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Import measurements from InfluxDB 2.x database and calibrate them with a variety of linear regression techniques (both univariate and multivariate). Then, graph the results and export to a pdf document.


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Table of Contents

  1. Introdution
  2. Input
  3. Output
  4. Requirements
  5. Setup
  6. Standard Operating Procedure
  7. Settings
  8. Data Dictionary


Graddnodi (en: Calibration) is a program developed as part of a suite of tools designed to analyse the data generated by low-cost air quality sensors and attempt to assess their quality, remove outliers, detect malfunctions and calibrate them over both short distances (collocation) and long distances (experimental pseudo-collocation). Graddnodi assesses the calibrates measurements made during a collocation study and assesses their quality via a range of error calculcations.

Graddnodi can output both the results of the calibrations and summary statistics detailing the best performing calibratino techniques and secondary variables to use in multivariate calibrations. Therefore this program can not only identify the best calibration technique to use for different types of air quality monitors but also allow you to correct the measurements produced by these devices using the best calibration technique.

This program was tested on a data generated during a long-term collocation study performed at the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington. Many different air quality monitors were deployed there, both low and high-cost. They measured a range of pollutants and environmental conditions (e.g temperature, relative humidity) to varying degrees of quality. The measurements were collected, standardised and uploaded to an InfluxDB 2.x database (using a suite of programs you can find here) before being aggregated in Graddnodi.




This program imports data from an InfluxDB 2.x database. Several examples of importing different data formats to an InfluxDB database can be found here. The structure of the data should not matter as the Flux query is dynamically generated in the config file

This program generates graphs using the LaTeX backend in matplotlib. The report generated at the end is also in LaTeX format and requires LaTeX to render it to a pdf.

All python requirements can be found in requirements.txt and will be installed into a virtual environment when running

This program was designed, tested and run on a Linux machine using Python 3.10. Earlier versions of Python and other operating systems have not been tested.

How to Use

If you are utilising a POSIX compliant shell, you can use the provided source file. By running source graddnodi or . graddnodi from your shell in the root of this git repository, you will have access to the following commands:


Runs the program

Flag Flag Description Default
-c --config-path Path to the config file Settings/config.json
-i --influx-path Path to the influx config Settings/influx.json
-o --output-path Where the output is saved to Output/
-f --full-output Include full output in saved report (eCDFs, scatter plots, Bland-Altman plots etc) False, True if called


Sets up the virtual environment used by Graddnodi. The virtual environment is optional and you can use your own solution, provided the python interpreter you are using meets all the requirements listed in Requirements. Setup will not install Python 3.x, the virtual environment pip package or any latex distribution as these require root access.


Prints out each command, what they do and the arguments they take.


You can use the provided source file to setup the Python virtual environment. Alternatively, you can set up a Python 3 virtual environment yourself using the provided requirements.txt file to install the required packages. The Graddnodi source file expects the virtual environment .env to be present in the Graddnodi directory, if you name the virtual environment something else or use your systems interpreter then you will have to modify the source file or run the program directly.

The setup command performs the following steps:

command -v python3 &> /dev/null || (printf 'Python3 cannot be found in PATH\n' && return)

This command checks to see if Python 3 is installed. If it isn't, the user is informed that python3 isn't present in their PATH and the setup is exited. If python3 is not installed, the user will have to do it themselves. The steps required for this very by operating system, version and distribution. Please consult the Python website for more information.

python3 -c 'import venv' &> /dev/null || (printf 'python3 venv is not installed. To set up a virtual environment, please install the python3 venv package\n' && return)

This command checks to see if the venv package is installed in the systems interpreter. If it isn't, a virtual environment cannot be set up. The user is informed of this and the setup exits. This package can be installed by using Pythons package manager, pip. (pip install venv or pip3 install venv).

python3 -m venv .env

This command sets up the Python virtual environment in the Graddnodi directory

.env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

This command installs all the packages listed in requirements.txt

Running without the source file

If you are not using the source file for any number of reasons (Using Windows, the fish shell etc) then the following commands can be run to use the program. Please note that the following commands assume you are using a virtual environment called .env stored in the Graddnodi directory. If your virtual environment has a different name, has a different path or you are using the system interpreter then you will have to modify the command to point to that instead.

