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This project uses python version 3.12.1, and uses features from that version. The project will not work on any python version below 3.12

A general-use discord bot coded in python using

Big shoutout to kaJob-dev (kajob. on discord) for guiding me on this project!

Big shoutout to the sponsors: DafuqDEV


# Clone the repository
git clone

# Change the directory
cd Tester69

# Create a virtual environment (optional)
python -m venv venv

# Activate the virtual environment (if you created one)
source venv/bin/activate

# Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Run the bot

Community Standards

Bug Report Template

Feature Request Template

Code Of Conduct

Contributing Guidelines


Code Security

Tester69's Official Icon, Generated By GPT-4

Tester69 Official Icon (AI Generated)

Version Changelogs


- Verification System
    * Optimized and improved the verification system

- Warning System
    * Warnings are now per server, not global

- Server Management
    * Improved the server management system (adding/removing blacklisted words and whitelisted users/roles)

- Main Commands
    * Updated the help command to list all the commands

- Economy
    * Improve the security of some commands

- Logging System
    * A logging system to log server actions


- Moderation System
    * Improved muting and unmuting
    * Use the dispatch event for certain actions

- Miscellaneous
    * Many miscellaneous commands to search random stuff, get random images, gifs, etc.

- Commands
    * Cooldowns for most commands using discord's built in cooldown system
    * Cooldowns using the new cooldown handler for longer duration commands (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly)

- Economy
    * Updated all the economy items and a command to view the descriptions of items
    * Banking system and a global leaderboard
    * Archived all gambling commands to ensure a safe future for Tester69 on discord, and blackjack being broken anyways

- Database
    * Migrated from a JSON database (if you call it a one) to PostgreSQL (asyncpg)


- Miscallaneous
    * Added a giveaway system (including ending the giveaway immediately, rerolling the giveaway, etc.)
    * Added discord's logging, everything will be logged in the specified file
    * Refactored all the files and class names to be in snake_case
    * Added a file for custom error throwing to get rid of a lot of code in cooldown handling

- Server(management)
    * Added a ticket system with a panel that guides you through the setup

- Economy
    * Added a new and unique mining system, which is fully customizeable through the JSON file

- Database
    * Added a separate database for the giveaways
    * Added a function to create a database backup

- Paginator
    * Stopped using the old paginator and created my own one
    * Paginator consists of 5 buttons, where the middle button acts as a "stop" or a "jump to page" button


V1.3 Focused On Reworking Some Systems

  • Add a Giveaway system
  • Add a ticket system
  • Create my own paginator
  • Rework the Economy system to be more fun and interactive