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TypeScript ofrece todas las características de JavaScript, además de una capa adicional sobre ellas: el sistema de tipos de TypeScript. En esta ruta de aprendizaje, descubrirá cómo el uso de TypeScript para el desarrollo de JavaScript puede ayudarle a crear código más sólido, reducir los errores de tipos en tiempo de ejecución, aprovechar las ventajas de las modernas características antes de que estén disponibles en JavaScript y trabajar mejor con los equipos de desarrollo.

Módulos en esta ruta de aprendizaje:

Introduction to using TypeScript

🥳🎉 Diploma Microsft Learn

Using the Lab start and end solution files

You can use the TypeScript Playground, Visual Studio Code, or any TypeScript-compatible IDE to complete the labs in the "Developing JavaScript applications using TypeScript" learning path.

The start and end solutions for each lab are located in the code folder. In each lab, you will be provided with a link to each folder, as appropriate, for easy access.

Setup Visual Studio Code

If you want to use Visual Studio Code to run any of the start or end solution workspaces in the code folder, you must first set up your development environment.

Install the following software on your machine:

  1. Visual Studio Code (or IDE of your choice)
  2. Node Package Manager (npm)
  3. TypeScript Compiler (tsc)

For best results, follow the complete instructions for setting up your environment and using the TypeScript compiler in [LINK TO Module 01: Get started with TypeScript ]. After setting up your environment, you can run any of the Lab solution files in the "Developing JavaScript applications using TypeScript" learning path.


If you’re using the Playground, you can copy and paste the start code from the Lab instructions into the editor. The solution to the lab exercises will be located in the end folder in the module##.ts file, which you can open in any text editor.


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