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Welcome to - Escuela de programación presencial en Malaga y Madrid, España 🌞 ✨

Quieres dominar las tecnologías y metodologías necesarias para crear una pagina web?!
Quieres aprender los fundamentos de programación para iniciar tu carrera como programador web?

Con nuestro bootcamp presencial aprenderás a programación web (front-end y back-end) mediante un recorrido educativo con temario propio, con un profesorado experto en programación, instrucción presencial individualizada y recursos educativos disponibles antes, durante y después del curso.

¡Apúntate ya a nuestras próximas convocatorias en Málaga o Madrid!

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FAQ about

Why I'm building this? / ¿Por qué estoy haciendo esto?

After many years teaching students with one-on-one classes as a mentor in Thinkful, an international online bootcamp, I want to do what I'm passionate about teaching and helping people better their lives through education.

Despues de muchos años enseñando a estudiantes con clases individuales como mentor en Thinkful, un bootcamp internacional online, quiero hacer lo que me apasiona enseñar y ayudar a las personas a mejorar sus vidas a través de la educación.

What is our curriculum?

The curriculum is designed to teach you the fundamentals of web development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React. You will also learn how to use Git and GitHub, as well as how to deploy your projects to the web.

Web Development Foundations course

  • Extensive exploration of frontend web development essentials.
  • Equip yourself with diverse skills and tools for building responsive, user-friendly web interfaces.

Developer Tools

Utilized browser developer tools for inspecting and debugging web pages. Mastered troubleshooting and refining HTML and CSS. Ensured optimal visual appeal and responsiveness across devices.

Introduction to Media Queries

Gained understanding of crafting responsive web designs using media queries. Adapted websites to different screen sizes for seamless user experience. Adjusted layout, font size, and other elements based on screen size.

Mobile First Development

  • Introduce to mobile-first approach in web design.
  • Emphasize starting design from the smallest screen, enhancing for larger screens.
  • Guarantee optimal user experience across all devices.

Deeper with Flexbox

  • Learne to use CSS Flexbox for responsive and well-structured web layouts.
  • Explore various Flexbox properties for positioning, sizing, and ordering elements.
  • Enhance ability to design responsive, functional, and visually appealing layouts.


  • Hone skills in building responsive navigation menus.
  • Combine mobile-first approach with Flexbox and media queries.
  • Create navigational elements that adapt to different screen sizes.

HTML Forms

  • Equippe with knowledge to construct HTML forms.
  • Understood various form elements and attributes for capturing user inputs.

Fundamental Web Design Concepts

  • Introduce to UI/UX design principles and wireframing.
  • Explore essential web design principles.
  • Learn to create basic wireframes for effective communication with designers and stakeholders.


  • Lay a solid foundation for a frontend web developer journey.
  • Provide skills and understanding for creating accessible, responsive, and user-centric web experiences.


Did you know that frontend developers make an average salary of more than €50000 a year? With the skills that you're learning, you're well on your way to becoming a frontend developer! In this module, you'll focus on adding developer skills to your skillset.

Introduction to Python for Web Development



Web Development 101

Is it the right course for you?

Hablas español? Tambien tenemos classes para ti!

Course FAQ

What is the minimum age?

You could be 15 or 90, as long as you have the passion to learn and the desire to change your life.

Successful students are willing to put in the work and effort to learn.

For example, I interviewed young adults who wanted to learn how to code but didn't want to pursue a four-year computer science degree.

Or maybe you're who want to change your career and better your job opportunities

Is there a maximum age?

What is the minimum level of English?

What is the minimum level of Spanish?

What is the minimum level of coding?

Do I get a certificate of completion?

No, but what you get is better! Companies who look for software developers do not care about certificates; they care about projects and looking at your code.

You can show your portfolio to potential employers and get a job.

You will have a portfolio on GitHub with several Web projects! They will be able to see and understand better your proficiency level and gage if you might be a fit in their team 🤜🤛


  • A computer (Windows, Mac or Linux)
  • Living in Malaga 🇪🇸 or near by. I would recommend meeting in person at least 1 time per month.

🚀 Website Project Structure

Website built with Astro 🚀

🧞 Commands

All commands are run from the root of the project from a terminal:

Command Action
pnpm install Installs dependencies
pnpm run dev Starts local dev server at localhost:3000
pnpm run build Build your production site to ./dist/
pnpm run preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
pnpm run astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro preview
pnpm run astro --help Get help using the Astro CLI

👀 Want to learn more?

Email Gianfranco at [email protected] or visit

Deploy wrangler on Cloudflare Pages

This is for the cloudflare-pages-badges

wrangler publish

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