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Compact multiple cubed sphere validation scripts
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siddharthabishnu committed Apr 30, 2024
1 parent fa1868c commit 6868203
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Showing 4 changed files with 492 additions and 1,146 deletions.
145 changes: 86 additions & 59 deletions validation/multi_region/cubed_sphere_bickley_jet.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ using Oceananigans, Printf
using Oceananigans.Grids: λnode, φnode, znode, halo_size, total_size
using Oceananigans.MultiRegion: getregion, number_of_regions, fill_halo_regions!
using Oceananigans.Operators
using Oceananigans.Utils
using Oceananigans.Utils: Iterate
using KernelAbstractions: @kernel, @index

using JLD2

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,8 +121,11 @@ Nx, Ny, Nz = 32, 32, 1
Nhalo = 4
R = 1 # sphere's radius

grid = ConformalCubedSphereGrid(; panel_size = (Nx, Ny, Nz), z = (-H, 0), radius = R, horizontal_direction_halo = Nhalo,
partition = CubedSpherePartition(; R = 1))
grid = ConformalCubedSphereGrid(; panel_size = (Nx, Ny, Nz),
z = (-H, 0),
radius = R,
horizontal_direction_halo = Nhalo,
partition = CubedSpherePartition(; R = 1))

Lx = 2π
Ly = π
Expand All @@ -150,13 +151,18 @@ between retaining important gradient features and maintaining stability. For a m
Ω = 2π/86400 # Earth's rotation rate
myCoriolis = HydrostaticSphericalCoriolis(rotation_rate = Ω, scheme = EnstrophyConserving())

model = HydrostaticFreeSurfaceModel(; grid, momentum_advection, tracer_advection, free_surface, tracers = :c,
coriolis = myCoriolis, buoyancy = nothing, closure)
model = HydrostaticFreeSurfaceModel(; grid,
tracers = :c,
coriolis = myCoriolis,
buoyancy = nothing,
closure = closure)

set_bickley_jet!(model; Lx = Lx, Ly = Ly, ϵ = 0.1, ℓ₀ = 0.5, k₀ = 0.5)

# Specify cfl = c * Δt / min(Δx) = 0.2, so that Δt = 0.2 * min(Δx) / c

min_spacing = filter(!iszero, grid[1].Δxᶠᶠᵃ) |> minimum
Δt = 0.2 * min_spacing / c

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,6 +195,10 @@ save_u(sim) = push!(u_fields, deepcopy(sim.model.velocities.u))
v_fields = Field[]
save_v(sim) = push!(v_fields, deepcopy(sim.model.velocities.v))

# Now, compute the vorticity.
using Oceananigans.Utils
using KernelAbstractions: @kernel, @index

ζ = Field{Face, Face, Center}(grid)

@kernel function _compute_vorticity!(ζ, grid, u, v)
Expand All @@ -208,7 +218,6 @@ end
function save_ζ(sim)
grid = sim.model.grid

Hx, Hy, Hz = halo_size(grid)
offset = -1 .* halo_size(grid)

u, v, _ = sim.model.velocities
Expand All @@ -234,6 +243,7 @@ vᵢ = deepcopy(simulation.model.velocities.v)
ζᵢ = deepcopy(ζ)

ηᵢ = deepcopy(simulation.model.free_surface.η)
# Redefine ηᵢ as ηᵢ = ηᵢ - H for better visualization.
for region in 1:number_of_regions(grid)
for j in 1-Hy:Ny+Hy, i in 1-Hx:Nx+Hx, k in Nz+1:Nz+1
ηᵢ[region][i, j, k] -= H
Expand All @@ -247,42 +257,31 @@ include("cubed_sphere_visualization.jl")
plot_initial_field = false
if plot_initial_field
# Plot the initial velocity field.

fig = panel_wise_visualization_with_halos(grid, uᵢ; k = Nz)
save("u₀_with_halos.png", fig)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_u₀_with_halos.png", fig)

fig = panel_wise_visualization(grid, uᵢ; k = Nz)
save("u₀.png", fig)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_u₀.png", fig)

fig = panel_wise_visualization_with_halos(grid, vᵢ; k = Nz)
save("v₀_with_halos.png", fig)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_v₀_with_halos.png", fig)

fig = panel_wise_visualization(grid, vᵢ; k = Nz)
save("v₀.png", fig)