Running the program

.env/bin/python3 src/ *arguments*
Flag Flag Description Default
-c --config-path Path to the config file Settings/config.json
-i --influx-path Path to the influx config Settings/influx.json
-o --output-path Where the output is saved to Output/
-f --full-output Include full output in saved report (eCDFs, scatter plots, Bland-Altman plots etc) False, True if called

Rendering the report

cd *output folder*/*run name*/Report 
# Where {run name} is the name of the run you want to generate the report for
lualatex Report.tex && lualatex Report.tex
# lualatex is run twice to ensure the table of contents is correct



Key Type Description Options Example
Devices dict See Devices --- ---
Calibration dict See Calibration --- ---
Errors dict See Errors --- ---
Runtime dict See Runtime --- ---
Debug Stats boolean Print debug stats when running program? true/false true


The devices key contains all the devices that will be cross-compared by the program. They are added in order of quality, your reference grade instruments should appear at the top, with the presumed lowest quality instruments appearing at the bottom. This halves the amount of calculations performed as there's little point in calibrating your highest quality instrument against your lowest quality one.

Key Type Description Options Example
device name dict See Device --- ---

The device subheading contains all information needed to query measurements made by a device stored in an InfluxDB 2.x database.

Key Type Description Options Example
Bucket String The name of the bucket the data is stored in Valid bucket in InfluxDB 2.x database "AURN"
Measurement String The name of the measurement the data is stored under Valid measurement name within the bucket in the InfluxDB 2.x database "Automatic Urban Rural Network"
Fields list of dicts See Fields --- ---
Start String Discard all measurements made before this date Date string in "YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS" format, or "" to include all measurements from the first to End 2019/04/12 15:53:44
End String Discard all measurements made after this date Date string in "YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS" format, or "" to include all measurements from Start to the last measurement 2019/05/12 15:53:44

The fields list contain details of all the different fields monitored by a device that we want to import.

Key Type Description Options Example
Tag String This tag replaces the field value when data is saved in the program. This standardises the field tag between all devices. Make sure Tag is the same between devices measuring the same field Any valid string "PM2.5"
Field String The field that the data is stored under Valid field under the measurement in the InfluxDB 2.x database "Palas Fidas100 pm2.5 ug/m^3"
Boolean Filters dict See Boolean Filters --- ---
Range Filters list of dicts See Range Filters --- ---
Secondary Filters list of dicts See Secondary Filters --- ---
Scaling list See Scaling --- ---
Hour Beginning boolean When averaging measurements, make timestamp correspond to start of wwindow instead of end true/false true
Boolean Filters

The Boolean Filters dict represents all the values to filter the measurements by. The key represents the key of the tag-set in the database, the value then selects all measurements corresponding to that value.

Key Type Description Options Example
tag name String Filters out measurements that don't correspond to the tag-set Any valid tagset under the measurement "Serial Number": "2750100"
Range Filters

Range Filters is a list containing dicts representing secondary measurements used to filter out primary measurements that lie outside their range. An example of where this would be useful is if the device you were comparing was mobile but you wanted to isolate the measurements within a specific latitude and longitude. Boolean filters are applied to all secondary measurements.

Key Type Description Options Example
Field String The field containing the secondary measurement used to filter the primary measurement Any valid field under the measurement "GlobalSat G-Star IV latitude degrees N"
Min float The minimum value corresponding to a valid primary measurement. If the secondary measurement is lower than this value, the primary measurement is removed Any float 51.22
Max float The maximum value corresponding to a valid primary measurement. If the secondary measurement is higher than this value, the primary measurement is removed Any float 51.44
Min Equal boolean If the secondary measurement equals the min value, keep the measurement true/false true
Max Equal boolean If the secondary measurement equals the max value, keep the measurement true/false true
Secondary Filters

Secondary Fields is a list containing all secondary fields to also be downloaded. If you want to calibrate using more than one field (e.g temperature, humidity) then add them here. All boolean filters are applied to secondary measurements.

