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API for data handling using Async, FastAPI, SQLModel, Postgres, Alembic and Docker with CI


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User data handling RESTful API

License: MIT

Table of Contents

API Description

User data handling api is a RESTful API designed for managng data from experiments. This API enables users to add and retrieve data to and from a PostgreSQL database asyncronously.

List of Technologies

I used the following technologies for creating user-data-api.

Technology Description Version
Python Main programming language 3.10.1
FastAPI A modern web framework for building API 0.78.0
SQLModel Object Relational Mapping 0.0.6
PostgreSQL Relational Database Management System 14.4
asyncpg A database interface library for PostgreSQL and Python/asyncio 0.25.0
Alembic Database migration tool 1.8.0
pgAdmin 4 PostgreSQL Tools 6.2
Pytest Testing Framework 7.1.2
Pytest-asyncio Enabling asyncronous for testing framework 0.18.3
Docker Containerization of app, database and database admin tools 20.10.11
OpenAPI Testing API endpoints and documentation 3.1.0
Github Actions Automation of workflows, CI
Github Packages Hosting and managing docker images


user-data-handling-api has number of good features as follows:

  • Documentation
  • Asynchronous API calls
  • Asynchronous database operations
  • Error handling
  • Expressive use of HTTP status codes
  • Log activity
  • Express URLs with nouns rather than verbs
  • Consistent code convention
  • Scalable designed architecture
  • Database migration
  • Unit testing with async calls
  • Production-ready docker images


For installation please consider the following steps:

  • Clone the repository from git link to repository

  • Build docker image ($ docker-compose build)

  • Start the docker image ($ docker-compose up)

Configuration Setup

Database migration

API features automatic asynchronous migration upon startup of the server.

for future migrations please run:

$ docker-compose exec web alembic revision --autogenerate -m "your message" $ docker-compose exec web alembic upgrade head

Database schema and access

To check database schema and access to it, please do the following steps:


  • open in your browser
  • Login to pgAdmin. username: [email protected], password: root
  • in pgAdmin create new server with following parameters. server name: yourchoice, server host: web-db, port:5432, database: postgres, username: postgres, password: postgres

Alternatively you can access database in terminal:

  • $ docker exec -it user-data-handling-api_web-db_1 bash
  • $ psql -U postgres


Detailed documentation for usage of API is accessible thorugh integrated OpenAPI http://localhost:8004/docs


To run unit tests please run the following command:

$ docker exec user-data-handling-api_web_1 python -m pytest .

or simply run: $ docker-compose exec web pytest

For test coverage: $ docker-compose exec web python -m pytest --cov="."

For generating HTML file for coverage: $ docker-compose exec web python -m pytest --cov="." --cov-report html

I added linting through Github Actions on push and pull_requests.

Database design and data modelling

user-data-handling-api has user and experiment data models in a schema that provides one to many relationship between user and experiment models. For creatn models, I used SQLModel which is based on Pydantic and SQLAlchemy.

Microservice design and scalable architecture

user-data-handling-api is scalable and can be used as a microservice.


A docker image of API is stored on Github Packages and can be accessed:


$ docker pull


user-data-handling-api is licensed under MIT.

Contact Information

My Github username is hamiddoost.


API for data handling using Async, FastAPI, SQLModel, Postgres, Alembic and Docker with CI








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