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MLOps Infrastructure


A research article describing the infrastructure can be found at:

Towards an open-source MLOps architecture.

Antonio Manuel Burgueño Romero, Antonio Benítez Hidalgo, Cristóbal Barba González & José F. Aldana Martín

IEEE Software (2024).

This repository contains a set of files for deploying an MLOps environment on Kubernetes, with the following services:

  • MLflow: for model registry.
  • PostgreSQL: required by MLflow to store metadata.
  • Seldon Core: for model deployment.
  • Prefect: for pipeline management.
  • MinIO: for object storage.
  • Prometheus for runtime monitoring and alerting
  • Kafka: for streaming prediction requests to drift detection service
  • Drift: for data drift and concept drift detection

Before you begin

Before deploying the MLOps infrastructure, please perform the following steps:

  1. Clone this repository:
  git clone
  cd mlops-infra
  1. Modify the config.conf file with the desired values for the cluster address, ports, etc.

  2. Execute the script to replace the placeholders in all the files with the values in config.conf:

  chmod +x

MLflow installation


  • Python 3.11.3

  • PostgreSQL chart version 12.5.6

  • Postgre version 15.3.0

  • (Optional) if the clusted doesnt have a default PV:

    helm repo add nfs-subdir-external-provisioner

    helm install nfs-subdir-external-provisioner nfs-subdir-external-provisioner/nfs-subdir-external-provisioner --set nfs.server=<CLUSTER-IP> --set nfs.path=/mnt/nfs_share --version 4.0.18

    kubectl patch storageclass nfs-client -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'

  • Install postgreSQL

    helm install postgresql-mlflow bitnami/postgresql -n mlops-mlflow \
    --set global.postgresql.auth.database=mlflow-tracking-server \
    --set global.postgresql.auth.postgresPassword=khaosdev \
    --version 12.5.6
  • Deploy secret and configmap defining required variables

    kubectl apply -f mlflow/configmap.yaml

    kubectl apply -f mlflow/secret.yaml

  • Deploy mlflow using defined variables, the mlflow image was already built and pushed to Dockerfile is also in the folder anyways.

    kubectl apply -f mlflow/deployment.yaml

  • Deploy service and nodeport, making mlflow UI accesible at http://<CLUSTER-IP>:<MLFLOW-PORT>/

    kubectl apply -f mlflow/service.yaml

    kubectl apply -f mlflow/nodeport.yaml

Seldon Core installation


  • Python 3.11.3

  • Seldon Core chart 1.16.0

  • Seldon Core 1.16.0

  • Download istio

    curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION=1.17.2 TARGET_ARCH=x86_64 sh -

  • Install istio

    ./istio-1.17.2/bin/istioctl install --set profile=demo -y

  • Create required gateway

    kubectl apply -f ./seldon/seldon-gateway.yaml

  • Install Seldon (using Istio)

    helm install seldon-core seldon-core-operator \
      --repo \
      --set istio.enabled=true \
      --namespace mlops-seldon \
      --version 1.16.0

Prefect Server installation

Helm chart repo


  • Python 3.11.3
  • Prefect chart 2023.04.13
  • Prefect 2.10.4
  • Prefect Kubernetes 0.2.4

How to deploy server in K8s:

  • Create namespace

    kubectl create namespace mlops-prefect

  • Add prefect helm repo

    helm repo add prefect

  • Search prefect helm repo

    helm search repo prefect

  • Install prefect server in created namespace using custom values

    helm install prefect-server prefect/prefect-server -n mlops-prefect -f prefect/values.yaml --version 2023.04.13

Configure a client to use the server

  • Install prefect in the client

    pip install prefect==2.10.4 prefect-kubernetes==0.2.4

  • Create server profile and modify api url parameter

    prefect profile create server

    prefect profile use 'server'

    prefect config set PREFECT_API_URL="http://<CLUSTER-IP>:<PREFECT-API-PORT>/api"

Create useful blocks

  • Execute the file, which creates useful blocks (MinIO user and password has to be added first).

    python prefect/

  • Create a work pool for sending flows that will be executed in Kubernetes

    prefect work-pool create k8s-pool

Create and run a deployment

  • Create a deployment for the testing flow using the K8s infrastructure (should be similar to the one in github test_flow_deployment.yaml). To let prefect uploading deployment files to the storage block (MinIO), environment variable FSSPEC_S3_ENDPOINT_URL has to be set.

    cd prefect/test-flow

    export FSSPEC_S3_ENDPOINT_URL=http://<S3-IP>:<S3-PORT>

    prefect deployment build -n test-flow-deployment-k8s -p k8s-pool -ib kubernetes-job/k8s-infra -sb s3/khaos-minio -o test_flow_deployment.yaml

    prefect deployment apply test_flow_deployment.yaml

  • Create a quick run of the deployment using the UI and check if the flow is succesfully executed (an agent have to be created first)

    prefect agent start --pool k8s-pool --work-queue default

Prometheus operator installation


  • Python 3.11.3

  • Prometheus operator chart version 8.3.2

  • Postgre version 15.3.0

  • Create a namespace

    kubectl create namespace mlops-prometheus

  • Install Prometheus operator in created namespace using custom values

    helm install prometheus bitnami/kube-prometheus --version 8.3.2 --namespace mlops-prometheus -f prometheus/values.yaml

Kafka installation


  • Python 3.11.3

  • Kafka chart version 25.1.12

  • Create a namespace

    kubectl create namespace mlops-kafka

  • Install Kafka in created namespace using custom values

    helm install kafka -n mlops-kafka oci:// -f kafka/values.yaml --version 25.1.12


Kubernetes-based, open-source MLOps framework







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