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Nuxt based website with salad recipes, server side rendered for SEO and sharing. See it deployed to

Background and purpose

After working with Vue SPAs for quite some time, I wanted to try SSR with Nuxt. The aim was to make a fast, slick and responsive website that would get the data from an external API written in PHP and running on my homepage server, used also as a CDN for images.

How it's made

SSR website made with Nuxt 2.15 - which requires ancient Vue 2.6, styled with Tailwind CSS. Uses vue-social-sharing for social links. Fetches from a simple PHP/MySQL data source.

Concluding remarks

Diving straight into SSR was a lot of fun, everything is streamlined and easy. Resolving specific issues is another story, as the documentation for more advanced features often lacks specifics. For example, I often had to consult the framework's source to find out what a particular option r e a l l y is in terms of type or structure, and to get the most out of it. Still, the project was quite fun and I'm eager to try v3. And, while researching foodie websites, I've found numerous interesting recipes myself, so thats surely a nice boon. Stock photos courtesy of Pexels. Code and assets licensed MIT.