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Deep convection 2D example.
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ali-ramadhan committed Jan 29, 2019
1 parent fde6798 commit 11668be
Showing 1 changed file with 40 additions and 191 deletions.
231 changes: 40 additions & 191 deletions examples/deep_convection_2d.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,202 +1,51 @@
using Pkg
# cd("D:\\Home\\Git\\Oceananigans.jl")
using Plots
using Oceananigans

using Statistics, Printf
using Oceananigans, Oceananigans.Operators
function make_movies(problem::Problem, R::SavedFields, Nt, Δt)
g = problem.g

import PyPlot
using Interact, Plots
print("Creating tracer movie... ($(Int(Nt/R.ΔR)) frames)\n")


const NumType = Float64 # Number data type.
const g = 9.80665 # Standard acceleration due to gravity [m/s²].
const f = 1e-4 # Nominal value for the Coriolis frequency [rad/s].
const χ = 0.1 # Adams-Bashforth (AB2) parameter.
# animU = @animate for tidx in 1:Int(Nt/ΔR)
# print("\rframe = $tidx / $(Int(Nt/ΔR)) ")
# Plots.heatmap(g.xC ./ 1000, g.zC ./ 1000, rotl90(R.u[tidx, :, 1, :]), color=:balance,
# clims=(-0.01, 0.01),
# title="u-velocity @ t=$(tidx*ΔR*Δt)")
# end
# mp4(animU, "uvel_$(round(Int, time())).mp4", fps = 30)

Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ = 100, 1, 50
Lˣ, Lʸ, Lᶻ = 2000, 2000, 1000 # Domain size [m].

Nᵗ = 120
Δt = 10 # Time step [s].

Δx, Δy, Δz =/Nˣ, Lʸ/Nʸ, Lᶻ/Nᶻ # Grid spacing [m].
Aˣ, Aʸ, Aᶻ = Δy*Δz, Δx*Δz, Δx*Δy # Cell face areas [m²].
V = Δx*Δy*Δz # Volume of a cell [m³].
M = ρ₀*V # Mass of water in a cell [kg].

xC = Δx/2:Δx:
yC = Δy/2:Δy:
zC = -Δz/2:-Δz:-Lᶻ

uⁿ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ) # Velocity in x-direction [m/s].
vⁿ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ) # Velocity in y-direction [m/s].
wⁿ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ) # Velocity in z-direction [m/s].
Tⁿ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ) # Potential temperature [K].
Sⁿ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ) # Salinity [g/kg].
pʰʸ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ) # Hydrostatic pressure [Pa].
pⁿ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ) # Pressure [Pa].
ρⁿ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ) # Density [kg/m³].

Gᵘⁿ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
Gᵛⁿ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
Gʷⁿ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
Gᵀⁿ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
Gˢⁿ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)

Gᵘⁿ⁻¹ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
Gᵛⁿ⁻¹ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
Gʷⁿ⁻¹ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
Gᵀⁿ⁻¹ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
Gˢⁿ⁻¹ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)

Gᵘⁿ⁺ʰ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
Gᵛⁿ⁺ʰ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
Gʷⁿ⁺ʰ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
Gᵀⁿ⁺ʰ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
Gˢⁿ⁺ʰ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)

pʰʸ′ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
pⁿʰ⁺ˢ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
g′ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
δρ = Array{NumType, 3}(undef, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)

uⁿ .= 0; vⁿ .= 0; wⁿ .= 0; Sⁿ .= 35;

# Tⁿ = repeat(reshape(T_ref, 1, 1, 50), Nˣ, Nʸ, 1)
Tⁿ .= 283

pHY_profile = [-ρ₀*g*h for h in zC]
pʰʸ = repeat(reshape(pHY_profile, 1, 1, Nᶻ), Nˣ, Nʸ, 1)
pⁿ = copy(pʰʸ) # Initial pressure is just the hydrostatic pressure.

