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demolishedPlayer 1.2


At a total weight excluding your custom vertex, and fragment shader code demolishedPlayer has a minified weight of less than 500 bytes.

You are able to attach your own shader as well as provide 1-n textures, or you can use demolishedTextures to render procedual textures.

It let's provide audio in any format you prefer or use the demolished synth to generate audio /music on the GPU.

Navigate to to see an example, or an example published under the demolishedCompressor repo found here ( see read me for link)

Audio & GPU Sound

demolishedPlayer also contains a tiny function that allows you to generate audio using the GPU (mono, stereo in any samplerate) and stream it to the audio card using WebAudio. see /synth/ folder for the first version, or browse a running sample here



Just clone repo, copy files or what ever you want, it is quite simple.

How to set up at "shader" player

Just include demolishedPlayer (Player.jss), create a canvas element, add a shader and execute.


Or just have a look at the example.ts ( .js ) file in the repo.

Where canvas is the target element. w & h is the resolution passed to the shader ( uniform ), vs is the vertexShader and fs is your fragmentShader. textures is an object of containg name and data for textures to be used, see ( textures below). callback is called when player is setup and started.


Pass *textures * by providing av object such as this

    "iChannel0": {
        "d": "iChannel0.png"
      "iChannel1": {
        "d": "iChannel1.png"
    "iChannel12: {
        "d": "base64_data_can_ba_passed"

the key myst have an corrisponding sampler2D uniform such as

uniform sampler2D iChannel0

Custom uniforms

Provide uniforms to the shader rendering as follows

const uniforms = {
"foo": (k,g,p,t) => {
  // do stuff related to unifom foo 
"bar": (k,g,p,t) => {
  // do stuff


in this case the anonomys function with the signature will be called. (k,g,p,t) => { } , arguments is as follows 'k' is Uniform Location of the "key", 'g' is GL Context , 'p' is the WebGL program , 't' is the shader playback time in seconds.

Plans,todo's and thoughts..

  1. Automate shader minificaion, possible using the ctrt-alt-test stuff. (
  2. Include PNGHTML packers such as JsExe or pnginator. Will use demolishedCompressor
  3. Minify and slim (if possible) the SonantLive/Box player (Synth).. yes, its old but still rocks the JS scene , due to the fact no one uses JS for such stuff..
  4. Implement possibillity to use custom uniforms.
  5. Keep this as tiny and simple as possible, there is lots of stuff doing crazy stuff out there already so no reason try beat that.

You want to particpate in making demolishedPlayer better, just let me know. here or just shot an email.

Using the demolishedPlayer Synth



Grettings to the team,Mr Doob and the team of old golden http.// and my "local office" brought to you by "Mr Merdahad Fatahzadeh "

Thanks Merdahad for providing me an office and friendship while coding. Major greets ofcoz goes to Hanna E for all love.

Kind reagds, Magnus 'Bagzy' Thor