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Build embeddable git for `git clone` and `git pull` on Windows. || 在 Windows 上构建嵌入式的 git 以用于 `git clone` 和 `git pull` 。


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Build embeddable git for git clone and git pull on Windows.


Download the latest re-packaged Git from Releases Page.

Build type


The package “mini” is the minimum set of programs to run git clone and git pull on Windows.

It does NOT support HTTPS. But you could replace https:// with git:// while running git clone :

# OK
git clone git://

# It won't work
git clone


The package “ssl”, with all the contents of "mini", contains some additional DLLs for HTTPS support.

# Just use as usual
git clone

But the file size of "ssl" package (~16 MB) is much larger than that of "mini" (~5 MB).

Getting Started

In the released assets, take the "ssl" package (win64) as an example:

$ tree
├── bin                          # Binaries and DLLs of git
│   ├── ca-bundle.crt                # SSL CA file
│   ├── git.exe
│   ├── git-remote-http.exe          # HTTP support
│   ├── git-remote-https.exe         # HTTPS support
│   ├── libbrotlicommon.dll
│   ├── libbrotlidec.dll
│   ├── libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
│   ├── libcurl-4.dll
│   ├── libiconv-2.dll
│   ├── libidn2-0.dll
│   ├── libintl-8.dll
│   ├── libnghttp2-14.dll
│   ├── libpcre2-8-0.dll
│   ├── libssh2-1.dll
│   ├── libssl-1_1-x64.dll
│   ├── libssp-0.dll
│   ├── libunistring-2.dll
│   ├── libwinpthread-1.dll
│   ├── libzstd.dll
│   └── zlib1.dll
├── doc                          # Documentation
│   ├── LICENSE                      # MIT license of this repository (git-embed)
│   └──                 # README in Simplified Chinese
├── add-git-to-path.cmd          # Just add `bin\` into the environment variable `%PATH%`
├── git.cmd                      #* Main entry point for `git` command
├── git-debug.cmd                # Run `git` with debug info being printed first (Not `git <command> --verbose`)
├── LICENSE.txt                  # GPLv2 license of MinGit
└──                    # The file you are reading now


  • Due to the syntax limitation of Windows batch files ( .cmd or .bat ), the absolute path of these files should not contain the special symbols, such as ()!@$;%^&.
    If it is unavoidable, please rewrite git.cmd in other programming languages. That is, complete the main functions of git.cmd with other languages, including setting environment variables and calling bin/git.exe .

Developer Instructions


Build and distribute

Although the released packages is used for Windows, the building process can be carried out on Linux or macOS.

# Clone this repository or directly download the source code
git clone
cd git-embed

# Install necessary dependencies
npm install

# Build and distribute
npm run dist

Find the re-packaged Git archives in dist/ .

If you want to keep these packages, move them into dist/released/ to prevent them from being deleted during the next build.



This program is distributed under the MIT license.

Notice: The scripts of this repository is used to re-package the released binaries of MinGit. MinGit is released under the GPLv2 license.


The current project is just in a state where it can just simply work.

  • Apply HTTP(S)_PROXY from the environment variables.
  • Automatically analyze DLL dependencies from Portable Executable (PE) files.
  • The exception handling is supposed to be improved.
  • Be able to build from a specified version of MinGit.
  • Make it became a command-line program.
  • ...


Build embeddable git for `git clone` and `git pull` on Windows. || 在 Windows 上构建嵌入式的 git 以用于 `git clone` 和 `git pull` 。





