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Holberton School Low Level Programming

Welcome to the Holberton School Low Level Programming repository! This repository contains code examples and projects related to low-level programming.

About Holberton School

Holberton School is a project-based alternative to college for the next generation of software engineers. The curriculum focuses on full-stack software engineering and covers low-level programming, higher-level programming, DevOps, and more.

About Low Level Programming

Low-level programming involves writing code that is closer to machine language than higher-level programming languages like Python or JavaScript. This includes using assembly language and C programming language to write code that directly interfaces with hardware.

Repository Contents

This repository contains various projects related to low-level programming. The content of this repository are organized by directories, each containing a specific project. Here is an overview of the directories:

  1. Hello_world = Simple code example demonstrating how to print text to the console usign the printf() function.

  2. Variables, if, else, while = Code examples demonstrating how to use variables and conditional statements in C programming.

  3. Function, nested loops = Code examples demonstrating how to use variables and conditional statement in C programming.

  4. Makefiles = sets a set of rules to determine which part of the program need to be recompile, and issues command to recompile them. Makefiles is a way of automating software building procedure and other complex task with dependencies.

  5. Pointers, Arrays & Strings = Code examples demonstrating how to use pointers, arrays, and strings in C programming.

  6. Recursion = Code examples demonstrating how to use recursion on C programming.

  7. Static Libraries = Code example demonstrating how to create and use static libraries in C programming.

  8. Argc & Argv = Code examples demonstrating how to use command line arguments in C programming.

  9. Malloc, Free = Code examples demonstrating how to use dynamic memory allocation in C programming.

  10. Preprocessor = Code examples demonstrating how to use preprocessor in C programming.

  11. Structures & Typedef = Code examples demonstrating how to use structures and typedefs in C programming.

  12. Variadic Functions = Code example demonstrating how to use variadic functions in C programming.

  13. Singly Linked Lists = Code examples implementing singly linked lists data structures and operations on them.

  14. Bit Manipulation = Code examples of bit manipulation, bitwise operator and binary representation in low-level programming using the C language.

  15. File I/O = Code examples related to file input/output operations in C programming.

  16. Doubly Linked Lists = Code examples of Doubly linked lists in C programming.

  17. Hash Tables = Code examples of hash tables in C programming.

Thanks you for visiting the Holberton School Low Level Programming repository! Hope that the code example demonstrates in this repository will be helpful in your software engineering journey.

About Me

Hi, Im Lizbeth Garcia the developer behind this project. To connect with me professionaly and explore more about my work, I invite you to visit my LinkedIn profile (Lizbeth Garcia ). There, you can find articles, and professional experiences. For more casual discussion and tech insight, feel free to follow me on Twitter (@GarlebLizz) or Instagram (@CodewithLizz). I look foward to connecting with you!


Learning the basics of C low level programming language







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