Key Type Description Options Example
Tag String Same purpose as Tag under Devices The tag you wish to use to represent the secondary measurement T
Field String The field containing the secondary measurement Any valid field under the measurement Humidity Prescaled [Percent]
Scaling list See Scaling --- ---
Key Type Description Options Example
Start String Scale all measurements made after this date Date string in "YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS" format, or "" to scale all measurements from the first to End 2019/04/12 15:53:44
End String Scale all measurements made after this date Date string in "YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS" format, or "" to scale all measurements from Start to the last measurement 2019/05/12 15:53:44
Power int Power to raise the measurements to Any valid int 2
Slope float The slope used to scale the measurements Any valid float 2.0
Offset float The value used to offset the measurements Any valid float 1.1


Calibration contains all configurations used for the calibration step.

Key Type Description Options Example
Data dict See Data --- ---
Techniques dict See Technique --- ---
Bayesian Families dict See Bayesian Families --- ---
Key Type Description Options Example
Split boolean Split the data in to a training and testing set? true/false true
Test Size float Proportion of data to use for testing float between 0 and 1.0, not inclusive 0.4
Seed int Seed used when randomly splitting data into train/test. Allows repeatability Any int

This section determines which calibration techniques should be used when calibrating one device against another.

Key Type Description Options Example
Ordinary Least Squares boolean Use OLS to calibrate? true/false true
Ridge boolean Use Ridge Regression to calibrate? true/false true
LASSO boolean Use LASSO to calibrate? true/false true
Elastic Net boolean Use Elastic Net to calibrate? true/false true
LARS boolean Use Least Angle Regression to calibrate? true/false true
LASSO LARS boolean Use Lasso path using LARS to calibrate? true/false true
Orthogonal Matching Pursuit boolean Use Orthogonal Matching Pursuit to calibrate? true/false true
RANSAC boolean Use Random Sample Consensus to calibrate? true/false true
Theil Sen boolean Use Theil Sen to calibrate? true/false true
Bayesian boolean Use Bayesian to calibrate? true/false true
Bayesian Families
Key Type Description Options Example
Gaussian boolean Use a gaussian distribution when doing a bayesian calibration via PyMC true/false true
Student T boolean Use a student t distribution when doing a bayesian calibration via PyMC true/false true
Bernoulli boolean Use a Bernoulli distribution when doing a bayesian calibration via PyMC true/false false
Beta boolean Use a Beta distribution when doing a bayesian calibration via PyMC true/false false
Binomial boolean Use a Binomial distribution when doing a bayesian calibration via PyMC true/false false
Gamma boolean Use a Gamma distribution when doing a bayesian calibration via PyMC true/false false
Negative Binomial boolean Use a Negative Binomial distribution when doing a bayesian calibration via PyMC true/false false
Poisson boolean Use a Poisson distribution when doing a bayesian calibration via PyMC true/false false
Inverse Gaussian boolean Use a Inverse Gaussian distribution when doing a bayesian calibration via PyMC true/false false


Errors selects which error calculations to use

Key Type Description Options Example
Explained Variance Score boolean Calculate the explained variance score for the predicted measurement vs the reference measurement in the test set true/false true
Max Error boolean Calculate the max error for the predicted measurement vs the reference measurement in the test set true/false true
Mean Absolute Error boolean Calculate the mean absolute error for the predicted measurement vs the reference measurement in the test set true/false true
Root Mean Squared Error boolean Calculate the root mean squared error for the predicted measurement vs the reference measurement in the test set true/false true
Root Mean Squared Log Error boolean Calculate the root mean squared log error for the predicted measurement vs the reference measurement in the test set true/false true
Median Absolute Error boolean Calculate the median absolute error for the predicted measurement vs the reference measurement in the test set true/false true
Mean Absolute Percentage Error boolean Calculate the mean absolute percentage error for the predicted measurement vs the reference measurement in the test set true/false true
r2 boolean Calculate the r2 for the predicted measurement vs the reference measurement in the test set true/false true
Mean Poisson Deviance boolean Calculate the mean poisson deviance for the predicted measurement vs the reference measurement in the test set true/false true
Mean Gamma Deviance boolean Calculate the mean gamma deviance for the predicted measurement vs the reference measurement in the test set true/false true
Mean Tweedie Deviance boolean Calculate the mean tweedie deviance for the predicted measurement vs the reference measurement in the test set true/false true
Mean Pinball Loss boolean Calculate the mean pinbal loss for the predicted measurement vs the reference measurement in the test set true/false true


