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CGenerator for YASPL

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@CiccioTecchio CiccioTecchio released this 28 Oct 23:16
· 3 commits to master since this release

This is yaspl compiler, you can use it with bash.
To run it you need to do the following command:

java -jar yaspl3cc.jar [options] [pathemsdk] <source.yaspl>

The options are:

  • -ast generate the abstract syntax tree in xml format
  • -scope generate a log file whit the scope declared in your yaspl program
  • -enrich generate the abstract syntax tree with the type of node in xml format
  • -js generate a JavaScript program equivalent to your Yaspl program, if you want to use this option you need to download and install emsdk
  • [pathemsdk] specify the absolute path of emsdk, you need to do that if you have selected the -jsoption