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Utility for creating and loading templates

Table of Contents


AUR package

makeit is available as an AUR package. You can install it with any AUR package manager. This is example installation with yay:

yay -S makeit

Compile it your own

You can also clone this repo and compile it yourself. But that shouldn't be a problem, since only thing you need is cargo:

cargo build -r

After it's done compiling, you can start it in ./target/release/makeit


Loading templates

You can load already existing template. If you don't specify -d, template will be loaded to current directory by default:

./makeit <template name> [-d load/template/to]

Creating template

To create template you have to do this (note that if -d isn't specified, template is create from current directory):

./makeit <template name> -c [-d create/template/from]

Other usage

To see full usage and other options, visit makeit help or man-page:

./makeit -h

Detailed description

Custom expression language

For parametrization of the templates I created custom expression language. Expressions are enclosed in {{ and }}.


  • Can be defined in makeit.json file of the template or supplied using command-line arguments
  • Name has to start with alphabetic character or underscore and is followed by any alphanumeric character or underscore
Internal variables
  • _PNAME: project name based on project directory
  • _PDIR: project directory
  • _OS: operatins system


  • Enclosed in double quotes (")
  • They support escape sequences:
    • \n: newline
    • \r: carriage return
    • \t: tabulator
    • \\: backslash
    • \": double quotes
    • Other sequences are expanded to character following backslash


Operator +
  • Variables and literals concatenation
  • Combines them to single literal
  • Syntax:
    • EXPR1 + EXPR2
Operator ==
  • Compares two values for equality (true when equals, else false)
  • Syntax:
    • EXPR1 == EXPR2
Operator ??
  • The null coalescing operator - provides default value for an expression, which evaluates to null
  • Syntax:
    • EXPR1 ?? EXPR2: returns value of EXPR1 of not null else value of EXPR2


I used these libraries, which were really helpful:

  • dirs
    • Accessing config folder
  • serde
    • Saving and loading to JSON
  • termint
    • Colored printing
