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Functional JSON validator


  • Minimal, ~200 LoC, no dependencies.
  • Simple, validators are just functions, no special DSL to learn
  • Powerful, compose basic/custom validators to build complex ones


npm install --save f-validator

Get started

  const { string, number, optional, or, objectOf, arrayOf, error } = require('f-validator')
  const equal = require('assert').deepStrictEqual

  // Every validator is just a function
  const validator1 = string
  equal(validator1('I am a string'), null) // passed check -> null

  // Some validator can use other validators
  // e.g. `or`, `optional`, `objectOf`, `arrayOf`
  const validator2 = or(string, number)

  // To validate object, `objectOf` takes a schema where each field is a validator
  const validator3 = objectOf({
    a: or(string, number),
    b: objectOf({
      c: optional(string)

  // To validate array, `arrayOf` takes a validator which will be used to check every element
  const validator4 = arrayOf(validator3)

  const good = {
    a: 5,
    b: {
      c: 'I am also a string'

  const bad = {
    a: 5,
    b: {
      c: 42

  equal(validator4([good, good]), null)
  equal(validator4([good, bad]), { // an object describing the diff
    path: [1, 'b', 'c'], // key-path pointing to the exact field to blame
    expected: 'or(null or undefined, string)',
    received: 42,
    message: 'Path:\'1.b.c\', Expected: or(null or undefined, string), Received: \'42\''

  // Sometimes, you'll need your own validator
  // any function can be used as a 'Validator' if it has this signature:

   * @param any subject, subject to check
   * @param []string path, a key-path pointing to the field
   * @returns
   *   null, if it passes the check
   *   Object error, an error object created with `error` utility

  // Example 1: a humble even number validator
  const evenNumber = (subject, path = []) => {
    if (typeof subject == 'number' && (subject % 2 === 0)) {
      return null
    } else {
      return error(path, 'an even number', subject) // keypath, expected, received

  // now it can be used by other validator
  const arrayOfEvenNumber = arrayOf(evenNumber)
  equal(arrayOfEvenNumber([2, 4, 6, 9]), {
    path: [3], // the 4th element
    expected: 'an even number',
    received: 9,
    message: 'Path:\'3\', Expected: an even number, Received: \'9\''

  // Example 2:  a stringified-json-object-conforming-to-a-given-validator validator
  const jsonString = validator =>
    (subject, path = []) => {
      let parsed
      try {
        parsed = JSON.parse(subject)
      } catch (e) {
        return error(path, `json string of (${})`, subject)
      return validator(parsed, path) // note: `path` should be passed to it


1. Error constructor:

error(path:[]string, expected:string, received:any, message:?string ) - create an error object describing the diff, use it when creating your own validator

2. Basic type validators (most are tested using








Null - note the initial

Undefined - note the initial

empty - valid if value is null or undefined

regex(re:regexp) - valid if value matches regex re

3. Composite type validators:

objectOf(schema:object) - valid if value is an object where for every key of schema, value[key] is validated by schema[key]

arrayOf(v:Validator) - valid if value is an array where every element is validated by v

jsonString(v:Validator) - valid if value is an stringified object that is validated by v

4. Logical validators:

not(v:validator) - valid if value is invalidated by v

any - always valid

and(...vs:[]validator) - valid if value is validated by every validator of vs

or(...vs:[]validator) - valid if value is validated by every validator of vs

optional(v:validator) - valid if value is either validated by v or null/undefined

is(ref:any) - valid if value is strictly deeply equal to ref

oneOf(...refs:[]any) - valid if value is strictly deeply equal to any element of refs

5. Advanced validator:

like(ref:any) - valid if value has the same type/structure as ref (recursively)


const reference = {
  a: 42,
  b: 'I am string',
  c: {
    d: ['apple']
  e: optional(string)

const value = {
  a: 0,
  b: 'I am another string',
  c: {
    d: ['pear', 'microsoft']
  e: 'yep',  // functions in ref are taken as validators
  extra: 'I am an extra field, I will be fine'

like(reference)(value) // null (is valid)


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