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This project is a robust user authentication API featuring registration, email verification, login, password reset, and profile management. Built with Node.js, Express.js, TypeScript, and MongoDB, it ensures secure user authentication via JWT and supports email notifications with Nodemailer.

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User Authentication API

This project implements a robust user authentication API with features including registration, email verification, login, password reset, and user profile management.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. API Endpoints
  3. Technologies Used
  4. Configuration
  5. Logging
  6. Database Connection
  7. User Model
  8. Middleware
  9. Utilities
  10. Setup
  11. Usage
  12. Security Features
  13. Error Handling
  14. Contributing


  • User registration with email verification
  • Login and logout functionality
  • Password reset via email
  • User profile management (view, update, delete)
  • Email notifications for account actions

API Endpoints

Public Routes

  • POST /api/v1/user/register: Register a new user
  • POST /api/v1/user/account/verify: Resend email verification
  • POST /api/v1/user/verify/:token: Verify user's email
  • POST /api/v1/user/login: User login
  • POST /api/v1/user/logout: User logout
  • POST /api/v1/user/reset-password: Request password reset link
  • POST /api/v1/user/reset-password/:token: Verify password reset token
  • POST /api/v1/user/generate-password/:token: Generate new password after reset

Private Routes

  • GET /api/v1/user/profile: Get user profile
  • PATCH /api/v1/user/update: Update user information
  • DELETE /api/v1/user/delete: Delete user account

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • TypeScript
  • MongoDB (assumed, based on the use of models)
  • JWT for authentication
  • Nodemailer for sending emails


Environment Variables

The project uses the following environment variables:

  • NODE_ENV: Set to "development" or "test"
  • SERVER_HOSTNAME: Server hostname (default: "localhost")
  • SERVER_PORT: Server port (default: 12345)
  • EMAIL_USERNAME: Email username for sending notifications
  • EMAIL_PASSWORD: Email password for sending notifications
  • DB_URI: MongoDB connection URI
  • JWT_SECRET_KEY: Secret key for JWT token generation (default: "12313456165")

Swagger Documentation

The API is documented using Swagger:

  • OpenAPI version: 3.0.0
  • Title: Authentication API
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Server URL: http://${SERVER_HOSTNAME}:${SERVER_PORT}/api/docs

Email Configuration

Nodemailer is configured to use Gmail SMTP:

  • Service: Gmail
  • Host:
  • Port: 587
  • Secure: false


A custom logging utility is implemented with color-coded console outputs:

  • log: General logging (magenta)
  • info: Information logging (cyan)
  • warn: Warning logging (yellow)
  • error: Error logging (red)

Logging includes timestamps and calling function names.

Database Connection

MongoDB connection is established using Mongoose:

  • Connection string is set via the DB_URI environment variable
  • Successful connection and errors are logged

User Model

The User model is defined using Mongoose and represents the structure of user data in the database.


The User schema includes the following fields:

  • username: String (required)
  • email: String (required, unique)
  • password: String (required)
  • isVerified: Boolean
    • Default: false
  • verificationToken: String (unique)
  • passresetToken: String
  • passresetTokenExp: Date

The schema also includes timestamps (createdAt and updatedAt).


Two interfaces are defined:

  1. IUser: Extends Document and defines the structure of a user document.
  2. IUserModel: Extends Model<IUser> for potential static methods.


  • matchPassword(enteredPassword: string): Promise<boolean>
    • Compares entered password with stored hashed password using bcrypt

Pre-save Hook

A pre-save hook is implemented to automatically hash the password before saving if it has been modified:

  • Uses bcrypt with a salt round of 10
  • Only hashes the password if it has been modified


The application uses several middleware functions to handle various aspects:

  1. Route Not Found Middleware: Handles 404 errors for undefined routes.
  2. Logging Middleware: Logs incoming requests and outgoing responses.
  3. Authentication Middleware: Verifies JWT tokens for protected routes.
  4. CORS Middleware: Handles Cross-Origin Resource Sharing settings.

Authentication Middleware

The isAuthenticated middleware:

  • Checks for a valid JWT token in the request cookies
  • Verifies the token and attaches the user object to the request
  • Used to protect private routes

CORS Middleware

The CORS middleware:

  • Sets appropriate headers for cross-origin requests
  • Handles preflight OPTIONS requests
  • Allows credentials to be included in cross-origin requests


JWT Token Generation

The project includes a utility function for generating and setting JWT tokens:

  • settoken(res: Response, payload: object):
    • Generates a JWT token with the provided payload
    • Sets the token as an HTTP-only cookie named "session_cookie"
    • Cookie is set with strict same-site policy and expires in 7 days

Validation Schemas

The API uses Zod for input validation. The following schemas are defined:

  1. emailSchema: Validates email input
  2. registerSchema: Validates user registration data
  3. loginSchema: Validates login credentials
  4. verifyEmailSchema: Validates email verification token
  5. resetPasswordSchema: Validates password reset request
  6. verifyPasswordSchema: Validates password reset token
  7. generatePasswordSchema: Validates new password generation
  8. updateUserSchema: Validates user profile update data

Key features of the validation schemas:

  • Email validation
  • Password strength requirements (min 8 characters, uppercase, lowercase, number, special character)
  • Username length restrictions (4-30 characters)
  • Role validation (TUTOR or USER)


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Set up environment variables (database connection, JWT secret, email configuration)
  4. Run the server: npm start


  1. Register a new user by sending a POST request to /api/v1/user/register
  2. Verify the user's email using the link sent to their email
  3. Log in using the /api/v1/user/login endpoint
  4. Use the authenticated routes to manage the user profile

Security Features

  • Password hashing (implied by the matchPassword method)
  • JWT-based authentication with secure cookie storage
  • Email verification for new accounts
  • Secure password reset flow with time-limited tokens
  • CORS protection
  • Input validation using Zod schemas

Error Handling

The API includes basic error handling and logging. Ensure proper logging configuration for production use.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues and pull requests to improve the project.


This project is a robust user authentication API featuring registration, email verification, login, password reset, and profile management. Built with Node.js, Express.js, TypeScript, and MongoDB, it ensures secure user authentication via JWT and supports email notifications with Nodemailer.




