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Britton Olson edited this page Feb 19, 2019 · 17 revisions


Welcome to the pyranda project Wiki pages.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL-CODE-749864) All rights reserved.

Pyranda Overview

Pyranda is a mini-app for the Miranda Code developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Pyranda is a python extension and is a library designed to solve Hyperbolic systems of PDEs on structured grids with a high-order finite difference method.

Pyranda solves systems of PDEs (operators, algebraic closures, boundary conditions, initial conditions) are described in simple mathematical text. Problems can therefore, be quickly setup and models prototyped by simply writing them down.

Installing Pyranda

Basic instructions


User guides

  • Restarts and visualization files.
  • Adding physics capabilities