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Harley O'Connor edited this page May 16, 2021 · 3 revisions

The config can be found in the following location within your Minecraft directory: /config/chunkanimator-client.toml. It allows you to customise the animations in the following ways.


This describes how the chunks should be animated. There are currently five modes (0-4), which are detailed below. The default is 0, in which the chunks animate from below.

  1. Chunks animate from below.
  2. Chunks animate from above.
  3. Chunks animate from below if below the horizon, or from above if above it.
  4. Chunks slide in horizontally from their respective cardinal direction relative to the player.
  5. Same as mode 3, but if the chunk is “diagonal” from the player it slides from the relative direction perpendicular to the player.

Easing Function

This describes which function should control the motion of the chunks. There are currently 11 functions supported (0-10), which be compared here, with the names of each below. The default is 6, which is sine.

  1. Linear
  2. Quadratic
  3. Cubic
  4. Quartic
  5. Quintic
  6. Expo
  7. Sine
  8. Circle
  9. Back
  10. Bounce
  11. Elastic


This describes the length of the animation, in milliseconds. The default is 1,000.

Disable Around Player

If this is enabled the chunks in close range of the player will not be animated, and will instead appear instantly like normal. This is disabled by default (false).

Other Config Options

If you’d like to see new config options, such as more animations modes, please open a feature request.

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