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Welcome to Very Real Engine!

Very Real Engine (VRE) is an engine created using opengl as mainframe & other several external libraries for other functionalities.

This engine currently allows the user to import meshes and textures and visualize them inside the engine and several features like primitive model generation & mesh transformation.

Libraries used:

  • Glew

  • SDL2.0

  • ImGui

  • DevIL

  • Assimp

  • Mathgeolib

  • Json

  • ImGuizmo

  • Physfs

  • Wwise

Made by:


Camera Movement:

  • W, A, S, D + left click to move the camera around, SHIFT to double movement speed.

  • F when an object is selected to move next to it.

  • Alt + left click to rotate around selected object

  • Mouse wheel to zoom in/out

  • Theres a checkbox in the inspector of the camera object to reset the camera to 0,0.

  • C to center camera at 0,0

  • Supr to delete a selected mesh from the hierarchy


  • Meshes/Textures can be imported with drag/drop from an external folder or through the assets window. (To Apply Textures make sure there's a mesh selected).


  • The user can use the inspector to modify any of the components in a certain game object (mesh,texture,camera,transform)

  • The user can create empty childrens, empty parents or delete game objects through the Hierarchy or through the "Insert" tab.

  • Reparent is available through the Hierarchy with drag & drop.

  • Transforms are available through the inspector.


  • Camera is now a component, the user is able to modify its settings.

  • Settings:

    • Camera:

      • Camera Speed
      • Wheel Speed Value
      • Zoom Value
    • Frustum:

      • FOV
      • Near Plane Size
      • Far Plane Size
  • Theres an option inside the camera component to enable/disable frustum culling which culls the meshes so they aren't drawn.

Bounding Boxes:

  • Each Mesh component has an AABB and an OBB which can be enabled/disabled in the inspector.

Custom File Format:

  • We weren't able to load properly meshes with textures/transforms, so we decided to discard them.
  • Metas are created but as we don't have custom file format working, META files are usseles.


  • With the o Key or pressing the play button the scene is saved using JSON, but as we don't have custom file format working scene files can't be used to load the scene.
  • Scenes are stored inside the Library/Scenes folder.


  • Using the Play/Pause buttons enables the game timer.

  • The next frame button goes forward one frame in the engine/ play time.

  • Game/Real timers are functional.

Resource Management:

  • We have an assets window which shows all user assets (Assets & Library files).

  • The window updates every 120 seconds or using the update button in the window.

  • If the user moves a new folder/mesh/texture inside a folder in the file explorer of the pc , the window will update and display them.

  • The user can delete any file/folder from the window and they will be also removed in the folder itself ( folders must be empty to be removed).

  • The user can rename any file/folder from the window and they will be also renamed in the folder itself.

  • Through the Assets window, the user can select a mesh/texture (selecting the button with the name of the file) and drag it to the screen. This will load the file into the scene.

  • If the dragged item is a texture, if theres a mesh selected, the texture will be applied to the mesh. If there isn't a mesh selected, a Texture Visualizer will be opened.

  • Reference Counting works for textures, textures are only loaded once and if they are used multiple times it is shown in the resources menu inside configuration.

Import Settings:

  • The user can modify the options of the import of meshes/ textures through the configuration window and will be applied to the following imports thats the user does.

  • Available Options:

    - Textures: Wrapping styles, Flip Texture 
    - Meshes: Set Scales to each axis, axis to import, ignore cameras/lights when a mesh is loaded
    - Import settings are stored in the meta file but they are not loaded properly.

Audio Subsytem

  • A loop between two songs starts when you press the play on the UpBar. The time between the change is 30 seconds. If you pause one of those songs, they will resume once It's their time to play. Anyway, if you STOP them, they won't play during the lopp anymore until you manually play It on the inspector.

  • In the inspector, there is a slider where you can change the transition time between the two songs.

  • The camera has a component listener on It.

  • In each Game Object with and audio source you can Play/Stop/Pause/Resume the audio as your convinience. You can also modify the volume of each source.

  • The penguin is our static source and the fish our dynamic source. Both have spatial audios. The dynamic source's movement can be disabled with a checkbox.

  • If an audio is spatial, more options will be displayed in the inspector.

  • Each Game object has a Spatial OBB. Also a sphere is displayed in all spatial audios. That sphere represents the size of the are where the audio will be heared. Obviously you can change the whole size of it as well as hide It.

  • If you move the listener (camera) inside the spatial sphere, the audio will play and the volume will change depending on the position and the distance of the listener from the Game Object.

  • The spatial audios have a 3D panning option implemented. With this option activated, the source will change and the user will be able to hear from the right/left ear the audio. This option can also be desactivated/activated in a checkbox on the inspector.

  • The tunnel has a Reverb Effect. It detects when the fish is passing through and changes the audio parameter to a tunnel effect. When the fish leaves the tunnel, It automatically restores.


  • Texture Visualizer when a texture is dragged without a mesh being selected.

  • Hide the entire UI with a simple checkbox

  • In each Audio Source there is an Effect Header, there you can modify the intensity of 3 types of effects: High - Pass, Low - Pass and Pitch.

Enjoy :)