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python wrapper over ZWO astronomical cameras

What is it

camera-zwo-asi is a python wrapper of the C++ SDK as provided by ZWO. It provides a python object oriented interface for interacting with ZWO astronomical cameras. The version of SDK currently binded is 1.24. You may find the original C++ SDK binaries and documentation here.


camera-zwo-asi has been tested only with :

  • python 3.10 on Ubuntu 20.04
  • python 3.9 on raspberry pi 3 (PI OS Lite 32-bit)

but is likely to work with other recent version of python3 / ubuntu / raspberry. Compilation on other linux based platforms is less likely to be successful.


The following APT dependencies are required:

apt install -y libusb-1.0-0-dev libgl1-mesa-glx  libglib2.0-dev libopencv-dev python3-dev cmake ninja-build libusb-dev

For raspberry, also install:

apt install -y libatlas-base-dev


from PyPI

pip install camera-zwo-asi

If this does not work out, try from source (see right below).

from source

git clone
cd camera_zwo_asi
pip install .

allow your computer to reach your USB camera



and follow the instruction printed on screen.

running unit-tests

Tests requires to have a usb camera plugged in. After installation from source:

cd camera_zwo_asi
pytest ./tests/

Command line usage

The following command line tools are provided:

Information about connected camera(s)

# will print information about connected cameras

Dumping the current configuration of the camera

# will create in the current folder a file called 'zwo_asi.toml' which
# contains the current configuration of the camera

Taking pictures

# Takes a picture and display it. If there is a file 'zwo-asi.toml' in the current
# directory, configure first the camera using it.

# Same as above, but does not display the image.
zwo-asi-shot -silent

# Same as above, and also save the file to /tmp/img.bmp
# For the list of supported file formats:
zwo-asi-shot -silent --path /tmp/img.bmp

# Same as above, but ignores the 'zwo-asi.toml' file that may be in the
# current directory.
zwo-asi-shot -silent -noconfig --path /tmp/img.bmp

# Same as above, but uses the second camera (index 1).
# Will work only if at least two cameras are connected.
zwo-asi-shot -silent -noconfig --path /tmp/img.bmp --index 1

# Getting info:
zwo-asi-shot -h

Taking pictures with the configuration of your choice

# generate the file corresponding to the current camera's configuration

# edit zwo_asi.toml to your liking. 

# take a picture with your desired configuration

When setting up the configuration (by editing zwo_asi.toml), some controllable supports 'auto mode' and some are not writable. When calling zwo-asi-print, you may see which ones, by looking at the column 'auto-mode' and 'writable'. For example:

(asi sdk: 1, 24, 0, 0)
ZWO ASI294MC Pro (id: 0)
max heigth: (2822) | max width: (4144) |
colored: * | mechanical shuttger: - | st4 port: - | 
has cooler: * | is usb3 host: * | is usb3: * | 
is triggered camera: - | bayer pattern: RG
supported bins: 1 2 3 4 
supported image types: raw8 rgb24 raw16 y8 
pixel size (um): 4.63 | elec per ADU: 0.399 | bit depth: 14

|controllable               |value   |min value |max value    |auto-mode  |in auto-mode  |writable
|AutoExpMaxExpMS            |30000   |1         |60000        |           |              |*
|AutoExpMaxGain             |285     |0         |570          |           |              |*
|AutoExpTargetBrightness    |100     |50        |160          |           |              |*
|BandWidth                  |80      |40        |100          |*          |*             |*
|CoolPowerPerc              |0       |0         |100          |           |              | 
|CoolerOn                   |0       |0         |1            |           |              |*
|Exposure                   |10000   |32        |2000000000   |*          |              |*
|Flip                       |0       |0         |3            |           |              |*
|Gain                       |200     |0         |570          |*          |              |*
|HighSpeedMode              |0       |0         |1            |           |              |*
|MonoBin                    |0       |0         |1            |           |              |*
|Offset                     |8       |0         |80           |           |              |*
|TargetTemp                 |0       |-40       |30           |           |              |*
|Temperature                |0       |-500      |1000         |           |              | 
|WB_B                       |95      |1         |99           |*          |              |*
|WB_R                       |52      |1         |99           |*          |              |*

BandWidth supports auto-mode and is currently in auto-mode, Exposure supports auto-mode but is not currently in auto-mode. Temperature is not writable.

To set in zwo_asi.toml a controllable in auto mode, use the string "auto". For example, this sets BandWidth to auto-mode:

AutoExpMaxExpMS = 30000
AutoExpMaxGain = 285
AutoExpTargetBrightness = 100
BandWidth = "auto"
CoolerOn = 0
Exposure = 10000
Flip = 0
Gain = 200
HighSpeedMode = 0
MonoBin = 0
Offset = 8
TargetTemp = 0
WB_B = 95
WB_R = 52

There are also a few rules that has to be respected when setting the values of the ROI (Region Of Interest):

  • the width and height are positive, and below the max allowed values
  • the width must be a multiple of 8
  • the height must be a multiple of 2
  • binned sensor width and height must be respected (i.e. start_x + width < max_width / number bins; and start_y + height < max_height / number_bins)

For example, this respects these rules:

start_x = 0
start_y = 0
width = 4144
height = 2822
bins = 1
type = "raw8"


when the camera closes, it restores its configuration. Therefore calling zwo-asi-print after taking a picture with zwo-asi-shot may not display the configuration that was used to take the picture.

API usage

from pathlib import Path
import camera_zwo_asi

# connecting to the camera
# at index 0
camera = camera_zwo_asi.Camera(0)

# printing information in the
# terminal

# changing some controllables
# (supported arguments: the one that are
# indicated as 'writable' in the information
# printed above)

# changing the ROI (region of interest)
roi = camera.get_roi()
roi.type = camera_zwo_asi.ImageType.rgb24
roi.start_x = 20
roi.start_y = 20
roi.bins = 2
roi.width = 480
roi.height = 340

# saving this updated configuration to a file
conf_path = Path("/tmp") / "asi.toml"

# taking the picture
filepath = Path("/tmp") / "asi.bmp"
show = True
# filepath and show are optional, if you do not
# want to save the image or display it
image = camera.capture(filepath=filepath,show=show)

# getting a flat numpy array with the image data

# getting a shaped numpy array with image data

# showing the image

# saving the image (once more, for demo)

# configuring the camera using a configuration file

# taking a picture, overwriting the previous image

Other project

python-zwoasi is another python wrapper for ZWO cameras.

Author and copyright

Vincent Berenz, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Empirical Inference Department

Copyright 2022 Max Planck Gesellschaft


Python bindings to ZWO astronomical cameras SDK







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