# Plot the initial vorticity field after model definition.
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_v₀.png", fig)

# Plot the initial vorticity field.
fig = panel_wise_visualization_with_halos(grid, ζᵢ; k = Nz)
save("ζ₀_with_halos.png", fig)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_ζ₀_with_halos.png", fig)

fig = panel_wise_visualization(grid, ζᵢ; k = Nz)
save("ζ₀.png", fig)

# Plot the initial surface elevation field after model definition.

fig = panel_wise_visualization_with_halos(grid, ηᵢ; k = Nz + 1, ssh = true)
save("η₀_with_halos.png", fig)

fig = panel_wise_visualization(grid, ηᵢ; k = Nz + 1, ssh = true)
save("η₀.png", fig)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_ζ₀.png", fig)

# Plot the initial tracer field.

fig = panel_wise_visualization_with_halos(grid, cᵢ; k = Nz)
save("c₀_with_halos.png", fig)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_c₀_with_halos.png", fig)

fig = panel_wise_visualization(grid, cᵢ; k = Nz)
save("c₀.png", fig)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_c₀.png", fig)

animation_time = 15 # seconds
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -325,6 +324,7 @@ if print_output_to_jld2_file

# Redefine η as η = η - H for better visualization.
for i_frame in 1:n_frames+1
for region in 1:number_of_regions(grid)
for j in 1-Hy:Ny+Hy, i in 1-Hx:Nx+Hx, k in Nz+1:Nz+1
Expand All @@ -334,129 +334,156 @@ for i_frame in 1:n_frames+1

plot_final_field = false

if plot_final_field
fig = panel_wise_visualization_with_halos(grid, u_fields[end]; k = Nz)
save("u_with_halos.png", fig)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_u_with_halos.png", fig)

fig = panel_wise_visualization(grid, u_fields[end]; k = Nz)
save("u.png", fig)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_u.png", fig)

fig = panel_wise_visualization_with_halos(grid, v_fields[end]; k = Nz)
save("v_with_halos.png", fig)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_v_with_halos.png", fig)

fig = panel_wise_visualization(grid, v_fields[end]; k = Nz)
save("v.png", fig)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_v.png", fig)

fig = panel_wise_visualization_with_halos(grid, ζ_fields[end]; k = Nz)
save("ζ_with_halos.png", fig)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_ζ_with_halos.png", fig)

fig = panel_wise_visualization(grid, ζ_fields[end]; k = Nz)
save("ζ.png", fig)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_ζ.png", fig)

fig = panel_wise_visualization_with_halos(grid, η_fields[end]; k = Nz + 1, ssh = true)
save("η_with_halos.png", fig)
fig = panel_wise_visualization_with_halos(grid, η_fields[end]; k = Nz + 1, use_symmetric_colorrange = false,
ssh = true)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_η_with_halos.png", fig)

fig = panel_wise_visualization(grid, η_fields[end]; k = Nz + 1, ssh = true)
save("η.png", fig)
fig = panel_wise_visualization(grid, η_fields[end]; k = Nz + 1, use_symmetric_colorrange = false, ssh = true)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_η.png", fig)

fig = panel_wise_visualization_with_halos(grid, c_fields[end]; k = Nz)
save("c_with_halos.png", fig)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_c_with_halos.png", fig)

fig = panel_wise_visualization(grid, c_fields[end]; k = Nz)
save("c.png", fig)
save("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_c.png", fig)

plot_snapshots = false
if plot_snapshots
n_snapshots = 3

u_colorrange = zeros(2)
v_colorrange = zeros(2)
ζ_colorrange = zeros(2)
η_colorrange = zeros(2)
c_colorrange = zeros(2)

