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Moisés Córdova edited this page Jul 5, 2020 · 3 revisions

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How To Swift

How to swift includes some basics examples to do some recurrent and basics tasks in mobile apps. Keep in mind are basic examples, you can expand, modify or do what you want for specfics tasks.

How to call an API

How to create some basic API calls with native tools in Swift

How to download images / Setting automatically in ImageView and caching

How to download images with string URL and assign directly to ImageView.

If you're using storyboard set your UIImageView class to CacheImageView, then call loadImage, example of ussage in ViewController, image is loaded in viewDidLoad.

How to create some useful IBDesignables views

How to create some creative and beautiful elements in storyboards such as CardViews, gradients, etc.

How to create a custom menu like share sheet

How to create and simulate interface of share sheet for your own menus extending from UIActivityViewController

How to get data from HealthKit

Use HealthKit for find some useful data such as biological sex, steps in day, workouts and more

How to general utilities

  • How underline UITextField
  • How to remove extra lines when UITableView elements doesn't fit on screen
  • How to convert String to date
  • How check regex for mail in String
  • How to create QR with string
  • How to convert date to String
  • How to remove UINavigationBar line
  • How to crete and set an UIActivityIndicatorView on every view easily
  • How to check booleans from Int
  • How to call UIRefreshControl programatically
  • How to add support for iOS 12 in Xcode 11 projects