 18.04.

We provide documentation for two ways to deploy the gateway - on host OS or on Linux based VM.

3.1 Gateway REST API

If you are a developer and want to use the gateway programmatically, you can explore its REST web API here.

For most users, however, this API is not important.

4 Deploy client web application

This client provides simple web based interface to send files to the gateway and displaying retrieved reports.

The location of the compiled JRE executable is client-web/build/libs/client-web-[VERSION]-all.jar. If the gateway has been deployed on a VM, copy the client JAR to the same VM, but create a new folder for it.

Assuming the gateway was deployed on the same machine/VM, run terminal in folder with client JAR.

Type java -jar client-web-[VERSION]-all.jar http://localhost:8080 and press enter. By default, the web application will run on port 7979.

Open the web browser and go to http://localhost:7979/. If the application started successfully you should see a graphical web interface.

Do not forget to open port 7979 on the machine/VM running the client if you want to make it's graphical interface accessible from other computers.


Eicar test files are a great way to test the functionality of VirusChecker. Just try to scan one of them using VirusChecker's web interface. All antiviruses should report it as a malware.

5 Deploy client cli application

This client provides simple text based interface to send files to the gateway and export reports to file. Currently it supports text and csv formats.

The location of the compiled JRE executable is client-cli/build/libs/client-cli-[VERSION]-all.jar.

Run terminal in this directory. Type java -jar client-cli-[VERSION]-all.jar -h and press enter. Successful launch should print this help

java -jar client-cli-0.14.1-all.jar -h
usage: [-h] URL FILE-TO-SCAN [-t TIMEOUT] [-o OUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit

  -t TIMEOUT,         Optional: Sets socket timeout in milliseconds. Default
  --timeout TIMEOUT   value is 50000.

  -o OUT, --out OUT   Specify file to store report. Csv format is supported if
                      the filename ends with appropriate postfix.

positional arguments:
  URL                 Gateway url.

  FILE-TO-SCAN        File to scan. Does not support directories (only

Assume we want to scan the file named eicar.exe that you placed in the same directory as the client executable, the url of running gateway is, for example Also we want to save the report as scanReport.csv. We can achieve this by running java -jar client-cli-[VERSION]-all.jar eicar.exe --out scanReport.csv.

6 SSL support

VirusChecker does not currently use SSL for the driver and gateway, although both clients programs support SSL and accept self-signed SSL certificates by default. Therefore if you wish to enable SSL for the gateway then you are free to use some reverse proxy like Nginx.


A free antivirus aggregation software like VirusTotal.







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