ρⁿ .= ρ.(Tⁿ, Sⁿ, pⁿ);

# Tⁿ[Int(Nˣ/2)-5:Int(Nˣ/2)+5, 1, 10-2:10+5] .= 283.01

# hot_buble_perturbation = reshape(0.01 * exp.(-100 * ((xC .- Lˣ/2).^2 .+ (zC .+ Lᶻ/2)'.^2) / (Lˣ^2 + Lᶻ^2)), (Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ))
# @. Tⁿ = 282.99 + 2*hot_buble_perturbation

Fᵀ = zeros(Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
@. Fᵀ[Int(Nˣ/10):Int(9/10), 1, 1] = -0.5e-5 + 1e-6*rand()

ΔR = 10
Ru = Array{NumType, 4}(undef, Int(Nᵗ/ΔR), Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
# Rv = Array{NumType, 4}(undef, Nᵗ, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
Rw = Array{NumType, 4}(undef, Int(Nᵗ/ΔR), Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
RT = Array{NumType, 4}(undef, Int(Nᵗ/ΔR), Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
# RS = Array{NumType, 4}(undef, Nᵗ, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
= Array{NumType, 4}(undef, Int(Nᵗ/ΔR), Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
# RpHY′ = Array{NumType, 4}(undef, Nᵗ, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)
RpNHS = Array{NumType, 4}(undef, Int(Nᵗ/ΔR), Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ)

κʰ = 4e-2 # Horizontal Laplacian heat diffusion [m²/s]. diffKhT in MITgcm.
κᵛ = 4e-2 # Vertical Laplacian heat diffusion [m²/s]. diffKzT in MITgcm.

𝜈ʰ = 4e-2 # Horizontal eddy viscosity [Pa·s]. viscAh in MITgcm.
𝜈ᵛ = 4e-2 # Vertical eddy viscosity [Pa·s]. viscAz in MITgcm.

function time_stepping(uⁿ, vⁿ, wⁿ, Tⁿ, Sⁿ, pⁿ, pʰʸ, pʰʸ′, pⁿʰ⁺ˢ, g′, ρⁿ, δρ, Gᵘⁿ, Gᵛⁿ, Gʷⁿ, Gᵀⁿ, Gˢⁿ, Gᵘⁿ⁻¹, Gᵛⁿ⁻¹, Gʷⁿ⁻¹, Gᵀⁿ⁻¹, Gˢⁿ⁻¹, Gᵘⁿ⁺ʰ, Gᵛⁿ⁺ʰ, Gʷⁿ⁺ʰ, Gᵀⁿ⁺ʰ, Gˢⁿ⁺ʰ)
for n in 1:Nᵗ
# Calculate new density and density deviation.
@. δρ = ρ(Tⁿ, Sⁿ, pⁿ) - ρ₀
@. ρⁿ = ρ₀ + δρ

δρ̅ᶻ = avgᶻc2f(δρ)
for j in 1:Nʸ, i in 1:
pʰʸ′[i, j, 1] = δρ[i, j, 1] * g * Δz / 2
for k in 2:Nᶻ, j in 1:Nʸ, i in 1:
pʰʸ′[i, j, k] = pʰʸ′[i, j, k-1] + (δρ̅ᶻ[i, j, k] * g * Δz)

Gᵘⁿ⁻¹ = Gᵘⁿ; Gᵛⁿ⁻¹ = Gᵛⁿ; Gʷⁿ⁻¹ = Gʷⁿ; Gᵀⁿ⁻¹ = Gᵀⁿ; Gˢⁿ⁻¹ = Gˢⁿ;

