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Tic-Tac-Toe game. Created in Elixir, taking advantage of OTP constructs and best practices.


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A tic-tac-toe game engine written in Elixir.

This is an MVP. My intention is to build a working product and then improve upon it on each iteration.

Version 1

The first version will consist of a single player mode.

Version 2

The second version of the game will add a two-player mode. Users will gain the ability to play against a choosen or random opponent.

Version 3

The third version of the game will include an option for choosing the difficulty level of the computer. A single player will choose between easy, average, and hard modes.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding xxo to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:xxo, "~> 1.0.0"}

The Documentation can be found at

Xxo is a game engine for tic-tac-toe. While it is possible to play the game entirely from the command line the recommended method of play is using xxo_ui, a Phoenix application that provides a user-friendly front-end.

After Installation

Start a new game by calling Xxo.new_game("name"), where "name" is the name of the player initiating the game. This call will return {:ok, pid}, where pid is the process id of the game. You can verify the game has started successfully by calling Xxo.GameSupervisor.children(), which will return the details of the current games under supervision.

Retrieve the current state of the game by calling Xxo.GameServer.get_state("name"), passing in the same name that was used to start the game. This will return a struct that includes the following:

  action_on: "mia",
  board: %{
    {0, 0} => " ",
    {0, 1} => "x",
    {0, 2} => " ",
    {1, 0} => " ",
    {1, 1} => " ",
    {1, 2} => " ",
    {2, 0} => " ",
    {2, 1} => " ",
    {2, 2} => " "
  finished: false,
  game_name: "mia",
  winner: nil

Here is an example game played with version 1:

iex(1)> Xxo.new_game("mia")

17:40:44.395 [info]  Process created... Game name: mia
{:ok, #PID<0.188.0>}
iex(2)> GameServer.get_state("mia")
  action_on: "mia",
  board: %{
    {0, 0} => " ",
    {0, 1} => " ",
    {0, 2} => " ",
    {1, 0} => " ",
    {1, 1} => " ",
    {1, 2} => " ",
    {2, 0} => " ",
    {2, 1} => " ",
    {2, 2} => " "
  finished: false,
  game_name: "mia",
  winner: nil
iex(3)> GameServer.whereis("mia")
iex(4)> GameServer.player_move("mia", "o", {0, 0})

17:46:08.901 [info]  Player o has made a move. Check game status
   action_on: "computer",
   board: %{
     {0, 0} => "o",
     {0, 1} => " ",
     {0, 2} => " ",
     {1, 0} => " ",
     {1, 1} => " ",
     {1, 2} => " ",
     {2, 0} => " ",
     {2, 1} => " ",
     {2, 2} => " "
   finished: false,
   game_name: "mia",
   winner: nil

iex(5)> GameServer.computer_move("mia", "x")

17:49:35.067 [info]  Player x has made a move. Check game status
   action_on: "computer",
   board: %{
     {0, 0} => "o",
     {0, 1} => "x",
     {0, 2} => " ",
     {1, 0} => " ",
     {1, 1} => " ",
     {1, 2} => " ",
     {2, 0} => " ",
     {2, 1} => " ",
     {2, 2} => " "
   finished: false,
   game_name: "mia",
   winner: nil
iex(6)> GameServer.player_move("mia", "o", {1, 1})

17:53:12.703 [info]  Player o has made a move. Check game status
   action_on: "computer",
   board: %{
     {0, 0} => "o",
     {0, 1} => "x",
     {0, 2} => " ",
     {1, 0} => " ",
     {1, 1} => "o",
     {1, 2} => " ",
     {2, 0} => " ",
     {2, 1} => " ",
     {2, 2} => " "
   finished: false,
   game_name: "mia",
   winner: nil
iex(7)> GameServer.computer_move("mia", "x")

17:53:34.888 [info]  Player x has made a move. Check game status
   action_on: "computer",
   board: %{
     {0, 0} => "o",
     {0, 1} => "x",
     {0, 2} => "x",
     {1, 0} => " ",
     {1, 1} => "o",
     {1, 2} => " ",
     {2, 0} => " ",
     {2, 1} => " ",
     {2, 2} => " "
   finished: false,
   game_name: "mia",
   winner: nil

iex(8)> GameServer.player_move("mia", "o", {2, 2})

17:54:21.341 [info]  Player o has made a move. Check game status
{:game_over, "Player o Wins!"}
iex(9)> GameServer.get_state("mia")
  action_on: "computer",
  board: %{
    {0, 0} => "o",
    {0, 1} => "x",
    {0, 2} => "x",
    {1, 0} => " ",
    {1, 1} => "o",
    {1, 2} => " ",
    {2, 0} => " ",
    {2, 1} => " ",
    {2, 2} => "o"
  finished: true,
  game_name: "mia",
  winner: "o"


Tic-Tac-Toe game. Created in Elixir, taking advantage of OTP constructs and best practices.








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