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Assignment EPDA EAR

This is a Jakarta EE project built with Gradle. This is not meant for production type deployment as it is a legacy system with flaws, use it as a learning material instead.


  • JDK 17
  • Glassfish 7
  • PostgreSQL
  • PostgreSQL JDBC Driver

Build Commands

  1. Build
./gradlew clean build
  1. Start PostgreSQL
pg_ctl start
  1. Start Glassfish
asadmin start-domain
  1. Deploy
asadmin deploy .\ear\build\libs\ear.ear
  1. Redeploy
asadmin redeploy .\ear\build\libs\ear.ear


Before step 4, make sure you hava a JDBC setup with PostgreSQL and it jas a JNDI name of epdaDS (case sensitive) To do this, you need to visit http://localhost:4848, JDBC Connection Pool, and create a new connection Make sure your PostgreSQL JDBC driver is in your classpath by adding it on your Glassfish folder at /lib