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Minimalistic python package for mining many concise data representations. Part of SmartFCA project.


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Caspailleur is a python package for mining concepts and implications in binary data with FCA framework. Part of SmartFCA ANR project.

Get started

The stable version of the package can be installed from PyPI with:

pip install caspailleur

and the latest version of the package can be installed from GitHub repository:

pip install caspailleur@git+

Analysis example


The field of Formal Concept Analysis has many mathematical terms and some conflicting notation traditions. Here is the glossary used throughout the caspailleur package:

Data description

Let us study the following "Fruit" dataset:

title firm smooth fruit color form
apple yellow round
grapefruit yellow round
kiwi green oval
plum blue oval
mango green oval

Let us download binarised version of the same data:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('', index_col=0)
df = df[df['fruit']]

print("__Objects:__", ', '.join(df.index))
print("__Attributes:__", ', '.join(df.columns))

Objects: apple, grapefruit, kiwi, plum, mango

Attributes: firm, smooth, fruit, color_is_yellow, color_is_green, color_is_blue, color_is_white, form_is_round, form_is_oval, form_is_cubic

Binarised fruit dataset

title firm smooth fruit ... form_is_round form_is_oval form_is_cubic
apple False True True ... True False False
grapefruit False False True ... True False False
kiwi False False True ... False True False
plum False True True ... False True False
mango False True True ... False True False
[5 rows x 10 columns]


Caspailleur package can only work with binary data (and is optimised for this). You can consult Paspailleur package that extends Caspailleur functionality for complex non-binary data.

Mining concepts

Now we can find all concepts in the data:

import caspailleur as csp
concepts_df = csp.mine_concepts(df)

print(concepts_df[['extent', 'intent']].map(', '.join))

Concepts table (10 rows)

concept_id extent intent
0 plum, mango, grapefruit, apple, kiwi fruit
1 plum, mango, apple smooth, fruit
2 plum, kiwi, mango form_is_oval, fruit
3 plum, mango form_is_oval, smooth, fruit
4 grapefruit, apple color_is_yellow, form_is_round, fruit
5 kiwi, mango form_is_oval, color_is_green, fruit
6 apple smooth, color_is_yellow, form_is_round, fruit
7 mango form_is_oval, color_is_green, smooth, fruit
8 plum form_is_oval, color_is_blue, smooth, fruit
9 firm, color_is_yellow, form_is_round, form_is_oval, color_is_green, color_is_blue, smooth, form_is_cubic, color_is_white, fruit

The number of concepts is exponential to the number of objects and attributes in the data. To find only the most interesting concepts, specify min_support, min_delta_stability and/or n_stable_concepts parameters:

concepts_df = csp.mine_concepts(
  df, min_support=3, min_delta_stability=1,
  to_compute=['intent', 'keys', 'support', 'delta_stability', 'lesser']
concept_id intent keys support delta_stability lesser
0 {fruit} [{}] 5 2 {1, 2}
1 {fruit, smooth} [{smooth}] 3 1 {}
2 {fruit, form_is_oval} [{form_is_oval}] 3 1 {}

Mining implications

For many datasets, the number of concepts is too large to be read by hand. Luckily, relationships between attributes can be described via implication bases whose number is usually much smaller (although there may be many implications selecting no objects).

import caspailleur as csp
implications_df = csp.mine_implications(df)

print(implications_df[['premise', 'conclusion']].map(', '.join))

Implications table (15 rows)

implication_id premise conclusion
0 fruit
1 form_is_round color_is_yellow
2 color_is_yellow form_is_round
3 color_is_green form_is_oval
4 color_is_blue form_is_oval, smooth
5 form_is_cubic firm, color_is_white, color_is_blue, color_is_...
6 color_is_white firm, color_is_blue, color_is_yellow, form_is_...
7 firm color_is_white, color_is_blue, color_is_yellow...
8 form_is_oval, form_is_round firm, color_is_white, color_is_blue, color_is_...
9 color_is_blue, form_is_round form_is_cubic, color_is_white, firm, color_is_...
10 form_is_round, color_is_green firm, color_is_white, color_is_blue, form_is_c...
11 color_is_blue, color_is_green firm, color_is_white, color_is_yellow, form_is...
12 form_is_oval, color_is_yellow firm, color_is_white, color_is_blue, color_is_...
13 color_is_yellow, color_is_blue form_is_cubic, color_is_white, firm, color_is_...
14 color_is_yellow, color_is_green firm, color_is_white, color_is_blue, form_is_c...

