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Setup a virtualenv and install requirements:

mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages pega -p python3
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone
cd cyobstract && python install

Running server

./ runserver

Building front-end

To build JavaScript and CSS files, first install npm packages:

npm install

Then to build (and watch for changes locally) just run:

npm run dev-watch

Running Celery

Celery can be used to run background tasks. To run it you can use:

celery -A pega worker -l INFO

Google Authentication Setup

To setup Google Authentication, follow the instructions here.

Running Tests

To run tests simply run:

./ test

Or to test a specific app/module:

./ test apps.utils.tests.test_slugs

On Linux-based systems you can watch for changes using the following:

ack --python | entr python ./ test