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The "klever-node-toolkit" is a collection of different scripts to perform available operations provided by the "operator" application and the node API itself.

Following scripts we provide for now:

  1. | script to retrieve API values
  2. | script to calculate additional peer values
  3. | simple bash script to display balance + rewards at the shell
  4. operator/ | create your own KDA at the Klever Blockchain


some basic scripts/tools to fetch values -> modify to use in Prometheus and Grafana

This "fetcher" script will help to retrieve some basic values out of the node. To run that bash script, the following tools are needed:

  1. bash
  2. curl
  3. grep
  4. jq
  5. sed
  6. python3

$METRICS and $PEERS are the paths to the server where the values are getting from. Just modify the path as needed to the end point of your machine.

Now just modify the script and adjust the path to the destination directory where you want to store your output file. As we want to fetch the values on Prometheus, use a web directory (our example is based on Apache)

As last step just modify the $BLSkey according to the key your node is using. You can find that key by checking the validatorkey.pem file at your server.

Once everything got adjusted just run the script and validate, that the status.json file got created with all content.

How to set up your server to use the status.json at Prometheus


  1. apache
  2. cron
  3. Prometheus


Just add a directory where you want to store the file. Adjust the directory rights to prevent any issues.


Next set up your cron service to fetch the values in a regulat basis.

  1. crontab -e
  2. add the following to run every 5 seconds (adjust the path as needed)

*/5 * * * * /bin/bash -c "/home/USERNAME/"

Just let the job run and check if the file gets created at the destination directory.


As next step you have to add the endpoint on your server at the Prometheus configuration. You can use the following example:
- job_name: valistats
honor_timestamps: true
scrape_interval: 5s
scrape_timeout: 5s
metrics_path: /status.json
scheme: http
- targets:

Sample picture "Raspberry Pi Dashboard with attached 7" LCD"

Sample of Desktop Dashboard