# Gᵘⁿ .= -(1/Δx) .* δˣc2f(pʰʸ′ ./ ρ₀) .+ 𝜈ʰ∇²u(uⁿ)
# Gᵛⁿ .= -(1/Δy) .* δʸc2f(pʰʸ′ ./ ρ₀) .+ 𝜈ʰ∇²v(vⁿ)
# Gʷⁿ .= 𝜈ᵛ∇²w(wⁿ)
Gᵘⁿ .= .- ũ∇u(uⁿ, vⁿ, wⁿ) .+ f .* avgʸc2f(avgˣf2c(vⁿ)) .- (1/Δx) .* δˣc2f(pʰʸ′ ./ ρ₀) .+ 𝜈ʰ∇²u(uⁿ)
Gᵛⁿ .= .- ũ∇v(uⁿ, vⁿ, wⁿ) .- f .* avgˣc2f(avgʸf2c(uⁿ)) .- (1/Δy) .* δʸc2f(pʰʸ′ ./ ρ₀) .+ 𝜈ʰ∇²v(vⁿ)
Gʷⁿ .= -ũ∇w(uⁿ, vⁿ, wⁿ) .+ 𝜈ᵛ∇²w(wⁿ)
Gᵀⁿ .= -div_flux_f2c(uⁿ, vⁿ, wⁿ, Tⁿ) .+ κ∇²(Tⁿ) + Fᵀ
Gˢⁿ .= -div_flux_f2c(uⁿ, vⁿ, wⁿ, Sⁿ) .+ κ∇²(Sⁿ)

@. begin
Gᵘⁿ⁺ʰ = (3/2 + χ)*Gᵘⁿ - (1/2 + χ)*Gᵘⁿ⁻¹
Gᵛⁿ⁺ʰ = (3/2 + χ)*Gᵛⁿ - (1/2 + χ)*Gᵛⁿ⁻¹
Gʷⁿ⁺ʰ = (3/2 + χ)*Gʷⁿ - (1/2 + χ)*Gʷⁿ⁻¹
Gᵀⁿ⁺ʰ = (3/2 + χ)*Gᵀⁿ - (1/2 + χ)*Gᵀⁿ⁻¹
Gˢⁿ⁺ʰ = (3/2 + χ)*Gˢⁿ - (1/2 + χ)*Gˢⁿ⁻¹

RHS = div_f2c(Gᵘⁿ⁺ʰ, Gᵛⁿ⁺ʰ, Gʷⁿ⁺ʰ) # Right hand side or source term.
pⁿʰ⁺ˢ = solve_poisson_3d_ppn(RHS, Nˣ, Nʸ, Nᶻ, Δx, Δy, Δz)

# RHS_rec = laplacian3d_ppn(pⁿʰ⁺ˢ) ./ (Δx)^2 # TODO: This assumes Δx == Δy == Δz.
# error = RHS_rec .- RHS
# @info begin
# string("Fourier-spectral solver diagnostics:\n",
# @sprintf("RHS: min=%.6g, max=%.6g, mean=%.6g, absmean=%.6g, std=%.6g\n", minimum(RHS), maximum(RHS), mean(RHS), mean(abs.(RHS)), std(RHS)),
# @sprintf("RHS_rec: min=%.6g, max=%.6g, mean=%.6g, absmean=%.6g, std=%.6g\n", minimum(RHS_rec), maximum(RHS_rec), mean(RHS_rec), mean(abs.(RHS_rec)), std(RHS_rec)),
# @sprintf("error: min=%.6g, max=%.6g, mean=%.6g, absmean=%.6g, std=%.6g\n", minimum(error), maximum(error), mean(error), mean(abs.(error)), std(error))
# )
# end

@. pⁿ = pʰʸ′ + pⁿʰ⁺ˢ

uⁿ .= uⁿ .+ ( Gᵘⁿ⁺ʰ .- (1/Δx) .* δˣc2f(pⁿʰ⁺ˢ) ) .* Δt
vⁿ .= vⁿ .+ ( Gᵛⁿ⁺ʰ .- (1/Δy) .* δʸc2f(pⁿʰ⁺ˢ) ) .* Δt
wⁿ .= wⁿ .+ ( Gʷⁿ⁺ʰ .- (1/Δz) .* δᶻc2f(pⁿʰ⁺ˢ) ) .* Δt

