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Monolayer directed network with hierarchical structure

Shai Pilosof edited this page Jul 21, 2020 · 1 revision

Data set

A binary directed food web from Mouritsen KN, Poulin R, McLaughlin JP, Thieltges DW. Food web including metazoan parasites for an intertidal ecosystem in New Zealand: Ecological Archives E092-173. Ecology. 2011;92: 2006–2006.

In infomapecology:



A link-list.

R Code

otago_nodes_2 <- otago_nodes %>%
  filter(StageID==1) %>%
  select(node_name=WorkingName, node_id_original=NodeID, WorkingName,StageID, everything())
otago_links_2 <- otago_links %>%
  filter(LinkType=='Predation') %>% # Only include predation links
  filter(ConsumerSpecies.StageID==1) %>%
  filter(ResourceSpecies.StageID==1) %>%
  select(from=ResourceNodeID, to=ConsumerNodeID) %>%
  left_join(otago_nodes_2, by=c('from'='node_id_original')) %>%
  select(from, node_name, to) %>%
  left_join(otago_nodes_2, by=c('to'='node_id_original')) %>%
  select(from=node_name.x, to=node_name.y) %>%

# Prepare network objects and run infomap
# Some species will have only incoming or outgoing links, so the next line will result in a warning
network_object <- create_monolayer_object(x=otago_links_2, directed = T, bipartite = F, node_metadata = otago_nodes_2)
infomap_object <- run_infomap_monolayer(network_object, infomap_executable='Infomap',
                                        flow_model = 'directed',
                                        silent=T,trials=100, two_level=F, seed=200952)


Under the hood, the function run_infomap_monolayer runs:

./Infomap infomap.txt . -i link-list --tree --seed 200952 -N 100 -f directed --silent
  • Here, the most important feature is the lack of the argument -2 (or --two-level), which allows for hierarchical modules (the default in Infomap).
  • -f directed indicates flow on a directed network.


A tree file is produced by Infomap, but is parsed by run_infomap_monolayer from infomapecology (in R: ?run_infomap_monolayer). In addition, this data has node attributes, which are added to the final output. In this example: OrganismalGroup and NodeType. In this output excerpt, there are four nodes that belong to the 3rd submodule within top module 1. For these, module_level3 is the leaf id. Modules 2 and 3 do not have sub-modules. Therefore, for these modules the the second level (module_level2) is the leaf id and module_level3 shows an NA value.

node_id node_name module_level1 module_level2 module_level3 OrganismalGroup NodeType
57 Nemertine 1 1 3 1 Nemertean Taxon
58 Nemertine 2 1 3 2 Nemertean Taxon
59 Nemertine 3 1 3 3 Nemertean Taxon
72 Geminosyllis sp. 1 3 4 Annelid Taxon
98 Green-lipped mussel 2 1 NA Bivalve Taxon
140 Pea crab 2 2 NA Crab Taxon
39 Ghost Shrimp 3 1 NA Burrowing Shrimp Taxon
101 Yellow-eye mullet 3 2 NA Fish Taxon
102 New Zealand spotty 3 3 NA Fish Taxon