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DJMcMayhem edited this page Dec 10, 2016 · 1 revision

In vim and V, a "motion" is either a command that moves the cursor forward a certain amount or an argument to an operator. For example, w will move the cursor one word forward, and dw will delete on word. A list of custom motions in V can be found here:

Name Mnemonic Description
ê <M-j> Straight down. Moves to the current column on the last line of the buffer "Block-wise". Equivalent to hitting j a whole bunch of times.
ë <M-k> Straight up. Moves to the current column on the first line of the buffer "Block-wise". Equivalent to hitting k a whole bunch of times.
L L Move to the last character of the last line "Block-wise". If given a count, moves to the n-th line instead.
H H Same as gg
ã <M-c> (center) Moves to the middle character of the current line.
M M Moves to the first non-whitespace character of the center line of the buffer "Line-wise".


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