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Code Module Cop - Telegram Group Management Bot


Code Module Cop is a powerful and flexible group management bot for Telegram and a dedicated CodeModule bot designed to help admins manage and moderate their groups effectively. This bot offers various features including welcome messages, role management, auto replies, and more.


  • Moderation Tools: Mute and ban users with automated handling of warnings.
  • Welcome Messages: Custom welcome messages for new members.
  • Role Management: Manage roles for admins, moderators, and members.
  • Logging and Analytics: Track group activity and generate reports.

Getting Started


  • Node.js (v20.x or higher)
  • npm (v6.x or higher)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd cmcop
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set Up Environment Variables

    The bot requires specific environment variables to run correctly. These are stored in a .env file in the root directory of your project. This file should not be committed to version control, so ensure it is listed in your .gitignore.

    Create a .env file in the root of your project directory with the following content:

    • TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: Your Telegram bot token. You can obtain this by creating a bot on Telegram and getting the token from BotFather.
    • DB_HOST: The hostname of your database server. If you are running the database locally, this is often localhost. In containerized setups, this might be a service name like db.
    • DB_PORT: The port on which your database server is listening. For MySQL, this is typically 3306.
    • DB_USERNAME: The username used to access your database.
    • DB_PASSWORD: The password associated with the database username.
    • DB_NAME: The name of the database that the bot will use.
  4. Start the Bot

    With the environment variables set, you can start the bot:

    npm start

For detailed installation instructions, see the file.



  • /start: Start interacting with the bot and receive a welcome message.
  • /help: Get assistance and see the list of available commands.
  • /warn [reason]: Issue a warning to a user. If a user accumulates three warnings, they will be automatically banned.
  • /mute [time]: Mute a user for a specified duration. Time can be specified in minutes (m), hours (h), or indefinitely.
  • /ban: Ban a user from the group permanently.

For detailed usage instructions, see the file.


To mute a user for 10 minutes, use:

/mute 10m  (You must reply to the user.)


Read the Contributing Guidelines: Before you start, please read our file. It contains important information about how to contribute, including coding standards, how to set up your development environment, and the process for submitting changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.