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A chat app with Firebase tutorial for the J4J - Flutter group.

Getting Started

Create a new flutter project with only the following platforms: android, iOS, and Web with the command:

flutter create --platforms=android,ios,web chatapp_with_firebase

Steps in short

  1. Create the login page ui with no functionality
  2. Create the sign-up page ui with no functionality
  3. Create the chat page ui
    1. Format the date and time using the intl package
    2. Create a ChatMessageBubble
  4. Add validation to the login and signup forms
    1. Add validation to the login form
    2. Add validation to the signup form
  5. Firebase dependencies and setup
  6. Set up firebase_auth in main.dart
  7. Set up cloud_firestore in the project

Steps with description

1. Create the LoginPage ui

  1. Delete the code of the MyHomePage widget in the main.dart file.
  2. In the lib directory, create a new directory called pages; inside it, create a new file called login_page.dart.
  3. In the login_page.dart file creates a stateful widget called LoginPage.
  4. Set the LoginPage widget as the home of the MaterialApp widget in the main.dart file.
  5. Run in the emulator or physical device to see the result.
  6. Create the user interface as you like: Login page UI

Create the sign-up page ui with no functionality

  1. Create a new file called signup_page.dart in the pages directory.

  2. Temporarily set the SignupPage widget as the home of the MaterialApp widget in the main.dart file.

  3. To save time, we can copy the content of the login_page.dart file to the signup_page.dart file and add things. Change the class name to SignupPage (use F2)

  4. Add confirm your password field to the form

  5. Add Divider and an option to navigate to the login page hint: You can use InkWell to change control every pixel of the pressable area

  6. Example: Signup page UI

  7. Update the login page to include the option to navigate to the signup page like this:

    Login page UI step 2

  8. Add the functionality to navigate between the login and signup pages. Here is an example for the LoginPage:

    onTap: () {
                 builder: (context) => const SignUpPage(),
  9. How do you pop the page from the navigation stack if you're using the push method?

Create the chat page ui

  1. Create a new file called chat_page.dart in the pages directory.

  2. Create a stateful widget called ChatPage in the chat_page.dart file.

  3. Temporarily set the ChatPage widget as the home of the MaterialApp widget in the main.dart file.

  4. Create a class called ChatMessageModel in the chat_page.dart file (We will refactor it later), with the properties:

    • message
    • sender
    • time
  5. Create a list of ChatMessageModel called messages and add some dummy data.

     final List<ChatMessageModel> messages = [
         message: "Hello world",
         sender: "me",
         message: "Hello J4J group",
         sender: "Bob",
         time: Duration(minutes: 5)),
         message: "Hello Bob",
         sender: "Alice",
         time: Duration(minutes: 10)),
  6. Sort the dummy data by time. Use the sort method

  7. Create the body with a Column widget. The column will contain the ListView with the messages and the TextField for the user to type the message.

  8. Create a ListView.builder to display the messages and show each message in a ListTile widget.

  9. Create a Divider widget to separate the ListView from the TextField's row.

  10. Create a Row widget to contain the TextField and the TextButton.icon to send the message. Note: you will need to use the Expanded widget somewhere

Chat page UI

Format the date and time using the intl package

  1. Meet Flutter's date and time formatting library, intl.

  2. Add the intl package to the pubspec.yaml file by copying the following line to the dependencies section, then save (ctrl+ s):

    intl: ^0.18.1
  3. Or, run this command in the terminal:

    flutter pub add intl
  4. In the chat_page.dart file, import the intl package:

    import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
  5. Create a DateFormat object to format the date and time:

    final DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
    final DateFormat timeFormat = DateFormat("HH:mm");
  6. Use the dateFormat and timeFormat objects to format the date and time in the ListTile widget:

return ListTile(
    title: Text(message.message),
    subtitle: Text(message.sender),
    trailing: Text(
-   message.time.toString(),
+   "${dateFormat.format(message.time)} ${timeFormat.format(message.time)}"),

Chat page UI after intl

Create a ChatMessageBubble

  1. Under the lib directory, create a new directory called components.

  2. In the components directory, create a new file called chat_message_bubble.dart.

  3. Create a stateless widget called ChatMessageBubble in the chat_message_bubble.dart file. The widget will take a ChatMessageModel object as a parameter.

     class ChatMessageBubble extends StatelessWidget {
     final ChatMessageModel message;
     const ChatMessageBubble(
         this.message, {
     Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  4. Build the UI of the ChatMessageBubble widget as you like.