@. Sⁿ = Sⁿ + (Gˢⁿ⁺ʰ * Δt)
@. Tⁿ = Tⁿ + (Gᵀⁿ⁺ʰ * Δt)
animT = @animate for tidx in 1:Int(Nt/R.ΔR)
print("\rframe = $tidx / $(Int(Nt/R.ΔR)) ")
Plots.heatmap(g.xC ./ 1000, g.zC ./ 1000, rotl90(R.T[tidx, :, 1, :]) .- 283, color=:balance,
clims=(-0.1, 0),
title="T change @ t=$(tidx*R.ΔR*Δt)")
mp4(animT, "deep_convection_2d_$(round(Int, time())).mp4", fps = 30)

# animρ = @animate for tidx in 1:Int(Nt/ΔR)
# print("\rframe = $tidx / $(Int(Nt/ΔR)) ")
# Plots.heatmap(g.xC ./ 1000, g.zC ./ 1000, rotl90(R.ρ[tidx, :, 1, :]) .- eos.ρ₀, color=:balance,
# clims=(-0.001, 0.001),
# # clims=(-maximum(R.ρ[tidx, :, 1, :] .- eos.ρ₀), maximum(R.ρ[tidx, :, 1, :] .- eos.ρ₀)),
# title="delta rho @ t=$(tidx*ΔR*Δt)")
# end
# mp4(animρ, "tracer_δρ_$(round(Int, time())).mp4", fps = 30)

div_u1 = div_f2c(uⁿ, vⁿ, wⁿ)
function deep_convection_2d()
Nx, Ny, Nz = 100, 1, 50
Lx, Ly, Lz = 2000, 1, 1000
Nt, Δt = 25000, 20
ΔR = 10

if n % ΔR == 0
# @info begin
# string("Time: $(n*Δt)\n",
# @sprintf("uⁿ: min=%.6g, max=%.6g, mean=%.6g, absmean=%.6g, std=%.6g\n", minimum(uⁿ), maximum(uⁿ), mean(uⁿ), mean(abs.(uⁿ)), std(uⁿ)),
# @sprintf("vⁿ: min=%.6g, max=%.6g, mean=%.6g, absmean=%.6g, std=%.6g\n", minimum(vⁿ), maximum(vⁿ), mean(vⁿ), mean(abs.(vⁿ)), std(vⁿ)),
# @sprintf("wⁿ: min=%.6g, max=%.6g, mean=%.6g, absmean=%.6g, std=%.6g\n", minimum(wⁿ), maximum(wⁿ), mean(wⁿ), mean(abs.(wⁿ)), std(wⁿ)),
# @sprintf("Tⁿ: min=%.6g, max=%.6g, mean=%.6g, absmean=%.6g, std=%.6g\n", minimum(Tⁿ), maximum(Tⁿ), mean(Tⁿ), mean(abs.(Tⁿ)), std(Tⁿ)),
# @sprintf("Sⁿ: min=%.6g, max=%.6g, mean=%.6g, absmean=%.6g, std=%.6g\n", minimum(Sⁿ), maximum(Sⁿ), mean(Sⁿ), mean(abs.(Sⁿ)), std(Sⁿ)),
# @sprintf("pʰʸ: min=%.6g, max=%.6g, mean=%.6g, absmean=%.6g, std=%.6g\n", minimum(pʰʸ), maximum(pʰʸ), mean(pʰʸ), mean(abs.(pʰʸ)), std(pʰʸ)),
# @sprintf("pʰʸ′: min=%.6g, max=%.6g, mean=%.6g, absmean=%.6g, std=%.6g\n", minimum(pʰʸ′), maximum(pʰʸ′), mean(pʰʸ′), mean(abs.(pʰʸ′)), std(pʰʸ′)),
# @sprintf("pⁿʰ⁺ˢ:min=%.6g, max=%.6g, mean=%.6g, absmean=%.6g, std=%.6g\n", minimum(pⁿʰ⁺ˢ), maximum(pⁿʰ⁺ˢ), mean(pⁿʰ⁺ˢ), mean(abs.(pⁿʰ⁺ˢ)), std(pⁿʰ⁺ˢ)),
# @sprintf("pⁿ: min=%.6g, max=%.6g, mean=%.6g, absmean=%.6g, std=%.6g\n", minimum(pⁿ), maximum(pⁿ), mean(pⁿ), mean(abs.(pⁿ)), std(pⁿ)),
# @sprintf("ρⁿ: min=%.6g, max=%.6g, mean=%.6g, absmean=%.6g, std=%.6g\n", minimum(ρⁿ), maximum(ρⁿ), mean(ρⁿ), mean(abs.(ρⁿ)), std(ρⁿ)),
# @sprintf("δρ: min=%.6g, max=%.6g, mean=%.6g, absmean=%.6g, std=%.6g\n", minimum(δρ), maximum(δρ), mean(δρ), mean(abs.(δρ)), std(δρ)),
# @sprintf("∇⋅u1: min=%.6g, max=%.6g, mean=%.6g, absmean=%.6g, std=%.6g\n", minimum(div_u1), maximum(div_u1), mean(div_u1), mean(abs.(div_u1)), std(div_u1))
# )
# end # @info
problem = Problem((Nx, Ny, Nz), (Lx, Ly, Lz))
@.[Int(problem.g.Nx/10):Int(9problem.g.Nx/10), 1, 1] = -0.5e-5 + 1e-6*rand()

