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This file hosts a contribution to the 10th International Conference on Ecological Informatics taking place on 24-28 September 2018 in Jena and specifically the Session S3.2 "Citizen science meets informatics: Data science challenges in ecological research with public participation" at 14:00 - 16:15 on Monday 24 September 2018 in Lecture Hall 5.

Title of the abstract/talk

  • Wikimedia projects as citizen science platforms


Submission abstract

When searching the web for information on a given topic — say, citizen science — Wikipedia will often come up high in the search results. What is less known is that Wikipedia forms the nucleus of an entire ecosystem of Wikimedia projects that are roughly organized by information channel. Besides the encyclopedia, this includes an archive (Wikisource) and a dictionary (Wiktionary), along with sites dedicated to quotes (Wikiquote), taxa (Wikispecies), media files (Wikimedia Commons), books (Wikibooks), coursework (Wikiversity), news (Wikinews), structured data (Wikidata), software (MediaWiki) or technical infrastructure (Wikimedia Labs).

While citizen science-related topics form only a small sliver of the content found on these open knowledge platforms, the practice of contributing is similar to that of many citizen science projects: contributors are volunteers who participate in areas of their own interest, in a language of their choice and on their own timeline. The similarities go further, with community-driven collaborations forming around issues that are also in the focus of citizen science projects: the identification and disambiguation of taxa, people or locations, the collection and categorization of photographs, audiovisual materials and historic records, the transcription and translation of such records, the integration and visualization of data, or identifying and locating suitable resources that can help verify information related to any of the above.

This contribution is intended as a guided tour around such citizen science activities taking place in the framework of Wikimedia projects, both within and across domains of knowledge. Focusing on examples from biodiversity and ecosystems research, it will highlight some data-related issues (e.g. data and metadata quality, data integration) and how they are handled in Wikimedia contexts. The presentation will be given on the basis of , which is complemented by . Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops, as they will be invited to actively engage with Wikimedia-based information in their domain, as well as to entertain and share ideas on how they could integrate it with their own activities.

Notes from drafting

  • Wikidata
  • Wikibase
  • games
  • exists in about 300 languages
  • OSM
  • example

See also


The call for proposals had an April 15 deadline, by which I submitted the abstract, which received the submission number 144. It was accepted on May 9, though that message reached me only on May 16.

Name of the authors

Daniel Mietchen

e-mail-address (please mark corresponding author)



Data Science Institute, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA

Keywords (max. 5)

  • Wikipedia
  • Wikimedia Commons
  • Wikidata
  • collaboration
  • open knowledge