  5. Change the ListTile widget in the ChatPage widget to use the ChatMessageBubble widget.

    -  return ListTile(
    -                  title: Text(message.message),
    -                 subtitle: Text(message.sender),
    -                  trailing: Text(
    -                    "${dateFormat.format(message.time)} ${timeFormat.format(message.time)}",
    -                  ),
    -                );
    +  return ChatMessageBubble(message);
  6. Create something like this:

    Chat page UI with bubbles

Add validation to the login and signup forms

Add validation to the login form

  1. What is the validation for the email field?
  2. What is the validation for the password field?
  3. Check if the form is valid before submitting it.
  4. Add TextEditingController to the email and password fields to get their values and use them in the submission.

Add validation to the signup form

  1. Email field - !!Reuse the same validator!!
  2. Password field - !!Reuse the same validator!!
  3. Password confirmation field - how to validate it?
  4. Add TextEditingController to the email and password fields to get their values and use them in the submission. Maybe you will need to add them before validating the confirmation field

To the Good Stuff πŸ‘

Firebase dependencies and setup

All of the docs for Firebase are available here.

In the past we had to do the setup manually, but now we can use the Firebase CLI to do it for us. To use it, we need to install it first via the terminal:

npm install -g firebase-tools

After installing the Firebase CLI, we need to log in to our Google account:

firebase login

Adding the dependencies

  1. Add the firebase_core package to the pubspec.yaml file:

     flutter pub add firebase_core
  2. We want our app to use the Firebase Authentication service, so we need to add the firebase_auth package to the pubspec.yaml file:

    flutter pub add firebase_auth
  3. We want our app to use the Firebase Cloud Firestore service as our database, so we need to add the cloud_firestore package to the pubspec.yaml file:

    flutter pub add cloud_firestore

    Or maybe add them all at once:

    flutter pub add firebase_core firebase_auth cloud_firestore

Configure the Firebase project

  1. You can create manually a new Firebase project from the Firebase console, Or you can use the Firebase CLI to create a new project:

    firebase projects:create
  2. After creating the Firebase project, we need to add the Flutter project to it. To do that, we need to run the following commands in the terminal:

    1. Enable the flutterfire_cli dart plugin:

      flutter pub global activate flutterfire_cli        
    2. Run the flutterfire_cli tool to register our apps. Follow the instructions:

      flutterfire configure
    3. After registering the apps, we need to configure them in our main.dart file:

      import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart';
      import 'firebase_options.dart';
      // ... other imports
      Future<void> main() async {
          await Firebase.initializeApp(
              options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform,
          runApp(const MyApp());

      Note: We need to finish the setup of the Firebase project in the Firebase console.

    4. Back at the Firebase console, we need to enable the Authentication and Cloud Firestore services.

      1. In the Authentication service, enable the Email/Password sign-in method and Anonymous sign-in methods.
      2. In the Cloud Firestore service, create a new database in test mode. Select the Cloud Firestore location of the database and click Enable. Suggestion: eur3
    5. Security alert: For best practices, you must add the following files to the .gitignore file:


      Those files contain sensitive information about your Firebase project. You can create them again by running the flutterfire configure command.

    6. Now, the setup is done! πŸŽ‰

Set up firebase_auth in main.dart

Based on the firebase_auth state we want to control the navigation between the LoginPage and the ChatPage widgets.