Runtime includes all information needed at runtime

Key Type Description Options Example
Name String Name of the run. Runs are split in the output folder based on name Any valid folder name 2022 Collocation
Start String Date to download measurements from. Devices that didn't start measuring until after that date will have gaps filled with NaN String representing date in YYYY/MM/DD format 2018/10/01
End String Date to stop downloading measurements at String representing date in YYYY/MM/DD format 2020/10/01
Average Operator String Average operator that InfluxDB will use to average measurement windows Any valid aggregator function listed here mean
Averaging Period String Period to average data over Any valid aggregation time period used by InfluxDB 2.x (More info here) 1h

Example config.json file

	"Devices": {
		"Bushy Park OPC": {
			"Bucket": "AURN",
			"Measurement": "Automatic Urban Rural Network",
			"Fields": [
					"Tag": "PM2.5",
					"Field": "PM2.5 particulate matter",
					"Boolean Filters": {
						"Site Name": "London Teddington Bushy Park",
						"PM2.5 particulate matter unit": "ugm-3 (Ref.eq)"
					"Range Filters": [],
					"Secondary Fields": [],
					"Hour Beginning": true,
					"Scaling": []
			"Start": "",
			"Stop": ""
		"AirView Reference A": {
			"Bucket": "AirView",
			"Measurement": "AirView",
			"Fields": [
					"Tag": "PM2.5",
					"Field": "Palas Fidas100 pm2.5 ug/m^3",
					"Boolean Filters": {
						"Car": "27522",
						"Palas Fidas100 Status": "5x5"
					"Range Filters": [
							"Field": "GlobalSat G-Star IV latitude degrees N",
							"Min": 51.22,
							"Max": 51.44,
							"Min Equal": false,
							"Max Equal": false
							"Field": "GlobalSat G-Star IV longitude degrees E",
							"Min": -0.36,
							"Max": -0.34,
							"Min Equal": false,
							"Max Equal": true
					"Secondary Fields": [],
					"Hour Beginning": true,
					"Scaling": [
							"Start": "2019/04/12 15:53:44",
							"End": "",
							"Power": 1,
							"Slope": 1000,
							"Offset": 0
			"Start": "",
			"Stop": ""
		"NPL AQMesh A": {
			"Bucket": "ACOEM Data",
			"Measurement": "ACOEM UK Systems",
			"Fields": [
					"Tag": "PM2.5",
					"Field": "Particulate Matter (PM 2.5) PreScaled [Micrograms Per Cubic Meter]",
					"Boolean Filters": {
						"SerialNumber": "1505150",
						"Particulate Matter (PM 2.5) Flag": "Valid"
					"Range Filters": [],
					"Secondary Fields": [
							"Tag": "RH",
							"Field": "Humidity PreScaled [Percent]",
							"Scaling": []
							"Tag": "T",
							"Field": "Temperature PreScaled [Celsius]",
							"Scaling": []
							"Tag": "RH$^2$",
							"Field": "Humidity PreScaled [Percent]",
							"Scaling": [
									"Start": "",
									"End": "",
									"Power": 2,
									"Slope": 1,
									"Offset": 0
							"Tag": "T$^2$",
							"Field": "Temperature PreScaled [Celsius]",
							"Scaling": [
									"Start": "",
									"End": "",
									"Power": 2,
									"Slope": 1,
									"Offset": 0
					"Hour Beginning": true,
					"Scaling": []
			"Start": "",
			"Stop": ""
	"Calibration": {
		"Data": {
			"Split": true,
			"Test Size": 0.4,
			"Seed": 72
		"Techniques": {
			"Ordinary Least Squares": true,
			"Ridge": true,
			"LASSO": true,
			"Elastic Net": true,
			"LARS": true,
			"LASSO LARS": true,
			"Orthogonal Matching Pursuit": true,
			"RANSAC": true,
			"Theil Sen": true,
			"Bayesian": true
		"Bayesian Families": {
			"Gaussian": true,
			"Student T": true,
			"Bernoulli": false,
			"Beta": false,
			"Binomial": false,
			"Gamma": false,
			"Negative Binomial": false,
			"Poisson": false,
			"Inverse Gaussian": false
	"Errors": {
		"Explained Variance Score": true,
		"Max Error": true,
		"Mean Absolute Error": true,
		"Root Mean Squared Error": true,
		"Root Mean Squared Log Error": false,
		"Median Absolute Error": true,
		"Mean Absolute Percentage Error": true,
		"r2": true,
		"Mean Poisson Deviance": false,
		"Mean Gamma Deviance": false,
		"Mean Tweedie Deviance": false,
		"Mean Pinball Loss": true
	"Runtime": {
		"Name": "Default",
		"Start": "2018/10/01",
		"End": "2020/10/01",
		"Average Operator": "mean",
		"Averaging Period": "1h"
	"Debug Stats": true


