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React Native Book App Starter

Key Feature

  • Find and save books in list
  • Add Books to favourites
  • Implementation of Text to Speech library.
  • Implementation of Camera to take and crop pictures.
  • PlaceHolder/Shimmer Animations
  • Global themeing with light & dark modes
  • Clean code with ES Lint
  • iOS + Android support
  • Language Support
  • Tab Bar/Drawer
  • User Profile
  • Landscape Handling
  • Responsive Design
  • Login/Signup/Forgot Password
  • Redux with saga
  • Code Push with App center
  • Husky
  • Unit tests implemented using Jest

Coverage for unit testing

Code Structure

There are six major screens i.e Login, Sign up, Forgot Password, Explore, Favorites and User details.

Important Code:
  • app/Entrypoint.tsx App entry point
  • app/assets All assets
  • app/components/...tsx Reusable Components
  • app/config/Language Language files
  • app/config/theme Themes for light and dark
  • app/models Typescript models
  • app/navigation App navigation
  • app/screens/...tsx App Screens
  • app/services API services
  • app/store Redux implementation

▶ How to Setup

Step 1: git clone this repo.

Step 2: cd to the cloned repo.

Step 3: Rename the project bundleId, package name and application name.

Step 4: Install the npm modules required for the project with npm i

▶ How to Run App

cd react-native-book-app-starter
yarn or npm install
Run Build for either OS
for iOS
run npm run ios
for Android
run npm run android

How to Change Code Push App Center Account
Apple Testflight
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