  1. We will listen to changes in the firebase_auth state using the authStateChanges stream.

     Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    - return MaterialApp(
    -   title: 'J4J Chat App',
    -   theme: ThemeData(
    -     colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: Colors.deepPurple),
    -     useMaterial3: true,
    -   ),
    -   home: const LoginPage(),
    +    return StreamBuilder<User?>(
    +    stream: FirebaseAuth.instance.userChanges(),
    +    builder: (_, snapshot) {
    +       return MaterialApp(
    +        title: 'J4J Chat App',
    +        theme: ThemeData(
    +            colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: Colors.deepPurple),
    +            useMaterial3: true,
    +        ),
    +        home: == null ? const LoginPage() : const ChatPage(),
    +       );
    +       },

    You can add a print statement to see the changes in the authStateChanges stream.

    Note: in the coming steps, each function should be wrapped with a try-catch clause to handle edge cases

    Consider using a SnackBar to show error messages

  2. SignUpPage: add the functionality to sign up a new user using the firebase_auth package.

    1. Check if the form state is valid

    2. Create a new user using the createUserWithEmailAndPassword method like:

              email: _emailController.text.trim(),
              password: _passwordController.text.trim(),

      Note: Hover on the methods to see edge-cases

    3. Pop the SignUpPage widget from the navigation stack and let the StreamBuilder in the main.dart file handles the navigation to the ChatPage widget.

  3. LoginPage: add the functionality to sign in an existing user using the firebase_auth package.

    1. Check if the form state is valid

    2. Sign in the user using the signInWithEmailAndPassword method like:

              email: _emailController.text.trim(),
              password: _passwordController.text.trim(),

      Note: Hover on the methods to see edge-cases

    3. We don't need to pop the LoginPage widget from the navigation stack because the StreamBuilder in the main.dart file will handle the navigation to the ChatPage widget.

    4. Add the button to enable anonymous sign-in. Use the signInAnonymously method like:


      Note: Hover on the methods to see edge-cases

  4. ChatPage: add the functionality to sign out the user using the firebase_auth package.

    1. Add an option to sign out the user using the signOut method like:

    2. Refactor the input field row to a StatefulWidget called ChatInputForm. Wrap with a Form widget and add a controller and the validation to the submission. Later we will add the functionality to send the message to the database

Set up cloud_firestore in the project

  1. Create a new file called collections.dart in the lib directory.

  2. Create a variable called kChatMsgsCollection of type CollectionReference and initialize it with the chat_messages collection in the database:

    final CollectionReference<Map<String, dynamic>> kChatMsgsCollection =
  3. In ChatPage, remove the dummy List<ChatMessageModel> messages created earlier.

  4. Wrap the ListView.builder widget with a StreamBuilder widget. The stream will be the snapshots stream of the kChatMsgsCollection variable. Note: the stream query should look like that:

    stream: kChatMsgsCollection.orderBy('time', descending: false).snapshots();

    This will sort the messages by time in ascending order.

  5. Handle cases when the stream is waiting,has an error, or lacks data in the database.

  6. In the ChatMessageModel class, add two methods:

    1. fromJson factory method to convert a Map<String, dynamic> object to a ChatMessageModel object.
    2. toJson method to convert a ChatMessageModel object to a Map<String, dynamic> object.
  7. Back at the ChatPage widget, convert the QuerySnapshot object to a List<ChatMessageModel> object using the map method and the fromJson factory method, something like:

     final messages =! {
                     final data =;
                     return ChatMessageModel.fromMap(data);
  8. In ChatInputForm implement the functionality to send the message to the database.

    1. Check if the form state is valid

    2. Create a new ChatMessageModel object with the message, sender, and time.

      1. The message is the value of the message field in the form.
      2. The sender is the uid of the current user. Hint: use the FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser.uid getter
      3. The time is the current time. Hint: use the constructor
    3. Add the message to the database using the add method like:

    4. Clear the input field and reset the form state,

  9. In ChatMessageBubble widget, update the check of the sender to show the message on the right side if the sender is the current user. Hint: use the FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser.uid getter

Created by Maor Meir Hajaj


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