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Releases: IARCbioinfo/mutect-nf


19 Jul 09:52
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Version 2.3 includes:

  1. handling of CRAM and BAM files.
  2. A nextflow script to assist the building of Panel-of-normals (
  3. Update to GATK 4.2.
  4. Docker containers were updated (iarcbioinfo/mutect-nf:v2.3, iarcbioinfo/mutect-nf:v2.3_gatk2, and iarcbioinfo/mutect-nf:v2.3_gatk3)
  5. Singularity containers are built directly from docker containers.


27 Oct 16:43
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Minor release. Improves SM field convention to avoid clashes when doing multi-sample calling with RNA-seq


25 May 07:33
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Added new functionality:

  • added option --filter_readorientation that uses gatk's LearnReadOrientationModel in filtering step (for gatk4)

Minor changes:

  • corrected source for docker container (previously on nalcala instead of IARCbioinfo)
  • debug multi-sample
  • ensures that symlinks to split beds are created (helps running with singularity)
  • correctly set up deploy of dags produced during circleci tests to github
  • change tempdir for sort for smoother use of singularity
  • improved readme with schematic workflow


20 May 18:42
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Added new functionalities:

  • gatk4 support; gatk versions <=4 are still supported as in v1.0 but the pipeline is now not actively developed for them
  • conda environments, Dockerfiles, and Singularity files for gatk2, gatk3, and gatk4 and their profiles in nextflow.config
  • genotype mode (gatk4 only) on positions from a VCF (see help)
  • RNA-seq preprocessing for genotyping option (using gatk SplitNCigarReads and custom python script)
  • tn_file input mode now can include extra parameters specific to the genotype option (vcf for genotyping, and preprocessing of RNA-seq; see help)
  • allows multisample calling and genotyping; this requires tn_file input mode, and is automatically done when multiple rows in the tn_file have matching sample names
  • contamination estimation and filtering option (gatk4 only)
  • panel of normals option (gatk4 only)
  • now uses circleci 2

Minor changes:

  • parameter out_folder is now output_folder
  • parameter dbsnp is now known_snp
  • parameter bam_folder has been removed! now tn_file must specify the exact location, not the location relative to bam_folder
  • parameter gatk_version must be specified to use old version of gatk (default is 4)
  • prints params in log


19 May 11:28
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First release of pipeline. Supports Mutect1 and 2 up to gatk3.