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LIAMF Homepage

This is the git repository of the Logic, Artificial Intelligence and Formal Methods Lab (LIAMF) homepage (

If you are an incoming LIAMF member, read the next section.

If you are an outgoing member, read the next section after that.

If you are a returning member, (e.g. a previously MSc who is now a PhD candidate) read the next section after the next section after that.

New members

To add yourself to the website under the MEMBERS section, please submit a new pull request consisting of the following modifications:

  1. Add a profile picture of yourself under images/students/;
  2. In js/members.js, add yourself to the correct array (postdoc, phd or msc) as a 4-tuple composed out of (in order) your name, the name and extension of the profile picture you added in step 1, your website, and your research topics of interest;
  3. Review your changes as they are applied to your fork, e.g.

Outgoing members

If you are outgoing, please add yourself to our alumni list. To do so, submit a new pull request consisting of the following modifications:

  1. Remove yourself from js/members.js;
  2. In js/alumni.js, remove your name from the current array and add yourself to the alumni array as a 2-tuple where the first element is your full name as it appears in and the second is your personal website;
  3. Review your changes as they are applied to your fork, e.g.

Returning members

If you are a returning member, please make sure you are exempted from the alumni list. To do so, submit a new pull request consisting of the following modifications:

  1. Add yourself to js/members.js if you are not already there;
  2. In js/alumni.js, add your full name as it appears in
  3. Review your changes as they are applied to your fork, e.g.