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DevOps Track - DEPI 2024

DevOps Cycle


Plan (C1) - tentative

Total 28 Sessions

9 Offline Practice
1 (11/5). Linux and Networking
2 (22/6). Development, Testing, and VCS (Git)
3 (06/7). Building (Docker and GitHub packages)
4 (20/7). CI (Jenkins and GitHub Actions)
5 (03/8). CD (Ansible) & IaC (Terraform with aws/docker/github/vagrant)
6 (17/8). Container Orchestration (K8s, Minikube, EKS), Helm, and Helmfile
7 (31/8). Monitoring (Prometheus, Loki, and Grafana)
8 (14/9). End-to-end DevOps project
9 (21/9). Final presentations

19 Online Theory
01 (19/4). Linux
02 (26/4). Networking
------------------------ Offline 1
03 (10/5). More on Linux and Networking
04 (17/5). Development, Testing, and QA
05 (21/6). Building and Publishing Artifacts
------------------------ Offline 2
06 (28/6). Docker 1 (images, containers, registeries). Practice with DBs
07 (05/7). Docker 2 (volumes, networks, compose). Practice with Message Queues & RPC
------------------------ Offline 3
08 (12/7). CI (Jenkins and GitHub Actions)
09 (19/7). CD (Ansible) & AWS Overview
------------------------ Offline 4
10 (26/7). CI/CD Recap
11 (02/8). IaC (Terraform)
------------------------ Offline 5
12 (09/8). K8s essentials, Minikube
13 (16/8). More on K8s
------------------------ Offline 6
14 (23/8). K8s on AWS & Helm
15 (30/8). Monitoring, Visualization, and Alerting (Prometheus, Loki, Grafana)
------------------------ Offline 7
16 (06/9). DevSecOps
17 (13/9). K8s Review
----------------------- Offline 8
18 (20/9). DevOps Engineer hiring process
19 (27/9). TBA
----------------------- Offline 9

Plan (C2) - tentative

Total 26 Sessions

9 Offline Practice
1 (27/4). Linux and Networking
2 (18/5). Development, Testing, and VCS (Git)
3 (01/6). Building (Docker and GitHub packages)
4 (15/6). CI (Jenkins and GitHub Actions)
5 (29/6). CD (Ansible) & IaC (Terraform with aws/docker/github/vagrant)
6 (13/7). Container Orchestration (K8s, Minikube, EKS), Helm, and Helmfile
7 (27/7). Monitoring (Prometheus, Loki, and Grafana)
8 (10/8). Mock final presentations
9 (21/9). Official final presentations

17 Online Theory
01 (19/4). Linux
02 (26/4). Networking
------------------------ Offline 1
03 (10/5). Development (Python, Vscode, Git)
04 (17/5). Testing and QA + Practice
------------------------ Offline 2
05 (24/5). Building and Publishing Artifacts
06 (31/5). Docker 1 (images, containers, registeries). Practice with DBs
------------------------ Offline 3
07 (07/6). Docker 2 (volumes, networks, compose). Practice with Message Queues & RPC
08 (14/6). CI (Jenkins and GitHub Actions)
------------------------ Offline 4
09 (21/6). CD (Ansible) & AWS Overview
------------------------ Offline 5
10 (05/7). IaC (Terraform)
11 (12/7). K8s essentials, Minikube
------------------------ Offline 6
12 (19/7). EKS, Helm, and Helmfile
13 (26/7). Monitoring, Visualization, and Alerting (Prometheus, Loki, Grafana)
------------------------ Offline 7
14 (02/8). DevSecOps
15 (09/8). DevOps Engineer hiring process
----------------------- Offline 8
16 (16/8). Late presentations
17 (20/9). End-to-End DevOps Project
----------------------- Offline 9