for i_snapshot in 0:n_snapshots
frame_index = floor(Int, i_snapshot * n_frames / n_snapshots) + 1
u_colorrange_at_frame_index = specify_colorrange(grid, u_fields[frame_index])
v_colorrange_at_frame_index = specify_colorrange(grid, v_fields[frame_index])
ζ_colorrange_at_frame_index = specify_colorrange(grid, ζ_fields[frame_index])
η_colorrange_at_frame_index = specify_colorrange(grid, η_fields[frame_index]; use_symmetric_colorrange = false,
ssh = true)
c_colorrange_at_frame_index = specify_colorrange(grid, c_fields[frame_index])
if i_snapshot == 0
u_colorrange[:] = collect(u_colorrange_at_frame_index)
v_colorrange[:] = collect(v_colorrange_at_frame_index)
ζ_colorrange[:] = collect(ζ_colorrange_at_frame_index)
η_colorrange[:] = collect(η_colorrange_at_frame_index)
c_colorrange[:] = collect(c_colorrange_at_frame_index)
u_colorrange[1] = min(u_colorrange[1], u_colorrange_at_frame_index[1])
u_colorrange[2] = max(u_colorrange[2], u_colorrange_at_frame_index[2])
v_colorrange[1] = min(v_colorrange[1], v_colorrange_at_frame_index[1])
v_colorrange[2] = max(v_colorrange[2], v_colorrange_at_frame_index[2])
ζ_colorrange[1] = min(ζ_colorrange[1], ζ_colorrange_at_frame_index[1])
ζ_colorrange[2] = -ζ_colorrange[1]
ζ_colorrange[2] = max(ζ_colorrange[2], ζ_colorrange_at_frame_index[2])
η_colorrange[1] = min(η_colorrange[1], η_colorrange_at_frame_index[1])
η_colorrange[2] = max(η_colorrange[2], η_colorrange_at_frame_index[2])
c_colorrange[1] = min(c_colorrange[1], c_colorrange_at_frame_index[1])
c_colorrange[2] = -c_colorrange[1]
c_colorrange[2] = max(c_colorrange[2], c_colorrange_at_frame_index[2])

for i_snapshot in 0:n_snapshots
frame_index = floor(Int, i_snapshot * n_frames / n_snapshots) + 1
simulation_time = simulation_time_per_frame * (frame_index - 1)
title = "Zonal velocity after $(prettytime(simulation_time))"
fig = geo_heatlatlon_visualization(grid,
interpolate_cubed_sphere_field_to_cell_centers(grid, u_fields[frame_index],
"fc"), title;
cbar_label = "zonal velocity", specify_plot_limits = true,
plot_limits = u_colorrange)
save(@sprintf("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_u_%d.png", i_snapshot), fig)
title = "Meridional velocity after $(prettytime(simulation_time))"
fig = geo_heatlatlon_visualization(grid,
interpolate_cubed_sphere_field_to_cell_centers(grid, v_fields[frame_index],
"cf"), title;
cbar_label = "meridional velocity", specify_plot_limits = true,
plot_limits = v_colorrange)
save(@sprintf("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_v_%d.png", i_snapshot), fig)
title = "Relative vorticity after $(prettytime(simulation_time))"
fig = geo_heatlatlon_visualization(grid,
interpolate_cubed_sphere_field_to_cell_centers(grid, ζ_fields[frame_index],
"ff"), title;
cbar_label = "Relative vorticity", specify_plot_limits = true,
cbar_label = "relative vorticity", specify_plot_limits = true,
plot_limits = ζ_colorrange)
save(@sprintf("ζ_%d.png", i_snapshot), fig)
save(@sprintf("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_ζ_%d.png", i_snapshot), fig)
title = "Surface elevation after $(prettytime(simulation_time))"
fig = geo_heatlatlon_visualization(grid, η_fields[frame_index], title; use_symmetric_colorrange = false,
ssh = true, cbar_label = "Surface elevation", specify_plot_limits = true,
ssh = true, cbar_label = "surface elevation", specify_plot_limits = true,
plot_limits = η_colorrange)
save(@sprintf("η_%d.png", i_snapshot), fig)
save(@sprintf("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_η_%d.png", i_snapshot), fig)
title = "Tracer distribution after $(prettytime(simulation_time))"
fig = geo_heatlatlon_visualization(grid, c_fields[frame_index], title; cbar_label = "Tracer level",
fig = geo_heatlatlon_visualization(grid, c_fields[frame_index], title; cbar_label = "tracer level",
specify_plot_limits = true, plot_limits = c_colorrange)
save(@sprintf("c_%d.png", i_snapshot), fig)
save(@sprintf("cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_c_%d.png", i_snapshot), fig)

