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Ecommerce iOS app repository using the free API provided by MercadoLibre, you can refer to the Documentation

To launch the application, you just need to let SPM load the dependencies to run the application.


Search Screen Search Results Product Detail Product Specifications

Defining the Programming Standard

Commit Message Header

<type>(<scope>): <summary>

The type and summary fields are mandatory, the scope field is optional.


Must be one of the following:

  • build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies.
  • ci: Change to out CI configuration field and scripts.
  • chore: Maintain code.
  • docs: Documentation only changes.
  • feat: A new feature.
  • perf: A code change that improves performance.
  • refactor: A code changes that neither fixed a bug nor adds a feature.
  • test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests.
  • style: Fix a style, formatting, no code change.


The scope should be the name of module or scene, for example: (feature-flag), (item-add-scene)

  • module-name: When the work is in models, repositories or workers.
  • scene-name: When the work is in view controllers, presenters, view models, data providers or custom views.


Use the summary field to provide succinct description of the change.

  • Use the imperative present tense: change not changed nor changes
  • Don't capitalize the first letter
  • No dot(.) at the end


The Clean Architecture software architecture was chosen because it offers numerous advantages such as modularity, flexibility, effective unit testing, and code maintainability. However, it can also present disadvantages in terms of initial complexity, it can be excessive for small teams and applicability to smaller projects due to its over-engineering.

The visitor pattern was additionally implemented based on the management of different ViewModels representing manipulated data to be displayed on the screen, its implementation can be found for handling the different cells of a UITableView in ProductDetailSpecsViewController, in addition, the use of the visitor can be extended to other needs, such as user interaction with the UITableView or any other related need in the ViewModels.

Table of contents


  • Entities
  • Models
  • Kinds
  • Types

Data Access

  • Repositories
  • Data Mappings

Business Logic

  • Workers
  • Interactors


  • Presenter
  • View Models
  • Data Providers
  • Factories

User Interface

  • Custom Views
  • Controllers
  • Views


  • Route
  • Route Handler
  • Scene Factory

Swift Style


  • Make it easier to read and begin understanding unfamiliar code.
  • Make code easier to maintain.
  • Reduce simple programmer errors.
  • Keep discussions on diffs focused on the code's logic rather than its style.

Table of contents

  • Delegates
  • Protocol Conformance
  • Minimal Import
  • Final
  • Spacing

👉 Delegates

When creating custom delegates methods, an unnamed first parameter should be the delegate source.

🟢 Preferred

func inputView(_ inputView: InputView, textDidChange text: String?)
func inputViewShouldReload(_ inputView: InputView) -> Bool

🔴 Not Preferred

func didTextChange(inputView: InputView, text: String?)
func inputViewShouldReload() -> Bool

👉 Protocol Conformance

Protocol Conformance should be performed in a separated extension.

🟢 Preferred

struct MyModel {

// MARK: - Equatable 

extension MyModel: Equatable { }

// MARK: - Codable

extension MyModel: Codable { 

🔴 Not Preferred

struct MyModel: Codable, Equatable {

👉 Minimal Import

Only the modules necessary for the source file should be imported. All source files should import Foundation, but don't import Foundation when import UIKit.

🟢 Preferred

import UIKit

var view = UIView()
var prices: [Double] = []

🟢 Preferred

import Foundation

var prices: [Double] = []

🔴 Not Preferred

import Foundation
import UIKit

var view = UIView()
var prices: [Double] = []

🔴 Not Preferred

import UIKit

var prices: [Double] = []

👉 Final

All default classes should be final and only in specific cases where inheritance is need should the keyword be removed.

🟢 Preferred

final class MyClass { ... }

👉 Spacing

  • The source code must be indented with 4 spaces.
  • Method braces and other braces (if / else / swift / while) always open on the same line as the statement but close on a new line.

🟢 Preferred

if user.isEnable {
} else {

🔴 Not Preferred

if user.isEnable
  • The case statement must not be indented.

🟢 Preferred

switch myKind {
case .optionA:

case .optionB:

🔴 Not Preferred

switch myKind {
    case .optionA:

    case .optionB:
  • There should be a blank line between the type declaration to maintain a visual aid.

  • Whitespace should be used in the methods to group functionalities.

  • There should be no blank line after opening a brace or before closing a brace.

  • Colons should not have a space on the left and should have a space on the right.

  • Avoid trailing whitespaces at the ends of lines.

  • These options should be enabled in Xcode.


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