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Installation guide

SoulDancer27 edited this page Apr 27, 2020 · 1 revision

To install the package you will need python 3.0+ installation as well as github account. This package is an intellectual property of Skoltech and is stored in a private github repository. So, if you would like to test or develop this package, please contact any of the following persons (to be granted access to the repo):

1. Contacts

2. Installing the package

2.1 Installing python 3.

The package is written in python programming language and requires python 3.0+ to work correctly. So you need to install python first. Concise instructions for Windows, Mac OSX, Linux and other major platforms can be found on

2.2 Simple way.

If you have access to the package repository on github run the following command in a terminal. You might be asked to login to your github account.

pip install git+

2.3 Full source code.

If you would like to experiment with the package source code you can clone the whole repository from github. You need access to the repo to be able to do it.