make_animations = false
if make_animations
create_panel_wise_visualization_animation(grid, u_fields, framerate, "u"; k = Nz)
create_panel_wise_visualization_animation(grid, v_fields, framerate, "v"; k = Nz)
create_panel_wise_visualization_animation(grid, ζ_fields, framerate, "ζ"; k = Nz)
create_panel_wise_visualization_animation(grid, η_fields, framerate, "η"; k = Nz+1, ssh = true)
create_panel_wise_visualization_animation(grid, c_fields, framerate, "c"; k = Nz)
create_panel_wise_visualization_animation(grid, cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_u_fields, framerate, "u"; k = Nz)
create_panel_wise_visualization_animation(grid, cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_v_fields, framerate, "v"; k = Nz)
create_panel_wise_visualization_animation(grid, cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_ζ_fields, framerate, "ζ"; k = Nz)
create_panel_wise_visualization_animation(grid, cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_η_fields, framerate, "η"; k = Nz+1,
ssh = true)
create_panel_wise_visualization_animation(grid, cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_c_fields, framerate, "c"; k = Nz)

prettytimes = [prettytime(simulation_time_per_frame * i) for i in 0:n_frames]

u_colorrange = specify_colorrange_timeseries(grid, u_fields)
geo_heatlatlon_visualization_animation(grid, u_fields, "fc", prettytimes, "Zonal velocity"; k = Nz,
cbar_label = "zonal velocity", specify_plot_limits = true,
plot_limits = u_colorrange, framerate = framerate,
filename = "u_geo_heatlatlon_animation")
filename = "cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_u_geo_heatlatlon_animation")

v_colorrange = specify_colorrange_timeseries(grid, v_fields)
geo_heatlatlon_visualization_animation(grid, v_fields, "cf", prettytimes, "Meridional velocity"; k = Nz,
cbar_label = "meridional velocity", specify_plot_limits = true,
plot_limits = v_colorrange, framerate = framerate,
filename = "v_geo_heatlatlon_animation")
filename = "cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_v_geo_heatlatlon_animation")

ζ_colorrange = specify_colorrange_timeseries(grid, ζ_fields)
geo_heatlatlon_visualization_animation(grid, ζ_fields, "ff", prettytimes, "Relative vorticity"; k = Nz,
cbar_label = "relative vorticity", specify_plot_limits = true,
plot_limits = ζ_colorrange, framerate = framerate,
filename = "ζ_geo_heatlatlon_animation")
filename = "cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_ζ_geo_heatlatlon_animation")

η_colorrange = specify_colorrange_timeseries(grid, η_fields; use_symmetric_colorrange = false, ssh = true)
geo_heatlatlon_visualization_animation(grid, η_fields, "cc", prettytimes, "Surface elevation"; k = Nz+1,
ssh = true, use_symmetric_colorrange = false,
cbar_label = "surface elevation", specify_plot_limits = true,
plot_limits = η_colorrange, framerate = framerate,
filename = "η_geo_heatlatlon_animation")
filename = "cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_η_geo_heatlatlon_animation")

c_colorrange = specify_colorrange_timeseries(grid, c_fields)
geo_heatlatlon_visualization_animation(grid, c_fields, "cc", prettytimes, "Tracer distribution"; k = Nz,
cbar_label = "tracer level", specify_plot_limits = true,
plot_limits = c_colorrange, framerate = framerate,
filename = "c_geo_heatlatlon_animation")
filename = "cubed_sphere_bickley_jet_c_geo_heatlatlon_animation")

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