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Instantaneous RAPT algorithm


This is the homepage of instantaneous RAPT (IRAPT) algorithm. It is a pitch estimation technique based on the robust algorithm for pitch tracking (RAPT) framework. IRAPT provides estimation of instantaneous pitch values and is not sensitive to rapid frequency modulations. The algorithm utilizes a different period candidate generating function based on instantaneous harmonic parameters. The function is similar to normalized cross-correlation function, however it represents momentary periodicity with high frequency resolution. The second major revision of RAPT is an additional post-processing procedure that makes estimation values more accurate. A short algorithm description is given in Azarov, E., Vashkevich, M. and Petrovsky, A., "Instantaneous pitch estimation based on RAPT framework" Proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'2012), pp. 2787-2791, Bucharest, Romania, August 27-31, 2012.


A pitch estimation technique based on the robust algorithm for pitch tracking (RAPT) framework [1]. The main features of the proposed algorithm are:

  • estimation of instantaneous pitch;
  • accurate processing of rapid pitch, modulations;
  • high time/frequency resolution;
  • low (quasilinear) computational complexity.

The main ideas behind the algorithm are:

  • period candidate generation function is calculated using instantaneous harmonic parameters;
  • pitch values are recalculated in warped time domain.

Pitch estimation scheme

The pitch estimation scheme provides two pitch estimations: initial pitch estimation (denoted as "IRAPT 1") and recalculated pitch in time warped domain (denoted as "IRAPT 2").

Irapt scheme

Experimental results

The proposed technique is compared with other pitch estimation algorithms in terms of gross pitch error (GPE, %) and mean fine pitch error (MFPE, %).

Test irapt


[1] D. Talkin, "A Robust Algorithm for Pitch Tracking (RAPT)" in "Speech Coding & Synthesis", W B Kleijn, K K Paliwal eds, Elsevier ISBN 0444821694, 1995.

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