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hynduf edited this page Jul 8, 2024 · 6 revisions



  • Super + Enter: Terminal
  • Super + Shift + R: Reload sxhkd config
  • Super + X: Toggle polybar
  • Super + G: Lock screen


  • Super + C: Program launcher
  • Super + Shift + E: Emoji selector launcher
  • Super + Alt + Z: Open Power menu
  • Super + Shift + C: Calculator
  • Super + Shift + F: Calendar
  • Super + Shift + X: Control center

BSPWM Management

  • Super + Alt + Q: Quit bspwm
  • Super + Alt + R: Restart bspwm

Window Management

  • Super + W: Close window
  • Super + Shift + W: Kill window
  • Super + M: Alternate between tiled and monocle layout
  • Super + T: Toggle window state: tiled
  • Super + Shift + T: Toggle window state: pseudo tiled
  • Super + D: Toggle window state: floating
  • Super + F: Toggle window state: fullscreen

Window Focus and Swap

  • Super + H/J/K/L: Focus window west/south/north/east
  • Super + Shift + H/J/K/L: Swap window west/south/north/east
  • Super + Left/Down/Up/Right: Focus window west/south/north/east
  • Super + Shift + Left/Down/Up/Right: Swap window west/south/north/east
  • Super + P/B/Comma/Period: Focus parent/brother/first child/second child
  • Super + Escape: Focus next window
  • Super + Shift + Escape: Focus previous window
  • Super + BracketLeft/BracketRight: Focus previous/next desktop
  • Super + Grave: Focus last node
  • Super + O/I: Focus older/newer node

Desktop Management

  • Super + 1-9, 0: Focus desktop 1-10
  • Super + Shift + 1-9, 0: Send to desktop 1-10
  • Super + Tab: Focus last desktop
  • Super + Alt + 1-9, 0: Send and follow to desktop 1-10

Node Flags (never used this tbh)

  • Super + Ctrl + M: Mark node
  • Super + Ctrl + X: Lock node
  • Super + Ctrl + Y: Sticky node
  • Super + Ctrl + Z: Private node


  • Super + Ctrl + H/J/K/L: Preselect direction west/south/north/east
  • Super + Ctrl + Left/Down/Up/Right: Preselect direction west/south/north/east
  • Super + Ctrl + 1-9: Preselect ratio 0.1-0.9
  • Super + Ctrl + Space: Cancel preselection for focused node
  • Super + Ctrl + Shift + Space: Cancel preselection for focused desktop

Window Resize

  • Super + Alt + H/J/K/L: Expand window left/down/up/right
  • Super + Alt + Left/Down/Up/Right: Expand window left/down/up/right
  • Super + Alt + Shift + H/J/K/L: Contract window right/top/bottom/left
  • Super + Alt + Shift + Left/Down/Up/Right: Contract window right/top/bottom/left
  • Super + Left/Down/Up/Right: Move floating window left/down/up/right

Brightness and Volume

  • Super + Shift + N: Set brightness to 0
  • Super + F10/F11: Decrease/increase brightness by 40
  • Super + Shift + M: Toggle mute/unmute volume
  • Super + Alt + M: Toggle mute/unmute mic
  • Super + Shift + F10/F11: Decrease/increase volume by 5


  • Super + Print: Fullscreen screenshot save
  • Super + Shift + Print: Cropped screenshot save
  • Super + S: Clipboard fullscreen screenshot
  • Super + Shift + S: Clipboard cropped screenshot
  • Ctrl + Print: Clipboard cropped screenshot with edit


fzf and zoxide

  • In the terminal,
    • Ctrl + t for files and Alt + c for folders.
    • Ctrl + r for history commands (I used this a lot).
    • z abc to quickly cd to a folder that includes abc in your cd history.

yazi for file management

  • Run yazi (or r as I aliased) and then ~ for keymaps. You can open/add/copy/rename/delete files and folders.

  • See yazi's features.

  • You can also use Alt + j/k for scrolling the preview.

  • T to open a new tab so you can copy/move stuff easily between different places.

dua for file cleaning

  • Run dua i, mark files with x/d/Space and <Tab> to move to the delete pane and delete with Ctrl + t or Ctrl + r. (? for keymaps)

neovim for editting small files

  • See Nvchad for more information on configuration and usage.

  • Run v.

    • Space + ch for the cheatsheets.
    • Space + e for the left file panel. In the file panel you can do add/copy/delete/rename... (type g? to see the keymaps of the file panel).
    • Space + fw to fuzzy search (ripgrep) the entire folder.
    • Alt + o to open files.
    • Space + lg for lazygit (really useful).

bat instead of cat

  • bat offers better highlighting.

copyq for clipboard history

  • I mapped this to Super + Shift + v (inside of copyq itself, you have to do it manually) and used this a lot.

btop for processes management

  • I would open btop via launcher and then search process name with f (feww search for eww), then choose process with up and down arrow and k to kill it.