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Database functionality for falocalrepo.


To store its information, the database uses separate tables: USERS, SUBMISSIONS, JOURNALS, SETTINGS, and HISTORY.

Note: bar-separated lists are formatted as |item1||item2| to properly isolate all elements


The users' table contains a list of all the users that have been download with the program, the folders that have been downloaded, and the submissions found in each of those.

Each entry contains the following fields:

  • USERNAME the URL username of the user (no underscores or spaces)
  • FOLDERS the folders downloaded for that specific user, sorted and bar-separated
  • ACTIVE 1 if the user is active, 0 if not
  • USERPAGE the user's profile in HTML or BBCode format


The submissions' table contains the metadata of the submissions downloaded by the program and information on their files

  • ID the id of the submission
  • AUTHOR the username of the author (uploader) in full format
  • DATE upload date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM
  • DESCRIPTION description in HTML or BBCode format
  • FOOTER footer in HTML or BBCode format
  • TAGS bar-separated tags
  • TYPE image, text, music, or flash
  • FILEURL a bar-separated list of the remote URLs for the submission files
  • FILEEXT a bar-separated list of extensions of the downloaded files. Can be empty if the file contained errors and could not be recognised upon download
  • FILESAVED file and thumbnail download status as a 3bit flag:xx1 if thumbnail was downloaded, xx0 if not; x1x if at least one file was valid x0x if not; 1xx if all given files where valid, 0xx if not. Possible values are 0 through 7 (3 bit).
  • FAVORITE a bar-separated list of users that have "faved" the submission
  • MENTIONS a bar-separated list of users that are mentioned in the submission description as links
  • FOLDER the folder of the submission (gallery or scraps)
  • USERUPDATE 1 if the submission was added as a user update otherwise 0


The journals' table contains the metadata of the journals downloaded by the program.

  • ID the id of the journal
  • AUTHOR the username of the author (uploader) in full format
  • DATE upload date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM
  • CONTENT content in HTML or BBCode format
  • HEADER header in HTML or BBCode format
  • FOOTER footer in HTML or BBCode format
  • MENTIONS a bar-separated list of users that are mentioned in the journal content as links
  • USERUPDATE 1 if the journal was added as a user update otherwise 0


The comments' table contains the metadata of the journals and submissions stored in the database.

  • ID the id of the comment
  • PARENT_TABLE SUBMISSIONS if the comment relates to a submission, JOURNAL if the comment relates to a journal
  • PARENT_ID the id of the parent object (submission or journal)
  • REPLY_TO the id of the parent comment, if the comment is a reply
  • AUTHOR the username of the author in full format
  • DATE post date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
  • TEXT the text of the comment


The settings table contains settings for the program and variable used by the database handler and main program.

  • COOKIES cookies for the download program, stored in JSON format
  • FILESFOLDER location of downloaded submission files
  • VERSION database version


The history table holds events related to the database.

  • TIME event time in ISO format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.ssssss
  • EVENT the event description

Submission Files

The save_submission functions saves the submission metadata in the database and stores the files.

Submission files are saved in a tiered tree structure based on their submission ID. IDs are zero-padded to 10 digits and then broken up in 5 segments of 2 digits; each of these segments represents a folder tha will be created in the tree.

For example, a submission 1457893 will be padded to 0001457893 and divided into 00, 01, 45, 78, 93. The submission file will then be saved as 00/01/45/78/93/submission.file with the correct extension extracted from the file itself (FurAffinity links do not always contain the right extension and sometimes confuse JPEG and PNG).

Upgrading Database

Note: versions prior to 4.19.0 are not supported by falocalrepo-database version 5.0.0 and above. To update from those, use falocalrepo v3.25.0 to upgrade the database to version 4.19.0.
Note: Versions prior to 2.7.0 are not supported by falocalrepo-database version 3.0.0 and above. To update from those to the new version use falocalrepo v2.11.2 to upgrade the database to version 2.7.0