Ridx = Int(n/ΔR)
Ru[Ridx, :, :, :] = copy(uⁿ)
# Rv[n, :, :, :] = copy(vⁿ)
Rw[Ridx, :, :, :] = copy(wⁿ)
RT[Ridx, :, :, :] = copy(Tⁿ)
# RS[n, :, :, :] = copy(Sⁿ)
Rρ[Ridx, :, :, :] = copy(ρⁿ)
# RpHY′[n, :, :, :] = copy(pʰʸ′)
RpNHS[Ridx, :, :, :] = copy(pⁿʰ⁺ˢ)
R = SavedFields(problem.g, Nt, ΔR)

time_stepping(uⁿ, vⁿ, wⁿ, Tⁿ, Sⁿ, pⁿ, pʰʸ, pʰʸ′, pⁿʰ⁺ˢ, g′, ρⁿ, δρ, Gᵘⁿ, Gᵛⁿ, Gʷⁿ, Gᵀⁿ, Gˢⁿ, Gᵘⁿ⁻¹, Gᵛⁿ⁻¹, Gʷⁿ⁻¹, Gᵀⁿ⁻¹, Gˢⁿ⁻¹, Gᵘⁿ⁺ʰ, Gᵛⁿ⁺ʰ, Gʷⁿ⁺ʰ, Gᵀⁿ⁺ʰ, Gˢⁿ⁺ʰ)
time_stepping!(problem; Nt=Nt, Δt=Δt, R=R)

# This is much faster in Jupyter for some reason...
anim = @animate for tidx in 1:Int(Nᵗ/ΔR)
print("\rframe = $tidx / $(Int(Nᵗ/ΔR)) ")
Plots.heatmap(xC, zC, rotl90(RT[tidx, :, 1, :]) .- 283, color=:plasma,
clims=(-0.1, 0),
# clims=(-maximum(RT[tidx, :, 1, :] .- 283), maximum(RT[tidx, :, 1, :] .- 283)),
title="T change @ t=$(tidx*ΔR*Δt)")
make_movies(problem, R, Nt, Δt)
mp4(anim, "tracer_T_$(round(Int, time())).mp4", fps = 30)

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