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Identify hierarchical community structure in networks using consensus clustering


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This code implements the hierarchical consensus clustering method introduced in

Multiresolution Consensus Clustering in Networks
Lucas G. S. Jeub, Olaf Sporns, and Santo Fortunato
Scientific Reports 8, Article number: 3259 (2018)

Please cite this paper and include a link to if you include results based on this code in an academic publication.


Download the latest version of the code here and add it to your MATLAB path. By default the code relies on GenLouvain to identify community structure. To use the code with default options make sure GenLouvain is installed on your MATLAB path (more information is available on the GenLouvain GitHub page).


This section gives a brief overview of the different functions included in this package. For more details use help('function') or doc('function'). The explanations below assume that we are given a network with adjacency matrix A as either a full or sparse matrix.

Generate initial ensemble

To use the hierarchical consensus clustering algorithm we first need to generate an ensemble of input partitions S, where S(i,t) gives the community membership of node i in partition t. We use np for the number of partitions in the ensemble. The package includes two functions

S = eventSamples(A, np)

S = exponentialSamples(A, np)

that compute ensembles based on multiresolution modularity. eventSamples implements the event sampling procedure and is usually recommended. To generate an ensemble of input partitions fixing gamma=1, use

S = fixedResSamples(A, np)

For a different fixed resolution, use

S = fixedResSamples(A, np, 'Gamma', gamma)

Alternatively, one could use any other method to compute the initial ensemble.

Hierarchical Consensus Community Structure

Given an initial ensemble S identify consensus community structure at significance level alpha=0.05:

[Sc, Tree] = hierarchicalConsensus(S);

For a different significance level alpha use

[Sc, Tree] = hierarchicalConsensus(S, alpha);

The Tree returned by hierarchicalConsensus is weighted, where the weight indicates the strength of the new cluster. This weight is used for visualizing the hierarchy and to extract partitions that are representative of different scales. By default the weight is the mean value of the coclassification matrix restricted to the nodes within the cluster. The way the weight is computed can be changed by using the options 'SimilarityFunction' and 'SimilarityType'. The weight has no influence on the way clusters are merged and it is possible that the weights are inconsistent with the hierarchical structure and the function issues a warning in that case. For more details and other optional parameters see help('hierarchicalConsensus').

To change the weights for an existing hierarchy (e.g., because the existing weights are inconsistent), use

C = coclassificationMatrix(S);
[Tree, isConsistent] = dendrogramSimilarity(C, Sc, Tree, ...)

which accepts the same 'SimilarityFunction' and 'SimilarityType' options as hierarchicalConsensus. The second output argument isConsistent indicates if the weights are consistent with the hierarchy.

To compute all cuts of the consensus hierarchy that result from cutting the dendrogram use

[Sall, thresholds] = allPartitions(Sc, Tree)

The partition Sall(:, i) is the result of cutting the dendrogram at any threshold t such that thresholds(i-1) < t <= thresholds(i).

Visualize Results

Plot consensus hierarchy:

drawHierarchy(Sc, Tree)

Also show the coclassification matrix

C = coclassificationMatrix(S);
consensusPlot(C, Sc, Tree)

Generate Hierarchical Benchmark Networks

Choose the fraction of edges assigned to each level of the hierarchy by specifying p, where p(i) is the fraction of edges assigned to the i-1th level of the hierarchy (p(1) is the fraction of random edges not constrained by any community structure). Note that sum(p)==1.

Generate adjacency matrix A and ground truth partitions Sgtruth:

[A, Sgtruth] = hierarchicalBenchmark(n, p)

where n is the number of nodes in the network. For more customization options see help('hierarchicalBenchmark').


This code produces a figure that is similar to Fig. 3a of the paper.

First, generate the benchmark network:

[A, Sgtruth] = hierarchicalBenchmark(1000, [0.2,0.2,0.6]);

Next, compute the initial ensemble with 1000 partitions:

S = eventSamples(A, 1000);

Find hierarchical consensus community structure at significance level alpha=0.05:

[Sc, Tree] = hierarchicalConsensus(S);

Plot the results:

C = coclassificationMatrix(S);

consensusPlot(C, Sc, Tree, 'GroundTruth', Sgtruth)


Identify hierarchical community structure in networks using consensus clustering







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