Key Type Description Options Example
IP String IP address where InfluxDB 2.x database is hosted IP Address (localhost if hosted on same machine program is being run)
Port String Port InfluxDB communicates on Valid port (default is 8086) 8086
Token String Authentication token used by user to upload/download data Valid authentication token thisisnotarealtoken
Organisation String Organisation the user belongs to Valid organisation The Government

Example influx.json file

	"IP": "",
	"Port": "8086",
	"Token": "thisisnotarealtoken",
	"Organisation": "The Government"

Data Dictionary

Graddnodi saves all information it needs to SQLite3 databases.


The measurements downloaded from InfluxDB 2.x are saved in Output/run name/field.db. They are separated into different fields. Each table in the field represents a device. Each row in the table corresponds to a single measurement made by a device.

Name Definition Data type Possible values Required?
Datetime Timestamp for measurement in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS+Z Text 2018-10-01 00:00:00+00:00, 2020-09-30 23:00:00+00:00, etc Yes
Values Primary measurement values recorded by device Real 4.636, 5.0198, NULL No
Secondary Measurement Secondary measurements recorded by device Real 63.66, 22.10, NULL No


The coefficients obtained from the different calibrations are saved in Output/run name/field/A vs B.db. Each table in the field represents a different calibration technique. Rows correspond to different combinations of secondary measurements (e.g x, x + RH, x + T$^2$)

Name Definition Data type Possible values Required?
index The combination of variables used in the calibration Text x, x + RH, x + T$^2$ etc Yes
coeff.x The coefficients to scale x measurements by Real 0.667 Yes
sd.x Standard deviation on coeff.x, only calculated when using gaussian methods Real 0.040, NULL No
i.Intercept The intercept to offset the calibrated measurement by Real 2.067 Yes
sd.Intercept Standard deviation on i.Intercept, only calculated when using gaussian methods Real 0.079, NULL No
coeff.secondary measurement Coefficient used to scale secondary measurement e.g. coeff.T Real 0.095, NULL No
sd.secondary measurement Standard deviation on coeff.secondary measurement, only calculated when using gaussian methods e.g. sd.T Real 0.013, NULL No


The results of the error calculations performed on the calibrated test set are saved in Output/run name/field/comparison/Technique/Results.db

Summary Stats


Import measurements from InfluxDB 2.x database and calibrate them with a variety of linear regression techniques (both univariate and multivariate). Then, graph the results and export to a pdf document.