We can read the implications in the table and find out dependencies in the data. For example:

  • every object is a fruit
    (from impl. 0: Ø -> fruit);
  • every round fruit is yellow and vice versa
    (from impl. 1: form_is_round -> color_is_yellow, and impl. 2: color_is_yellow -> form is round);
  • firm fruits do not exist
    (from impl. 7: firm -> color_is_white, color_is_blue,... ).

If finding full implication basis takes too much time, one can mine only a part of columns and implications:

implications_df = csp.mine_implications(
  df, basis_name='Canonical', unit_base=True,
  to_compute=['premise', 'conclusion', 'support'],
  min_support=2, min_delta_stability=1

implication_id premise conclusion support
0 {} fruit 5
1 {fruit, color_is_green} form_is_oval 2
2 {fruit, form_is_round} color_is_yellow 2
3 {fruit, color_is_yellow} form_is_round 2

Mining descriptions

Finally, Caspailleur can output all descriptions in the data and their characteristics. But note that the number of descriptions = 2^number of attributes.

import caspailleur as csp
descriptions_df = csp.mine_descriptions(df)

print('__n. attributes:__', df.shape[1])
print('__n. descriptions:__', len(descriptions_df))
print('__columns:__', ', '.join(descriptions_df.columns))
print(descriptions_df[['description', 'support', 'is_key']].head(3))

n. attributes: 10
n. descriptions: 1024

columns: description, extent, intent, support, delta_stability, is_closed, is_key, is_passkey, is_proper_premise, is_pseudo_intent

description_id description support is_key
0 {} 5 True
1 {firm} 0 True
2 {smooth} 3 True

Approach for faster computation

Caspailleur does three things to fasten up the computations:

  1. It exploits the connections between characterisic attribute sets.
    E.g. a function to compute proper premises takes intents and keys as inputs, and not the original binary data.
  2. The set of intents is computed by LCM algorithm
    well-implemented in scikit-mine package:;
  3. All intrinsic computations are performed with bitwise operations
    provided by bitarray package:

The diagram below presents dependencies between the characteristic attribute sets. For example, the arrow "intents -> keys" means that the set of intents is required to compute the set of keys.

  graph TD;
      D["<b>intents ordering</b><br><small><tt>csp.sort_intents_inclusion(...)</tt></small>"]; 
      F["<b>proper premises</b><br><small><tt>csp.iter_proper_premises_via_keys(...)</tt></small>"];
      G["<b>linearity index</b><br><small><tt>csp.linearity_index(...)</tt></small>"];
      H["<b>distributivity index</b><br><small><tt>csp.distributivity_index(...)</tt></small>"];
      S --> A
      A --> B;
      A --> C;
      A --> D;
      A --> E; 
      B --> E;  
      B --> F; A --> F; 
      A --> G; D --> G;
      D --> H; A --> H; 

In case the diagram is not compiling, visit the GitHub version of README:


Although caspailleur package implements many optimisations to fasten up the computations, we do not state that it is the fastest FCA package ever existed. For example, our algorithm for computing pseudo-intent basis is far from the state-of-art. Knowing that, we find caspailleur fast enough for comfortable everyday use.

How to cite

There are no papers written about caspailleur (yet). So you can cite the package itself.

  author={Dudyrev, Egor},


The package development is supported by ANR project SmartFCA (ANR-21-CE23-0023).

SmartFCA ( is a big platform that will contain many extensions of Formal Concept Analysis including pattern structures, Relational Concept Analysis, Graph-FCA and others. While caspailleur is a small python package that covers only the basic notions of FCA.


Minimalistic python package for mining many concise data representations. Part of SmartFCA project.








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